Welcome to the University of Michigan study hub! Here, you'll uncover a treasure trove of study resources tailored to your academic journey. From in-depth lecture notes to comprehensive study guides, we've got you covered. Need a quick solution to ace your exams? Our answer keys provide the key to success. Dive into real-world cases to apply your newfound knowledge in practical scenarios. Whether you're tackling assignments or exploring new courses, our study notes are your one-stop destination for academic excellence.
ECON 613 | Advanced Topic in Mathematics for Economists
BE 530 | Econ Analysis: Firm & Consumer
ECON 613 | Advanced Topic in Mathematics for Economists
STATS 125 | Statistics, Games and Coincidences
EECS 203 | Discrete Mathematics
ENGLISH 240 | Introduction to Reading Poetry
ASIAN 274 | Introduction to Korean Civilization
ASTRO 105 | The Cosmos Through the Constellations
GERMAN 101 | Elementary Course
HISTORY 200 | Ancient Greece
MATH 217 | Linear Algebra
MATH 490 | Introduction to Topology
MATH 556 | Applied Functional Analysis
ANTHRARC 384 | Ancient Mesopotamia: History and Culture
BIOLOGY 105 | Biology of Nutrition
BIOLOGY 112 | The Evolutionary Influence of Humans
BIOLOGY 173 | Introductory Biology Laboratory
CHEM 242 | Introduction to Chemical Analysis Laboratory
SOC 354 | Law and Society
ENGLISH 293 | Great Works
GTBOOKS 201 | Great Books of the Ancient World
HISTORY 200 | Ancient Greece
HISTORY 201| Rome
HISTORY 293 | Ancient Egypt and its World
HISTORY 293 | MIDEAST 243. Ancient Egypt and its World
HISTORY 384 | Antisemitism and Philosemitism: Jews in Myth and Thought
HISTORY 399 | Topics in History
MATH 105 | Data, Functions, and Graphs
MATH 110 | Pre-Calculus (Self-Study)
MATH 115 | Calculus I
MATH 156 | Applied Honors Calculus II
MATH 156. Applied Honors Calculus II
MATH 215 | Multivariable and Vector Calculus
MATH 286 | Honors Differential Equations
MATH 295 | Honors Mathematics I
MATH 316 | Differential Equations
MICRBIOL 440 | Human Immunology
PHYSICS 115 | Principles of Physics
PHYSICS 241 | Elementary Laboratory II
PHYSICS 401 | Intermediate Mechanics
PSYCH 111 | Introduction to Psychology
STATS 250 | Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
WRITING 100 | The Practice of Writing
ASIAN 338 | Humanities Topics in South Asian Studies
STATS 500 | DATASCI 500. Statistical Learning I: Regression
MATH 565 | Combinatorics and Graph Theory
BIOLOGY 288 | Animal Diversity
ECON 491 | The History of the American Economy
MATH 116 | Calculus II
PHYSICS 402 | Optics
MATH 481 | Introduction to Mathematical Logic
CHEM 241 | Introduction to Chemical Analysis
BIOLOGY 107 | Evolution of Life
MICRBIOL 409 | Investigational and Experimental Bacteriology
PHYSICS 442 | Advanced Laboratory II
MUSEUMS 394 | Special Topics Lecture
ENGLISH 203 | Introduction to Language and Rhetoric
ECON 340 | International Economics
MATH 592 | Introduction to Algebraic Topology
HISTORY 261 | United States, 1865 to the Present
ASTRO 389 | Individual Studies in Astronomy
HISTORY 255 | Modern India and South Asia
CHEM 125 | General Chemistry Laboratory I
POLSCI 140 | Introduction to Comparative Politics
MATH 538 | Lie Algebras
PHYSICS 241 | Elementary Laboratory II
ENGLISH 473 | Topics in American Literature
MATH 351 | Principles of Analysis
STATS 605 | Advanced Topics in Modeling and Data Analysis
CHEM 210 | Structure and Reactivity I
STATS 621 | Probability Theory
ENGLISH 630 | Special Topics
PSYCH 751 | Cognitive Development
STATS 406 | Computational Methods in Statistics and Data Science
MATH 679 | Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves
MATH 451 | Advanced Calculus I
MATH 216 | Introduction to Differential Equations
MATH 738 | Topics in Representation Theory
BIOLOGY 102 | Practical Botany
PHYSICS 261 | Honors Electricity and Magnetism Lab
ENGLISH 267 | Shakespeare and His World
POLSCI 320 | The American Presidency
HISTORY 235 | History of Law and Social Justice
EDUC 709 | Motivation in the Classroom
MATH 425 | Introduction to Probability
HISTORY 201 | Rome
MATH 695 | Algebraic Topology I
PSYCH 280 | Introduction to Social Psychology
HISTORY 449 | Topics in Middle Eastern History
MATH 471 | Introduction to Numerical Methods
MATH 417 | Matrix Algebra I
MATH 419 | Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory
MATH 558 | Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
PHYSICS 250 | Fundamental Physics for the Life Sciences II
MATH 465 | Introduction to Combinatorics
STATS 306 | Introduction to Statistical Computing
STATS 413 | Applied Regression Analysis
University of Michigan
AAS 275 | Black Women in Popular Culture
ASTRO 127 | Naked Eye Astronomy