How to Prove You Didn’t Plagiarize?

It is a fact that academic writing takes lots of creativity and time. Not without a reason, numerous academic written assignments frighten students. However, there is a much bigger and way more serious issue that many of us face from time to time, which often means an automatic fiasco of written papers and we are now talking about uniqueness.

Just think of it: having spent several days or weeks, working hard on a task and trying to do your best, you think that all the citations were made properly, but after a uniqueness check, your professor accused you of stealing someone’s ideas. Doesn’t that sound just unfair? You can avoid this by asking a reliable service for help. However, if such a situation appears, there is no time for getting upset or blaming a teacher for prejudice because now you will have to prove the opposite in order to get a deserved grade and save the reputation.

There is a simple way to avoid being accused of plagiarism, you always can ask professionals to help you out. Order any kind of assignment, or pay someone to write my paper at EduBirdie writing service and our expert writers will do their best and produce an original paper quickly.

In case you need to know how to prove you didn't plagiarize? Your actions should depend on whether these accusations are false or true because there is a chance of proving your innocence if the uniqueness of the text turned out to be low on accident, but not if you intentionally copied someone’s paper. This post gives a step-by-step guide that teaches how to prove you didn’t plagiarize but first, we need to figure out the reasons why do students plagiarize.

How Do Professors Check For Plagiarism?

We bet that everybody understands what happens if a student plagiarizes in college but not many students are aware of how professors check this. Teachers use a free plagiarism checker online to detect whether a paper is original or not and as a rule, these checkers are quite accurate but, as always, there can be exceptions.

prove you did not plagiarize

Can a checker show a wrong result? Yes, it can. In fact, every checker has a big number of additional settings that can increase its sensitivity to matches, which is why you first need to understand how it works if you have been accused of plagiarism. This can be the key to finding the answer to our main question – how to prove you didn’t plagiarize because if the teacher has changed some configurations of the checker, this can explain the higher percentage of similarities.

Detect plagiarism in your paper

How To Prove You Didn’t Plagiarize?

If a student wad accused, this does not mean that he/she can’t do anything about this! As a rule, if this was accidental and a person has a reputation of a diligent student who has never cheated at college, chances for justifying are high. However, if this person really want to know how to prove that he/she didn’t plagiarize and succeed in this matter, he/she should follow these steps.

  • Be honest to yourself and the teacher who accused you!

Of course, no one want to get a bad grade but lying is not the best option if you have been accused of cheating, and wondering how to prove you didn’t plagiarize, our first recommendation is – be honest! Ask yourself: “Am I plagiarizing?” and admit your fault immediately if you have been accused without a reason because if continue telling lies, the situation can get even more complicated!

  • What to do if it was unintentional?

If after being accused, you found out that your paper is not unique because you have made a mistake, forgot about a quote or cited a source wrongly, it is better to have a private meeting with a teacher and admit it. Ask for student help to prevent this from happening in the future. In this case, if you were accused due to a specific reason, just admit your mistakes, offer to fix them or just promise that this will not happen again.

  • Make sure the teacher accused you

If you are confident that your assignment does not contain copied fragments, before starting wondering how to prove you didn’t plagiarize, you have to be confident that your professor didn’t just ask you a question but formally accused you.

  • Ask for immediate oral defense

This is the easiest solution because if you can make a comprehensive oral report on the topic of your paper immediately, this should show your teacher that you have done the paper on your own.

  • Prepare valid pieces of evidence

Provide your teacher with the outlines, notes or drafts, which were made for this particular paper as the proofs that you have made efforts to write the paper on your own.

  • Provide more proofs if it is needed

Provide the evidence that highlights your knowledge or skills (for example, previous essays) to prove that you didn’t plagiarize in the past.

  • Cite sources

Prepare a list of citied sources if you haven’t done it earlier to show the teacher that you have conducted a research and can show where from the information for your text was taken.

Read also: Plagiarizing yourself: is it illegal?

  • Do not give up!

If you are confident that your essay is original and want to know how to prove you didn’t plagiarize, the key to success is not giving up and keep proving that you are right!

  • Find someone who will listen to you

If all attempts to talk to a teacher were pointless, do not stop there – find someone from a higher authority who would listen the arguments and do not give up until you get a chance for a fair hearing!

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