Cloud Computing Study

As organizations continue to realize benefits from cloud computing, there is no question that cloud tools and solutions are here to stay. IDG’s 2020 Cloud Computing research measures cloud computing trends among technology decision-makers (ITDMs) including their current and future plans when it comes to migrating applications/workloads to the cloud, investments, and business drivers. The results this year show that 81% of organizations have at least one application or a portion of their computing infrastructure in the cloud, which is up from 73% in 2018. See below for some key findings and sample slides on the research. As cloud computing continues to gain traction, organizations are increasingly recognizing its benefits and are adopting cloud tools and solutions as integral parts of their IT strategies. The IDG's Cloud Computing research reveals key trends among IT decision-makers (ITDMs) and their approach to cloud migration, investments, and challenges.

Key Findings:

  1. Cloud Adoption is Rising:

    • 81% of organizations have at least one application or a portion of their computing infrastructure in the cloud, an increase from 73% in 2018.
    • 92% of organizations have some presence in the cloud, with only 8% maintaining a fully on-premises IT environment.
  2. Investment in Cloud Computing:

    • Nearly one-third (32%) of the total IT budget will be allocated to cloud computing within the next year.
  3. Cloud-First Applications:

    • 46% of cloud-based applications are purpose-built for the cloud.
    • 54% of cloud-based applications were originally on-premises and later migrated to the cloud.
  4. Multi-Cloud Strategies:

    • 55% of organizations use multiple public clouds.
    • 21% use three or more public cloud platforms.
  5. Challenges in Cloud Computing:

    • Cost Control: Managing and controlling cloud costs is a significant challenge.
    • Security Concerns: Data privacy and security issues remain prevalent.


Cloud computing is solidifying its place in modern IT infrastructure, with increasing investments, adoption of cloud-first applications, and a shift towards multi-cloud strategies. However, ITDMs face challenges such as cost management and data privacy/security that require strategic solutions to fully harness the potential of cloud computing.

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