Free online word counter
check the length of your essay.







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Why You Should Use EduBirdie’s Essay Word Counter?

The design team at EduBirdie has created a word counter tool that you can use to improve the quality of a paper. Our team created this tool because we know how important it is for you to stay within the page limits established by a professor. Keeping track of word count is vital for essays and assignments. Our word counter tool ensures your text meets the required length. If you're short on time, you can hire essay writer to craft a well-structured paper. Read this quick description to find out how our character count calculator helps.

A Brief Overview of How Word Counter For Essays Works

Our online word count calculator counts the written words in an essay so that you can avoid going over a professor’s character and word count limit and avoid using redundant text and language. Here is a small guide on how to use it: 

  • Copy and paste a text into the field provided on the web page.
  • Allow the online word counter program to analyze your text and retrieve results. It takes less than a second.
  • To the right of the field, there is a section that tells how many characters and words there are in a paper.
  • Click ‘clear all’ at the bottom of the field to delete the copy-pasted text when you are done.

Why Our Word Count Tool is the Best

First of all, it’s free, as well as other essay writing tools by free paraphrasing tool, plagiarism checker, case converter tool and many others. When submitting an essay to be checked, you do not pay a dime. Use it as many times as you want without worrying about how much it costs, it is free. Moreover, our character count and word count for essay check tool always works; you will never be left in the lurch. Never worry again about glitches or bugs preventing you from getting your work done. In case  any help is needed, 24/7 Customer Support will immediately give an answer. That's mean that If there are any questions about how to use our online device, contact our customer service specialists. They are always available to assist you!



How Character Count Can Help

Don`t worry about the limits of text, we keep you within a page limit through all the process. Most, if not all, professors give their students a page limit. Going over a professor’s page or word limit will result in a lower grade than you would normally get. Thankfully, our word counter tool tells how many words, pages, and characters are in an essay so that you can avoid upsetting your professor.

We will help you avoid redundant phrases to make a paper perfect match to requirements. No one likes a long-winded essay that says the same thing over and over again. That is another reason why we have created this word counter software, because staying within a character limit helps keep an assignment short and to the point. By eliminating superfluous language, and keeping your paper short and to the point, you will make it easier for the reader to understand and appreciate your ideas. Sometimes less is more and more is less.

Also, Edubirdie character counter has Auto-Save function. Now you won`t get distracted too to save your footage. This keeps you much more concentrated and saves time and text, so you`ll never lose any bit of your work.

The Benefits of Using our Online Word Counter Tool

  • Fast Results: When submitting an assignment to be checked, you get the number of words or characters in as little as a few seconds.
  • Easy way to count how many characters are there in your assignment.
  • Access to Extra Services: If you need more help, find affordable editing, proofreading, and conclusion maker services here on EduBirdie. Contact our customer service agents to find out more!
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