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Sectarianism is a hatred of some people because they belong to a different sect of a religion.

Sectarianism is caused by misinformation, fear and ignorance. It occurs when people dont have respest, trust or want to understand

each other.

Sectarianism is a serious problem in society. When people are treated unfairly and not given the same rights this is called


Sectananism leads to discrimination, and affects society as a whole. It has no place in a peaceful society, where people should be able

to live in harmony and be free from fear or Violence.

Corrymeela Community

for over 50 years, the Corrymeela Community has worked for peace and understanding in Northern Ireland. It was founded in 1965 by

Ray Davey. a former world war two chaplain. Their original motivation was to create a place where people of goodwill could come

together and become a community.

Corrymccla and reconcillation

Corrymeela promotes reconcillation through encouraging interaction building positive relationships and healing social, political and

religious divisions. Corrymeela has a residential centre on the north coast that hosts over

11,000 people each year. The community has an out reach program that involves going ou to work with communities, schools, families

youth groups and others. It now has 150 members, 50 associate members and friends all over the world.