The economy, environment, and iPhones: Gen Z’s biggest stressors

gen z biggest stressors

Key takeaways:

  • 89% of Gen Zers feel stressed about global issues, with war (27%) and the economy (23%) being their top concerns, surpassing climate change (19%).
  • With so much happening in the world, 52% admit they feel ashamed for stressing over personal problems.
  • Given the pressure to keep up socially, technology is another major cause of Gen Z anxiety, with 44% admitting they feel stressed if they don’t have the latest gadgets and devices.
  • To cope with stress, 60% of Gen Zers turn to friends and family, while 36% binge-watch their favorite series.

Gen Z strives for idealism: a society where we all care for the planet and our peers, no matter their gender, race, or sexual orientation. Unfortunately, we’re a long way from utopia. The environment is in a sorry state, the economy is on the brink of collapse, and politics threatens to divide us. All the while, we continue to deal with the devastating consequences—economic and emotional—of the pandemic.

And those are just the global issues. Social appearance is so important while you’re young, but how can young people today buy the latest tech when rent prices won’t stop increasing and student debt is weighing them down?

EduBirdie surveyed 2,000 Gen Zers on the issues causing them the most stress. Juggling global issues with the need to keep up socially, it’s no wonder Gen Z is so stressed out.

Generational stress: Why does Gen Z have so much anxiety?

89% of gen z feel stressed about global issues

Gen Z are known for their caring side, despite having grown up in a world plagued by problems. Some 89% of them admit to feeling stressed over global issues such as climate change, the threat of war, and future pandemics.

1 in 5 gen z fear for economy and 27% worry about war

Gen Zers have been calling for environmental improvement for years, but climate change is only the top worry for 19% of them. There are far more pressing problems to deal with.

The greatest cause of Gen Z’s anguish? War. With experts claiming we’re closer to a world war now than ever since the last one ended, this is 27% of young people’s greatest fear. Likewise, with the job market worsening, house prices creeping up, and wages barely covering the basics, 23% admit they worry most about the economy.

1 in 7 gen z avoid checking the news

After the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the cost of living crisis, Gen Z is suffering from negative media overload. With the psychological effects of bad news well documented, for the 13% of Gen Zers, ignorance is bliss. To combat the negative effects of watching the news, they actively avoid checking what’s happening in the world.

52% of gen z feel ashamed for worrying about personal problems amid major global issues

As well as the issues plaguing society, we all have personal problems to worry about—Will I pass my exams? Can I cover my bills this month? Will I be forever alone? For many, personal stressors are another source of stress entirely, with 52% of Gen Zers admitting they feel ashamed for worrying about personal problems when there are major problems in wider society.

Mislabeled: Does the media misrepresent Gen Z?

81% of gen z feel their generation is portrayed negatively in media

Stereotyped as entitled, addicted to social media, and too quick to cancel those who do wrong… Some 81% of Gen Zers believe they are unfairly portrayed within the media and online, with 24% admitting the criticism their generation faces harms their well-being.

69% of gen z are confident their generation will solve the world biggest issues

However, this driven generation won’t let a little criticism get them down—69% of young people are somewhat or very confident that Gen Z will solve many of the planet’s current struggles.

Tech stress: How is technology affecting the younger generation?

23% of gen z are excited about release of iphone 16

With an evermore powerful camera for capturing those social-worthy moments and improved battery performance for lengthy TikTok scrolling sessions, Apple has built the iPhone 16 to cater to Gen Z—and 23% admit they’re excited about the latest release.

51% of gen z feel new iphone models are unaffordable for young people

But new technology typically has a premium price tag, with the latest iPhone set to cost at least $800. With the cost of living still a struggle, especially for those starting their careers, 51% of Gen Zers admit new tech is simply unaffordable.

44% of gen z feel stressed if they dont keep up with latest tech

There’s plenty of talk about the impact of technology on Generation Z, but what about the effects of not having it? For Gen Z, anxiety and technology go hand in hand, with 44% admitting they feel stressed if they don’t keep up with the latest gadgets and devices.

33% of gen z feel like a loser if they dont have the latest iphone

What causes technology stress? Societal pressure mostly. With appearance important to the young mind, 30% of Gen Z admit they feel uncool if they don’t own the latest iPhone—so add that to the long list of technology’s negative effects on mental health.

Zen Z: How does Gen Z deal with the effects of stress?

36% of gen z shop to cope with stress

It’s always questioned “Why is today’s generation so depressed?”, but the answer is obvious: there’s so much going on in the world for young people to worry about. Add to that the pressure to keep up socially—made worse by social media’s constant reminders of what we don’t have—and it’s no wonder that for Gen Z, stress levels are off the scale.

What can stress do to your body? The physical effects of stress include muscle tension and digestive problems while also taking a mental toll through lack of sleep and hormonal shifts.

Thankfully, Gen Z has largely learned to cope. Some 60% turn to their friends and family to talk through their problems, while 36% turn to Netflix and Hulu for support. For 36%, when they start to feel the mental effects of stress, a little retail therapy helps ease their anxiety.

So, Gen Zers, when the world starts to take a toll on your health and well-being, there’s no shame in stepping back, logging out, and focusing on the things you can control.

Methodology: To create this study, researchers from EduBirdie surveyed 2,000 people in the Generation Z demographic. Participants were invited to share their experiences at random with no focus on particular genders, ethnicities, or social backgrounds.

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