Dialogue for peace
The branchy of Christianity
There are many ways of being christian. all Christians have things in common as well as things that make them different
and diverse. It is good to have diversity. finding common ground and ways to work together are not about trying to make
everyone the same.
One God
Organisation: especially leadership roles.
followers of Jesus
Number and understanding of the sacraments.
Bible is the main sacred text
Rituals and how they are carried out.
The Golden rule
Importance placed on church teachings and traditions.
The Irish Council of Churches
The Irish Council of Churches provides a platform for the different churches in Ireland to meet together and connect.
Their vision is to'to be a benchmark for unity in Christ for churches and communities globally'.
Their values include 'respecting and seekings to understand each other's beliefs; we are aware of our diversity while
recognising the presence of Christ in each other'.
Theyldal Christian Corum
The global christian forum (GCF)is an organisation that promotes ecumenism It aims to bring different Christian churches closer together.
The GCF wants to help unity, Co-operation and understanding between different Christian churches.
The GCF brought together 230 leaders from the main Christian traditions at a conference in 2007. The GCF is about bringing into
conversation with one another Christians and Churches from very different traditions that have very little contact or never even talked to
each other.