The qualitative research methodology that I will use for my thesis paper will assist me in
providing a credible source for my thesis paper. Because qualitative methods seek to describe,
explore, and understand phenomena from the perspective of the individual or group, I will collect
data in their natural setting by attending these large charismatic churches in South Africa. In
reality, it will be co-created by the research participants, who will be members of these
charismatic churches, and myself, the researcher.
It is more important to collect data in-depth than to recruit large samples. I am aware that the
individual interview method is the most commonly used method of data collection in qualitative
research, and that field notes, other research papers, talks, and video recordings can be used to
collect a variety of data. My challenge in using the qualitative data research method will be to
present a coherent representation of the data that, hopefully, will not be cluttered. The process of
data analysis is to assemble or reconstruct the data in a meaningful or understandable manner, in
a transparent, rigorous, and thorough manner, while remaining true to the participants' accounts
and remaining unbiased with my feelings towards these types of churches and the pastors who
run them.
My research aims to investigate why people in most third-world countries look to the church to
help them out of financial difficulties but instead end up regressing further into poverty by giving
financially to these churches. I will attempt to make a correlation by reviewing research papers,
news articles, talks, and video recordings on the subject. I will look at how these churches
compete for the attention of churchgoers by preaching prosperity. I also examine why rich
countries are not as religious and draw parallels to this phenomenon.