Dialogue for peace

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defenition Viale yue for peace

DIALOGUE- A conversation

between two or more


INTERACTION: communication

or involvement between


something or someone

The importance of Communication

These religions started in different times and places and have emerged over thousands

of years. Some have close links to each other, such as Judaism and christianity.

Unfortunately, people have not always respected religious views that are


different from their own. Often, religion is used as a way to divide people,

to encourage mistrust between them and even as an excuse to fight, to

hate and to Kill. This is why civil conversation is important in different religions.

dialogue lettucen the



major world religions

Intercultural dialogue:

The faith and belief forum is an example of

an open and respectful

efforts to get people of different religions and beliefs

exchange between individuals

to communicate and develop good relationships.

and groups belonging

The organisation was founded in 1997 as the

different ethnic, cultural


three faiths forum, to encourage friendship, good


will and understanding between people of different beliefs,

especially between muslims, jews and christians. Over the years, It's works has

expanded to include people of all falths and beliefs, both religious and non-religious. In 2018, It

changed its name to the faith and belief forum to better reflect this inclusive ethos.


The organization runs programs in schools, universities, workplaces, and the wider community

where people can engage with questions of belief and identity and meet people different from themselves.

Overall, its aim is to build good relations between people of all faiths and beliefs, and to build a society where

difference in society is celebrated.