Entamoeba histolytica Giardia lamblia Trophozotte form Amiebic or D-shape Pear shape One nucleus 2 Nuclei No flagella 4 pairs of flagella No suction disk Suction disk is present Cause invasion of Not invasive cause colonic epithelium duodenitis and malabsorption (Flask-shaped ulcer) (No uccer formation) Amoebic motility Falling leaf motility Cause Dysentery Cause watery foul smelling Frothy fat containing diarrhea Cyst form Rounded oval 4 nuclei $ 4 nuclei Gives rises to 8 trophozoites Give rises to 2 trophozoites No internal fibers Internal fibers are present in cyst Excystation in ileum Excystation in duodenum Pseudopod % . 00 Nucleus Nucleue Nucleusk RBC Interna Cyst Trophozoite Flagella fibers cyst Trophozoite