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EduBirdie brings you an instrument used by millions of people all around the world. Are you a student or maybe your job is connected with texts? We can offer you a new and reliable font case converter, which should be included in the list of your accustomed tools.
Tired of manually changing text case? Our case converter allows you to switch between upper, lower, sentence, or title case in seconds. For students managing multiple assignments, using professional essay writers from our service can ensure consistency and quality in their papers.
For using this text converter, you don’t need to have any special knowledge or skills. Simply copy and paste your text block for transformation into an empty window. To change it, you can choose one of four simple options located directly under the window.
Before you start your work, there is a standard phrase «Type or Paste Your Text Here…» and you may use it to check all available functions of our text case converter tool without even copying anything else. Give it a try!
So here are the functions that can change case:
When you finish the work, just create a doc and insert the text there. You may work with any amount of text you need without any bounds. Besides, you can adjust the size of the working area by clicking on the lower right corner of the window and pulling it in any direction until the size is comfortable for you. Don't forget to share it with your friends and colleges and put this great instrument into your bookmarks list so you can use it at any time.
No matter what type of essay you need, we’ll get it written,
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