Lecture 19
Hydrogen absorption spectrum: Shining a broad range of light frequencies through a sample (H), and specific ones missing/absorbed
Transmittance is the same but inverse
Higher frequency: ↑ accuracy, ↓ λ (↑ momentum/photon)
X-rays: Enough E to knock the e completely out of molecule
Ionization, diffraction (XPS): Info about orbital E
Gamma and nuclear changes: E changes due to kinetic structure
UV and visible light: Info about electronic structure
IR (vibration, micro): E through rotation (electron spin, EPR)
Microwaves: E through rotation (electron spin, EPR)
Radiowaves: Nuclear spin (NMR) in magnetic field
Kinetic Energy Storage
Translation: Motion of whole molecules with center of mass traveling through space
Adding E to a system by raising temperature involves ability of molecules to store E
Translation can happen along the x, y, and z axes independently
↑ temp, ↑ speed (displacement/time)
Rotation: Motion of a molecule as a whole around an axis passing through the center of mass (COM does not change/move)
3 degrees of freedom
Can be broken down independently
A molecule can move in a composite of translation & rotation
For every additional degree of freedom, it's an additional way to store kinetic energy (↑ DOF, ↑ ability to store KE)
A rotation about the z-axis for a linear molecule (bonding axis) is undetectable; not a way to store E; be no change in inertia
Linear molecules have 4 ability to store E than 3D ones
3) Vibrations: motion of parts of a molecule (ex atoms) relative to other parts within a molecule, about a COM
bond lengths oscillate
more DOF; more atoms in a molecule, more ways to vibrate & store E
in the gas phase: total DOF = 3N (N= # of atoms)
vibrational modes = 3N-6 (3N-5 if linear)
ex. water: 3 translational & 3 rotational DOF
bond angle inc. and dec.
get longer
molecule moves as a whole; not individual bonds
multiple vibrations may occur at once -> more complicated vibrations or bending
the greater the number of DOF, the more ways to store energy; the greater the heat capacity
heat capacity (C_v, C_p): how much heat is required to raise the temp of a substance by one degree
adding the same amount of heat to a larger material (↑ heat capacity) changes its temp less than a smaller one; determined, in part, by how it's energy is being stored; spreads E out in more ways
thermal energy is coupled/equilibriated; adding energy into one form of storage distributes to the others
most DOF
same resultant temp; same # of atoms; same # of DOF
lower temp than Ar/He; more ways to store E (can rotate and vibrate in addition to translate) & ↑ atoms.
infrared spectroscopy: everything around CoM is moving
"complex vibrational motions" can be separated into "normal modes" of vibration.
each normal mode has its own, unique frequency of vibration determined by bond masses and bond strengths
infrared spectroscopy allows us to determine these frequencies & molecular structure info.
in sym. stretch, O2 slightly moves up to maintain CoM
(may be dominated by motion around a couple atoms (closely related to that bond)
diatomic molecules
treat like a harmonic oscillator
ν = frequency
κ = force constant
μ = reduced mass
μ = (M1 * M2)/(M1 + M2) (bigger mass -> ↓ν)
directly related to bond strength
more E to break, stiffer & more "glue"
harder to break / displace
CHEM 1810 - Lecture 19
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