Plagiarism as a Type of Cheating

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According to Ober, (2012) “Plagiarism is a form of scientific misconduct defined as authoring ideas or words produced by someone else or from one’s own previous publication and attempting to publish such work without properly citing to the original author and publications.” Plagiarism policies are for all students, researchers, writers, scientists, philosophers, teachers, and for anyone who publishes the writings. Education authorities are very strict about plagiarism. In this essay I will discuss some causes and effects of plagiarism and at the same time I will discuss some ways how to avoid plagiarism and all these things will be discussed in subsequent paragraphs.

On the one hand, Policy 5006 (2012) from University Canada West explains that “academic integrity is integral to learning and it is basic foe academic inquiry and instructional excellence.” It is a student’s responsibility to do their studies honestly and without cheating. Plagiarism is a type of cheating which is doing by many lazy people to steal the ideas of others for completion of the work. For example, many students plagiarize because they do not want to do research by their own and they think that it is a wastage of time to doing many researches for one topic. Apart from this many students are not confident about their thoughts or research. They just want to do exams or assignments in easy way. These things will affects the future of students such as they will have less experience than others who do the work honestly. Less experience may reduce their job opportunities which can lead to low standard of life. Moreover, having any unauthorized materials or equipment in an examination or test is also included in plagiarism using technologies such as cellphones to pass the exams. If any student cheats the universities will suspend them. This will directly affect their studies.

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Furthermore, According to Pettigew (2010) the main cause of plagiarism is that language difference which means individuals are from different countries and from different culture are not familiar with plagiarism. They even do not know about what is plagiarism? or How people can avoid it? These questions may confuse them. For example, people who are learning English as a second language may face difficulty to adopt different style learning or writing. Sometimes many researchers or writers do it by mistake, because they are not familiar with this method. However it effects the whole life of a person who do it by mistake and sometimes it spoils their career which is an integral part of life for everyone in this highly competitive world and also sometimes one can suffer from health problems such as depression, heart attack, because they loose all the things whatever they do from many years.

On the other hand, As suggests some possible ways to avoid plagiarism. Firstly do not copy from others work, do your own research about the topic with lots of hard work, which will help to gain general knowledge also. Secondly, the best way to avoid plagiarism is that write things in your own words, this is called paraphrasing with citing that writer in a proper way. Finally, people are not allowed to recycle images, figures, tables, or text from others published papers or publications without giving credit to the writer or in simple words without citing the writer or publication.

In Conclusion, Education is a third eye of a person and it is very important to do hard work for being successful person in life. Copying and pasting is not acceptable in any kind of work. That’s why universities introduce some rules and plagiarism policy, and this policy seems very successful. In future if people use this policy then definitely they will succeed in life in a good way without any cheating case.

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Plagiarism as a Type of Cheating. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Plagiarism as a Type of Cheating.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022,
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