Clean Website References in Turabian – Free Citation Generator

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Tips to use the citation generator

Choose the citation style

Follow your professor's guidelines or consult your university's website.

Doublecheck the source

Ensure correct rules for different sources like websites, articles, books. Edit or manually create citations if required.

Check the citation fields

Verify the automatically filled fields with your source. Make edits as needed.

Generate your citation

Confirm style, source, and fields, then generate your citation. Don't forget to create and download your paper's reference list.

What is Turabian Style and Why Apply It For Your Website Citation Needs?

If you have already mastered the Chicago style format, then you basically know Turabian because it is almost identical to Chicago’s 7th edition. The only major point that must be remembered is that there are some simplifications in terms of publishing requirements and the numbering for notes. A reason why it happens is that Turabian papers are not meant for publication. In detail, when Chicago implements numbers in parenthesis like (1. Psychological Image of a Woman), Turabian will turn to application of relevant superscripts as a way to mark the in-text citing with the following footnote. In practice, it will look like (1 Psychological Image of a Woman).

Turabian also uses “Author-date” or “Notes-Bibliography” patterns depending on what your college professor asks you to do. If you major in Humanities, it is recommended to use Notes-Bibliography. Now if you focus on scientific research, it is safer to use the Author-Date template.

Now Turabian website citation (just like Chicago) does not recommend using References page entries for web sources, which is why some types of web references appear only in the Notes part. However, when you have to cite periodicals found online or the news stories, it is required to mention them in References just the same way as it would be done with a magazine.

General Rules for Website Citation in Turabian

If you are already familiar with how to cite a web page in Chicago (or any style with the footnotes), then you already know how to cite a website Turabian style.

The only rule that you have to apply is the reversion of the first author’s name with the use of a comma after the author’s last name.

Another rule that must be met is the omission of titles and or any official additions like being a doctor, a professor, or any other affiliations. Unlike Chicago or Harvard formatting, it is only allowed to use Jr. or Sr. prefixes when it is necessary like with Martin Luther King Jr., as an example.

Now if you use some web pages that do not have a clear post or when you talk about the main website, it is recommended to use various descriptive phrases that will help to explain your source and its importance. The Bibliography page will have to include the descriptive phrase in quotation marks at the beginning.

The last important rule is when citing a web page article that has also appeared in print, it is necessary to place your web site’s name in italics as it can be with USA Today or any other newspaper.

What Information Do You Need to Cite a Web Page in Turabian

When citing a website in Turabian, you will require the following information:

  • Author’s Last Name, and First Name.
  • Title of Your Web Page.
  • The Date When Your Page Has Been Modified.
  • Access Date.
  • URL or DOI information.

The Various Website Sources You May Require to Cite in Turabian

Basic Website

The Footnote & Endnote Citing Template: 

1 First Name. Last Name (if you can find it), “Title of Your Page,” last date of modification, accessed date, URL.

The shortened reference:

Last Name, “Title.”

In terms of Bibliography entry, we get this: 

Author Last Name, First Name. “Web Page’s Title.” Last modified date (when available). Accessed Date. URL source.

What we have in practice is:

Footnote & Endnote: 

2 Sunday Times Driving, “The UK’s Top 10 Bestselling Cars of 2019,” accessed August 30, 2020,

Shorter citation:

Sunday Times Driving, “The UK’s Top 10 Bestselling Cars of 2019”.
Bibliography: Sunday Times Driving. “The UK’s Top 10 Bestselling Cars of 2019.” Accessed August 30, 2020.

Specific URL

Turabian website footnote: 

1 “deCode Research,” deCode Genetics Science, accessed June 12, 2004.


“deCode Research.” deCode Genetics Science. Accessed June 12, 2004.

Blog Post & Comments

1 Landr, “Psychoacoustics: How Your Brain Affects Your Mix,” Landr Blog, June 25, 2020, accessed August 30, 2020,

Short version:

Landr, “Psychoacoustics.”

Bibliography remains this way: 

Landr. “Psychoacoustics: How Your Brain Affects Your Mix.” Landr Blog, June 25, 2020. Accessed August 30, 2020.

Social Media Website

The Turabian citation for website manual recommends including social media only as a note if it is crucial and must be included in your research. See this set of rules:

  • Include both screen name and real name if available.
  • If you have no title, use a description of up to 160 characters exactly as it is written (mistakes and style).
  • Add the post type with a date.
  • Include URL.
3 Elon Musk (@elonmusk), “Olde skoole analog synthesizer from ancient Britain,” Twitter, Aug 27, 2020, 6:39 a.m.,

Electronic Communication

It should follow this template: 

First name of Interviewee Last Name, interview by Name, Location, Date.

For example, a real-life electronic communication of different types:

1 John Fields, interview by Alice Jones, Los Angeles, August 20, 2015.
2 Sam Coates, e-mail message to Andrew Gareth, July 12, 2020.

As a rule, such kind of referencing is not mentioned in the Turabian References page.

Web Page With an Author

When you are citing a website in Turabian and it has no author, it is necessary to include the title of the web page or a site section that you are referring to. See this example:


2 “Safety Moments,” Boy Scouts of America, accessed August 30, 2020,

References page:

Boy Scouts of America. “Safety Moments.” Accessed August 30, 2020,

Web Page of Organization

Footnote Reference: 

1 World Intellectual Property Organization, “Alternative Dispute Resolution,” IP Services, last modified August 2019,


World Intellectual Property Organization. “Alternative Dispute Resolution,” IP Services, last modified August 2019,

The Reasons Why Automatic Citation Process Works

There is nothing worse than getting a lower mark because of an accidental mistake in your Turabian citation. You may miss the domain URL that makes the link wrong or put an extra comma somewhere in the citation and a strict professor will put B instead of an A grade or even say that you are not attentive. Such situations can be stressful because most of the mistakes that we make are unintentional and do not speak of our knowledge or a lack of it!

Thankfully, there is our Turabian website citation generator that cites even the most complex web sources and social media, books, and magazines automatically at zero cost. You do not have to register or wait through any banners to start. Just select your citation type, enter the web page address or DOI number, and let our generator do the work for you. It is as simple as that! No more need to spend time waiting and worry about missing something in your bibliographies. Keep your academic life safe and the spirits high!


Can your Turabian citation generator handle print books as well?

Yes, it is possible. Just enter the title or ISBN number and it will pick up the required information by providing you with both notes and the References citations already formatted.

What is the reverse rule when naming the authors in Turabian?

For your Footnote citing, you have the First Name coming first with no comma and then the Last Name with the comma. In the References page, the Last Name comes first with a comma, and only then you type the First Name with a full stop after.

Should I use page numbers for my in-text citations?

As a rule, you should do so when you quote or paraphrase any text. If no page number is available, use the prefix “para.”, which stands for a paragraph in the original text.

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