Words To Minutes Converter by Edubirdie
Check your time for free

This website allows you to translate the number of words in a given document into the approximate amount of time required to deliver it as a speech. It is available for free online at any time, and is a highly valuable instrument to utilize when preparing a speech or a presentation. The length of your speech in terms of quantity of time relates directly to the quantity of words present in your speech, as well as the speed in which the individual speaks or reads.
Note: This words to minutes calculator works based on approximations.

Step 1. Choose Your Score of Reading

Step 2. Input number of Words or Time

minutes seconds
0 words

Or Paste Your Text Here

Words: 0
Time: 0 sec
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Trim your speech with words to minutes converter by edubirdie


Public speaking is not about how confident you are. And it is not about how strong your text is. It's a presentation that matters. The ability to polish your talk to wow audience is the key to a successful presentation. Being able to hold the people on the edge of the seats listening to you is not an easy thing to achieve. The golden rule here is a to have a balance, converting words to minutes.

What benefits does Words to Minutes Converter offer?

How long is my speech? Have you ever asked yourself this question while preparing for a presentation? Professional speech writers know the right answer so you will know it too. The length of the presentation and the time you need for it, influence the results you get. If you have a 3 min speech, but a 2 min introduction, you'll definitely fail. The problem is that most speakers can't imagine the time needed for a talk, considering the speed, which they are going to talk.

That's why Edubirdie presents a brand new feature for those who want to transform their public speaking experience from the worst nightmare to a well-deserved success and receive a complete speech.

Our free converting tool counts phrases and trims your article to perfectly fit it into your time limit. Speech time calculator determines the ideal amount of material, recommending you to add or remove a number of sentences according to your average speaking rate, phrases, and minutes automatically. So, less than in 60 seconds you can find out what is your recommended words per minute speech count.

Now, you don't have to sit in front of a computer all day long, deleting and adding sentences one by one, trying to find out perfect words to speech formula. Edubirdie words per minute calculator will do it for you.

Please, do not spend your precious hours polishing the length of your article. Leave it for our speech time calculator and get a cup of coffee instead. Calm down and relax! The last thing you need to do is calculating your words to minutes proportion. Now, you have a speech writing helper. Try our essay time calculator and focus on quality instead of quantity, making your presentation interesting and memorable.

And remember, no matter whether you're a student or a business owner the quality of your presentation mainly depends on how smartly you deliver information to the audience.

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