PESTLE analysis example: explanation & tips

Understanding the larger environment in which a company operates is vital for planning and making decisions. One of the most effective tools for this purpose is PESTLE business analysis. This comprehensive framework helps identify and describe various factors impacting an organization. Staying informed about PESTLE components helps maintain your business's competitive edge and enhances consumer satisfaction. 

This article will guide you through creating a PESTLE analysis example, providing practical recommendations to illustrate each step. You’ll learn how to systematically evaluate external influences, understand their implications, and apply this knowledge to real-world business scenarios, enhancing your strategic planning and critical thinking abilities.

What is a PESTLE analysis? 

Before we delve into details about how to use this approach, let’s consider the PESTLE analysis definition. This term means a strategic theoretical framework used to identify and analyze the outside factors affecting an organization. Inflation rates, safety & health laws, and interest rates heavily impact businesses universally, regardless of industry. Meanwhile, political instability can negate benefits like high technological awareness while buying trends shape strategic planning.

Thus, scientists developed the PESTLE approach to bring order to these influences, which systematically examines the external factors affecting a company's performance. This acronym means Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors. Each category represents a broad area of influence that can affect business operations, decision-making, and overall strategy.

Applications of PESTLE analysis

This versatile tool is used in business and academic contexts to understand the external environment and its impact on organizations.

Business context:

  • Strategic planning: Helps businesses set long-term strategies by understanding the external environment.
  • Risk management: Identifies potential risks and challenges posed by external factors (the same as in the SWOT framework).
  • Market research: Assists in understanding market dynamics and consumer behavior.
  • Decision-making: Informs expansion, product development, and market entry decisions.

Academic context:

  • Educational tool: Used in business and management courses to teach students about external environmental analysis.
  • Research projects: Supports academic research by providing a framework to analyze the impact of external factors on specific industries or companies.
  • Case studies: Applied in case study exploration to understand the broader context of business settings.
  • Strategic management courses: Integral part of the curriculum in strategic management and business policy courses to develop students’ analytical skills.

What is PESTLE analysis used for?

It can be particularly effective in the following cases:

  • Strategic planning cycles: Periodic reviews to update strategies based on external changes.
  • Market entry decisions: Evaluating new geographical markets or commercial sectors.
  • Product launches: Assessing the external environment before introducing new products.
  • Risk assessment exercises: Identifying external risks and preparing mitigation strategies.

By incorporating SWOT and PESTLE analysis into your studies, you gain insight into how external factors influence business operations, giving you valuable skills for your future career. No wonder this analytical tool is essential for strategic academic, educational, and business decision-making.

Key factors of the PESTLE strategy

To understand how to conduct research based on this approach, it’s essential to consider six essential components influencing the business environment. 

1. PESTLE analysis political factors.

They involve how government actions and policies affect the business climate. These can include:

  • Government stability: The level of political stability and the likelihood of changes in government.
  • Regulations and laws: Legislation that impacts commercial operations, including tax policies, labor laws, environmental regulations, and trade restrictions.
  • Trade agreements: International agreements that influence market access and competition (if you hesitate to quote trade documents correctly, read our article about how to cite a paraphrase).
  • Political climate: The overall political scenario, including attitudes toward companies, corruption levels, and bureaucratic efficiency.

2. Economic factors.

PESTLE economic factors encompass the economic conditions and variables that influence commercial activities, such as:

  • Economic growth: The overall economic growth rate and GDP trends which affect consumer spending and business investment.
  • Inflation rates: Changes in inflation rates that can impact pricing strategies and cost structures.
  • Interest rates: Fluctuations in interest rates that affect borrowing costs and investment decisions.
  • Exchange rates: The impact of currency exchange rates on international trade and profitability.
  • Unemployment rates: Employment levels that influence consumer spending power and labor availability.

3. Social factors.

They involve the following cultural and demographic aspects:

  • Demographics: Population size, age distribution, and growth rates that affect market demand.
  • Cultural norms: Societal values, beliefs, and attitudes influencing consumer behavior and brand perception.
  • Lifestyle changes: Trends in lifestyle and social behavior that can create new markets or shift demand patterns.
  • Education levels: The education and skill levels of the population impact the labor market and consumer sophistication.
  • Health consciousness: Increasing health and wellness awareness can drive product demand changes.

4. Technological factors.

PESTLE analysis technological factors covers the impact of technological advancements and innovation on commercial operations:

  • Innovation: The rate of technological innovation and the adoption of new technologies.
  • Research and development: Levels of investment in R&D and the emergence of new products and services.
  • Automation: The impact of automation and digitization on productivity and operational efficiency.
  • Technology infrastructure: Availability and quality of technological infrastructure, such as internet connectivity and data security.
  • Technological change: The pace of technological change and its impact on industry dynamics.

5. Legal PESTLE factors.

They involve the regulatory and legal conditions in which companies operate, including:

  • Regulatory compliance: Requirements for compliance with laws and regulations specific to industries and regions (understanding the use is crucial when enumerating regulations and laws in this section).
  • Employment laws: Legislation governing employment practices, including wages, working conditions, and labor rights.
  • Intellectual property: Protection of intellectual property rights and the impact on innovation and competition.
  • Consumer protection laws: Regulations designed to protect consumers, including product safety and advertising standards.
  • Health and safety regulations: Laws related to workplace safety and environmental health.

6. Environmental factors.

PESTLE analysis environmental factors considers the ecological and environmental aspects that can affect company operations:

  • Climate change: The impact of climate change on business practices and regulatory requirements.
  • Sustainability: Increasing focus on sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility.
  • Environmental regulations: Compliance with environmental laws and regulations to protect natural resources.
  • Resource availability: The availability and management of natural resources, such as energy, water,  and raw materials.
  • Ecological concerns: Public awareness and activism related to environmental conservation and ecological issues.

Each factor provides a comprehensive view of the external environment, helping companies to anticipate changes, mitigate risks, and capitalize on opportunities. By knowing the answer to “What is PESTLE?” and understanding these factors, organizations can develop more robust strategies and maintain their competitive edge in a constantly evolving market.

How to write a PESTLE analysis: 10 steps

  • Define scope: Determine the current and future scenarios to be analyzed.
  • Assign responsibilities: Decide who will gather information and in what way.
  • Select sources: Identify reliable sources of information (ensure you understand the doi meaning and can use it correctly).
  • Gather data: Collect and organize the information systematically.
  • Analyze data: Evaluate the information for insights and trends.
  • Prioritize issues: Rank factors by importance with the most critical issues first.
  • Develop options: Identify potential strategies to address the issues.
  • Prepare document: Compile findings and strategies into a discussion document.
  • Engage stakeholders: Discuss findings with relevant parties.
  •  Finalize plan: Agree on actions, assign responsibilities, and set timelines.

PESTLE analysis of a company: pros and cons


  • Simplicity: It’s a straightforward framework.
  • Broad perspective: Provides an understanding of the broader business context.
  • Strategic thinking: Promotes the development of external and strategic perspectives.
  • Threat anticipation: Helps organizations foresee future business threats and take preemptive action.
  • Opportunity identification: Enables organizations to identify and fully exploit commercial opportunities.


  • Oversimplification: The PESTLE and SWOT analysis users may oversimplify by relying on insufficient data for decisions.
  • Data overload: The risk of gathering excessive data can result in “paralysis by analysis.”
  • Assumption risk: Data might rely on assumptions that later turn out to be incorrect.
  • Rapid change: The fast pace of change makes it challenging to anticipate future developments.
  • Regular updates needed: The process must be repeated regularly to remain effective.

PESTLE analysis examples 

Here are three samples of analysis for leading companies in various industries, completed by professionals from our analytical essay writing service. They will clarify the question “What is PESTLE analysis?” and help you to create your own papers.

Starbucks (food & beverage industry)


  • Health regulations and food safety standards.
  • Labor laws affecting employee wages and benefits.


  • Economic downturns that reduce disposable income and consumer spending.
  • Fluctuations in coffee bean prices impacting cost structure.


  • Growing consumer preference for organic and ethically sourced products.
  • Cultural differences in coffee consumption habits in various markets.


  • Advances in mobile payment technology and app development.
  • Automation in coffee brewing and customer service.


  • Compliance with food and beverage industry regulations.
  • Litigation related to employee rights and labor practices.


  • Commitment to sustainable sourcing of coffee beans.
  • Efforts to reduce carbon footprint and promote recycling.

Toyota (automotive industry)


  • Trade policies and tariffs affecting automotive exports and imports.
  • Government incentives for electric and hybrid vehicles.


  • Fluctuations in oil prices impacting the demand for fuel-efficient vehicles.
  • Economic growth rates influencing car sales in different regions.


  • Growing consumer interest in electric and hybrid vehicles.
  • Changes in urban mobility trends and car ownership patterns.


  • Innovations in electric vehicle technology and autonomous driving.
  • Advancements in manufacturing technology and supply chain management.


  • Stringent emissions regulations and safety standards.
  • Intellectual property rights and patent laws for new technologies.


  • Increasing regulations on vehicle emissions and fuel efficiency.
  • Efforts to develop more sustainable and eco-friendly vehicle models.

Nike (apparel industry)


  • Trade agreements and tariffs affecting manufacturing and distribution.
  • Labor laws and regulations in countries where products are manufactured.


  • Economic conditions impacting consumer spending on apparel.
  • Currency exchange rates affecting international sales and profitability.


  • Trends in sportswear fashion and athleisure.
  • Growing consumers’ focus on sustainability and ethical production practices.


  • Advances in material science and manufacturing technology.
  • Digital marketing and e-commerce platforms enhance customer reach.


  • Compliance with labor laws and regulations in different countries.
  • Trademark and intellectual property protection for a brand and designs.


  • Initiatives to use sustainable materials and reduce environmental impact.
  • Corporate social responsibility programs focusing on environmental conservation.

These PESTLE examples illustrate how this approach can be tailored to different industries, helping companies understand and navigate their external environments effectively.

Final thoughts

One of the vital skills for anyone involved in strategic planning and decision-making is understanding how to conduct a PESTLE analysis. By examining all aspects this strategy covers, you gain insight into the external influences affecting a company. Through this article, we’ve demonstrated how to approach each component of this strategy using practical examples systematically. With this knowledge, you can apply these insights to your business scenarios to anticipate changes, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities in the dynamic business environment. 

When you need additional assistance or expert guidance in crafting a detailed PESTLE analysis example with visually appealing graphs or want feedback on your report from experienced writers, consider partnering with our platform. EduBirdie is your best helper, offering professional support to ensure your analysis is comprehensive and insightful.

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