Lecture Note
University Of GuelphCourse:
PHYS 1300 | Fundamentals of PhysicsAcademic year:
Malz M.
Fc(0)36 FHCOSLL Why 7 (1 . ↑ N 67x10-892+ /1 X10 10" ) (1 (1 6 x N 1 2) X10- . X we (2) FcC0s36' magnitude and the resultant alpha particle and = what , - EFnef(Fy)2 1 X . and ? 23 X10 - ) Cos36 (1 23 X 10 = = carbon a hydrogen 10-10m . - = 1 S and (1 /5 68 x 10.0) cosk = - [ 0X10 "m +4 and nucleus SX18-10 = Ex = 4 . hydrogen from Q particle , Distance resultant and 2) i 3) " ot ( H are passes , . charge particle carbon charge - 8 . 6) x10 -0) 56' direction force is 1 33 . on x10"N b) conservation V = -OU = 1 1 6 X10- = . 4 8 = 10 - 4) [ BV) 14 VI - 2 . 1 2 4 = . Vis6U, /1 6 x 10 x 10 6 7 X 10 . point 9) ( 3) v the the because they 30 is reffering are point of =, mu Ele ↓ x . total 9 The -qGV = OEM energy Gou OEM OEM of to the half way the total If plates v total for the half . 3U is - : 2 "m/S SAMPLE# a) electric potential position potential energy of proton b) Same · for = OE p · = X10" . = Ov X . 0') . how much linetic energy The from -OU 4 8 = . 4 0 = . -gOV potential difference/voltage = x 10. What is the electric ? (1 6 ") (3 0 UIqU b) 1 6 X 10" P) 13 0 X10) qu potential differerence = . e electron a) U 3 0 is X . a X10" 4 J 10" J charge (g) can obtain = A to B = . (DU) is also related to the Electric Current charges Current · Rate at which charge moves I · Measured The (OV) R · : in Amperes relationship and the resulting of Ohms of 2 = location to one another Oq/0 + between the the resistance unit = from potential Current (I) is : difference between 1 the : QV/R material between 12 = / VIA 2 OHM'S LAW or LV : 2 locations /R locations SAMPLEQ# what and potential is current a of 0 . difference across 12A , what is the LV = OV = = of a 150 -2 potential difference ? the ends resistor /R (0 12) (150) . 18V # electric difference a) is b) difference resulting the is current time ? b) I = -q = = current due to a potential current 80mV is established through (ms = 0 0 X10-3 = 6 4 x . . , the cell now 12 . many ? across cell, what resistance electrons = move 12 . S X 10 " & during that 5x10" 10- 6 A = (0 +) (6 6 4 . 4 as Cq/ot 2 = = n = of flows for OV/R = travel cell nerve membrane across potential a) I in Signals 6 x . . 4X(0)((X10") 4 x10-"C 10' "/ 1 X10' . 6 (there X 10-14 electrons are 1 . 6 X10" "electrons per a
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