GPA Calculator
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Free Online GPA calculator by Edubirdie

Do you know that calculating out your GPA can be very easy? GPA calculator at Edubirdie helps students calculate their grade point average for university, college, high school, or even online courses.

How to Calculate Your GPA Online With the Help of Our Tool

Step 1: Adding the Letter Grade to the GPA Calculator

Tracking your GPA is essential for academic success. Our GPA calculator helps students monitor their progress. To keep up with studies, some choose to pay to write essay and reduce their workload. On a 4.33 scale, grades range from A to F with A being the highest score and F being the lowest one.

GPA Table

Grade 4.0+ Scale
A+ 4.33
A 4.0
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.0
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.0
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.0
D- 0.67
F 0.0

Step 2: Add Your Class Credits

Now insert all credit hours information for each class into the GPA calculator. For example, Eng 505 — A- — credits 5. The scale for weighted courses is higher than one of unweighted. They are evaluated differently as weighted courses usually receive extra grade points. You can attach as many grades earned for coursework as you have to click the “Add Row” button below.

Step 3: GPA Calculation

“How can I calculate my GPA?” you will ask. That’s super easy. Under the ‘Grade’ section, there is a drop-down menu for all letters. Enter grade points together with credit hours — push the “Calculate” button to know your score. To figure out your weighted GPA, add multiple semesters. It will show a cumulative GPA score.


How Our Custom GPA Calculator Works

Grade Point Average is one of the leading metrics used by high schools, colleges, and universities. GPA is used by Academic Boards to evaluate student's average performance in their studies over a stated period. The most frequently used formula for GPA calculation is:

GPA = (grades * credits)/credits

You can calculate the average grade on your own, but let us take it upon ourselves! Our free and easy GPA calculator will do everything for you quickly and accurately.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Calculate GPA Online

  • How do I calculate AP or Honors courses?

When one is taking Advanced Placement or Honors courses, their grade points are generally weighted. For instance, a half-point (0.5) is added to the Honors course, while one whole point (1.0) is added to the AP course. Average GPA results after passing Honors and AP courses will be calculated above 4.5 for Honors ones, and 5 for Advanced Placement.

  • How to raise the average GPA?

We have some tips for students to help them get a higher current GPA.

  1. Attend classes regularly. Skipping classes will affect your reputation. When one listens to the lecturer, it turns into face-to-face communication with him. It facilitates learning and increases academic performance in perspective.
  2. Be active in class. Even if it’s your first year in college, try participating in all classes and seminars. Find a seat in the front row as it will help feel more confident.
  3. Be organized and ask for help. Build your own study strategy. Make a proper learning process plan to avoid pulling an all-nighter. This will help reduce time and effort to perform your assignments well. Check your GPA online with our app has never been so easy. It’s a perfect way to keep track of students’ performance.
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