Discover Amherst College’s expansive study materials, tailored to enhance both learning and teaching. Gain access to detailed lecture notes, study guides, and assignments, all structured to make studying more efficient and exam prep easier. Whether you’re a student aiming to master challenging topics or an educator refining your curriculum, Amherst College’s study resource hub is the key to success. Explore these resources today and elevate your academic performance!
BIOL 181 | Adaptation and the Organism
CHEM 221 | Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 330 | Biochemical Principles of Life at the Molecular Level
CLAS 136 | History of Rome
ECON 407 | Advanced Behavioral Economics
GEOL 111 | Planet Earth: Introduction to Geology
MATH 121 | Intermediate Calculus
MUSI 120 | Popular Music, from Records to Apps
PHYS 109 | Energy
PHYS 116 | Introductory Physics I: Mechanics
RELI 316 | Philosophy of Religion
SPAN 105 | Spanish for Bilingual Students
STAT 111 | Introduction to Statistics
CHEM 330 | Biochemical Principles of Life at the Molecular Level
COSC 225 | Algorithms and Visualization
ECON 210 | Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
HIST 116 | The Global Medieval World
PHIL 309 | Of Theories and Theorems: Philosophical Questions about Science and Mathematics
PSYC 233 | Cognitive Psychology
BIOL 220 | Developmental Biology
BIOL 303 | Molecular Neurobiology: CURE
BIOL 400 | Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
CHEM 165 | Foundations of Thermodynamics and Kinetics
COSC 311 | Algorithms
MATH 105 | Calculus with Algebra
MATH 111 | Introduction to the Calculus
MATH 211 | Multivariable Calculus
PHYS 117 | Introductory Physics II: Electromagnetism and Optics
COSC 111 | Introduction to Computer Science I
ECON 250 | Money, Banking, and Economic Activity
MATH 220 | Mathematical Reasoning and Proof
MATH 260 | Differential Equations
MATH 271 | Linear Algebra
MATH 365 | Stochastic Processes
PHIL 218 | Early Modern Philosophy
PHYS 125 | Oscillations and Waves
BIOL 330 | Biochemical Principles of Life at the Molecular Level
CHEM 151 | Introductory Chemistry
CLAS 111 | Introduction to the Greek Language
CLAS 123 | Greek Civilization
ECON 212 | Public Economics: Environment, Health, and Inequality
FREN 103 | Intermediate French
GEOL 291 | Structural Geology
MATH 272 | Linear Algebra with Applications
RELI 152 | Introduction to Buddhist Traditions
STAT 360 | Probability
STAT 384 | IThe Replicated Image in Japanese Art: Woodblock Prints, Postcards, and Photograph
BIOL 104 | Food, Fiber, and Pharmaceuticals
BIOL 191 | Molecules, Genes and Cells
ECON 301 | Advanced Microeconomics
ECON 450 | Monetary Theory and Policy
HIST 175 | Japan from Shamans to Samurai
SPAN 301 | Literature and Culture of the Hispanic World
ARCA 135 | Renaissance to Revolution: Early Modern European Art and Architecture
COSC 112 | Introduction to Computer Science II
ECON 414 | Urban Economics
MATH 106 | Calculus with Elementary Functions
SPAN 101 | Fundamentals of Spanish Language and Culture I
AMST 101 | Afro-Latinos
BIOL 281 | Animal Behavior with Lab
CHEM 231 | Organic Chemistry II
ENST 250 | US Environmental Policy
HIST 128 | Medieval Europe (1000-1500)
MATH 272 | Linear Algebra
STAT 135 | Introduction to Statistics via Modeling
GEOL 253 | Principles of Geospatial Inquiry
PHYS 400 | Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
RUSS 201 | Second-Year Russian I
BIOL 181 | Adaptation and the Organism
BIOL 292 | Cell Structure and Function
ECON 300 | Microeconomics
STAT 111 | IIntroduction to Statistics
CHEM 161 | Chemical Principles
MATH 360 | Probability
SOCI 315 | Foundations of Sociological Theory
ENGL 369 | Cinematic Worlds
MATH 315 | Computational Algebraic Geometry
STAT 225 | Nonparametric Statistics
BIOL 303 | Molecular Neurobiology: CURE
GEOL 271 | Mineralogy
MUSI 103 | Music and Totalitarianism
ECON 262 | Development Economics
STAT 136 | Exploring Mental Health Inequities via Statistics: Happy Intro Stats
STAT 230 | Intermediate Statistics
ECON 360 | Econometrics
MATH 140 | Mathematical Modeling
MATH 284 | Numerical Analysis
PHYS 108 | Science and Music
PHYS 230 | Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
PHYS 348 | Quantum Mechanics I
CLAS 111 | The Bodies of Tragedy
MUSI 221 | Exploring Music
PSYC 221 | Personality Psychology
PSYC 228 | Clinical Psychology
BIOL 220 | Developmental Biologyl
BIOL 321 | Evolutionary Biology with Lab
ENST 100 | Environmental Science with laboratory
MATH 225 | Fractal Geometry
MATH 310 | Introduction to the Theory of Partitions
BIOL 350 | Neurophysiology
ECON 330 | Macroeconomics
MATH 255 | Geometry
MUSI 222 | Music and Culture II
LATI 215 | Latin Literature: Catullus and the Lyric Spirit
GEOL 105 | Introduction to Oceanography
ARHA 147 | Arts of China
COSC 321 | Computer Graphics
CHEM 351 | Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
ECON 479 | Institutions and Governance
BIOL 330 | Biochemical Principles of Life at the Molecular Level
ARCA 121 | In Black and White: Race and Photography
STAT 370 | Nonparametric Statistics
BIOL 264 | Form and Function
AMST 205 | Whose Game: Sports in American Society
PSYC 363 | Psychology and the Law
PSYC 213 | Neuroscience: Systems and Behavior
MATH 345 | Functions of a Complex Variable
PSYC 211 | Cognitive Neuroscience
MATH 325 | Calculus of Variations
ECON 419 | Education and Inequality in the United States
SWAG 101 | Intro to Queer/Trans Studies
PHYS 347 | Electromagnetic Theory I
POSC 160 | Sexualities in International Relations
COSC 211 | Data Structures
MATH 2225 | Fractal Geometry
LJST 143 | Law's History
STAT 370 | Theoretical Statistics
COSC 163 | Introduction to Computer Architecture
MUSI 428 | Seminar in Popular Music and Identity
POSC 223 | The Politics of Race in American Society
ARHA 146 | Art From the Realm of Dreams
HIST 216 | Frida and Diego
PHYS 124 | The Maxwellian Synthesis: Dynamics of Charges and Fields
BIOL 104 | Food, Fiber, and Pharmaceuticals
MATH 350 | Groups, Rings, and Fields
BIOL 270 | Microbiology
LJST 230 | Law, Speech, and the Politics of Freedom
GEOL 431 | Geochemistry
MUSI 104 | Writing Through Popular Music
AMST 217 | Religion, Democracy, and American Culture
SJCI 112 | Self and Society: An Introduction to Sociology
RELI 115 | The Cognitive Science of Religion
GEOL 341 | Geophysics
FYS 104 | Books on the Brain
PHYS 343 | Dynamics
ANTH 339 | The Anthropology of Food
MUSI 104 | Writing Through Popular Music
MATH 250 | Number Theory
ASTR 110 | Observing the Sky
SOCI 112 | Self and Society: An Introduction to Sociology
MATH 111 | Planet Earth: Introduction to Geology
CLAS 121 | Greek Mythology and Religion
ARCA 145 | The Modern World
STAT 231 | Data Science
COSC 171 | Computer Systems
POSC 124 | Introduction to Political Theory
RELI 367 | Reading the Rabbis
PHYS 113 | Spacetime, Particles, and the Universe
PHYS 117 | Introductory Physics II: Electromagnetism and Optic1
CLAS 316 | Latin Literature in the Augustan Age
GEOL 401 | Plate Tectonics and Continental Dynamics
COSC 257 | Databases
MUSI 223 | The Musical Symptoms of Modernism
BIOL 241 | Genetic Analysis with Lab
PHIL 111 | Philosophical Questions
HIST 261 | History of Central America
ARCA 383 | The Tea Ceremony and Japanese Culture
MATH 355 | Introduction to Analysis
BIOL 220 | Molecules, Genes and Cells
ENST 110 | Environmental Science with laboratory
ARCA 148 | Arts of Japan
MUSI 128 | The Blues Muse: African American Music in American Culture
MUSI 211 | Exploring Music
ENGL 111 | Introduction to Academic Writing: The Right to Read and Write
BIOL 261 | Animal Physiology with Lab
CHEM 371 | Inorganic Chemistry
POSC 219 | Introduction to American Politics
MATH 280 | Graph Theory
ECON 205 | Pluralist Economics
ECON 220 | Public Choice
LJST 105 | Race, Place, and the Law
MATH 378 | Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
MATH 450 | Measure Theory and Integration
CLAS 132 | Greek History
CLAS 316 | Latin Literature in the Augustan Age
CLAS 136 | Intermediate Latin: Introduction to Literature
MATH 320 | Wavelet and Fourier Analysis
MUSI 123 | Sacred Sound
MUSI 232 | Listening, Hearing, and the Human
CLAS 111 | An Introduction to Latin Language and Literature
ENGL 128 | Introduction to Academic Writing: The Right to Read and Write
RELI 316 | Philosophy of Religion
RELI 367 | Reading the Rabbis