Alka Seltzer Lab Report: Exploring Reaction Rates and Gas Production

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The Alka-Seltzer tablet, a household staple for treating heartburn and indigestion, serves as a fascinating subject for chemical experimentation. This investigation aimed to explore the reaction rates and gas production of Alka-Seltzer tablets when dissolved in water under various conditions. By understanding the underlying chemical processes, one can gain a deeper appreciation for everyday items and their scientific significance.

Experimental Design

The experiment was designed to investigate how different variables affect the reaction rate and gas production of Alka-Seltzer tablets. The primary reaction under consideration involves the effervescence of the tablet in water, releasing carbon dioxide gas. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is:

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[ text{C}_6text{H}_8text{O}_7 (text{citric acid}) + 3 text{NaHCO}_3 (text{sodium bicarbonate}) rightarrow text{Na}_3text{C}_6text{H}_5text{O}_7 (text{sodium citrate}) + 3 text{CO}_2 (text{carbon dioxide}) + 3 text{H}_2text{O} (text{water}) ]

Three primary variables were manipulated in the experiment: the temperature of the water, the surface area of the Alka-Seltzer tablets, and the concentration of the solution. Each variable was systematically altered while keeping the other conditions constant to isolate their effects.


To measure the reaction rate and gas production, the following steps were taken:

1. **Temperature Variation:**

- Three water temperatures were used: cold (5°C), room temperature (25°C), and hot (45°C).

- One whole Alka-Seltzer tablet was dissolved in 100 mL of water at each temperature.

- The time taken for the tablet to completely dissolve and the volume of gas produced were recorded.

2. **Surface Area Variation:**

- Tablets were used in three forms: whole, halved, and powdered.

- Each form was dissolved in 100 mL of room temperature water.

- The dissolution time and gas volume were recorded.

3. **Concentration Variation:**

- Different concentrations of Alka-Seltzer solution were prepared by dissolving 1, 2, and 3 tablets in 100 mL of room temperature water.

- The dissolution time and gas volume were recorded.

In each trial, the volume of gas produced was measured using a gas collection apparatus, which consisted of a graduated cylinder inverted in a water trough. The reaction was initiated by adding the Alka-Seltzer tablet to the water and immediately placing the cylinder over the mouth of the reaction vessel to capture the gas.

Results and Discussion

The collected data revealed several noteworthy trends:

1. **Effect of Temperature:**

- As the temperature increased, the reaction rate also increased. The tablet dissolved fastest in hot water (45°C) and slowest in cold water (5°C). This is consistent with the collision theory, which states that higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of molecules, leading to more frequent and energetic collisions.

- The volume of gas produced was relatively constant across all temperatures, indicating that temperature primarily affects the rate of reaction rather than the total amount of gas produced.

2. **Effect of Surface Area:**

- The powdered tablet dissolved significantly faster than the whole and halved tablets. This can be attributed to the increased surface area available for reaction. When the tablet is powdered, more reactant particles are exposed to the solvent at once, accelerating the reaction.

- The volume of gas produced remained consistent, suggesting that surface area impacts the reaction rate but not the total gas yield.

3. **Effect of Concentration:**

- Higher concentrations of Alka-Seltzer resulted in faster reaction rates. With more reactant particles in the solution, the frequency of collisions increases, speeding up the reaction.

- The volume of gas produced increased with higher concentrations. This is expected, as more tablets produce more carbon dioxide gas.

The results align with fundamental principles of chemical kinetics and gas laws. Temperature and surface area primarily influence the speed at which the reaction occurs, while concentration affects both the rate and the amount of gas produced.


The Alka-Seltzer experiment offers a clear demonstration of how various factors influence chemical reaction rates and gas production. Higher temperatures and greater surface areas enhance reaction rates without affecting the total gas output, whereas increased reactant concentrations boost both the rate and volume of gas produced. These findings underscore the importance of kinetic theory and gas laws in understanding everyday chemical reactions. This experiment not only provides insight into the workings of a common antacid but also reinforces key concepts in chemistry, making it an invaluable educational tool.

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Alka Seltzer Lab Report: Exploring Reaction Rates and Gas Production. (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from
“Alka Seltzer Lab Report: Exploring Reaction Rates and Gas Production.” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024,
Alka Seltzer Lab Report: Exploring Reaction Rates and Gas Production. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Oct. 2024].
Alka Seltzer Lab Report: Exploring Reaction Rates and Gas Production [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Oct 22 [cited 2024 Oct 28]. Available from:

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