Why Is Plagiarism Important?

A plagiarism, as a form of stealing someone else’s intellectual property and a popular method of cheating, is familiar to students from all over the world. This happens because they often find hard to write papers on their own. Thus, when a student is assigned to prepare a scientific paper that can influence his final grade significantly and he has no time, desire or ability to fulfill a task on his own, the solution comes by itself. In such situation, many students decide to take a risk and copy someone’s work, neglecting the requirements of their teachers, which often leads to very unpleasant consequences. This is a wrong approach to your assignments. To prove this statement, in this article, we are going to tell you about why is plagiarism important and explain why you should avoid it in your works!

Why Is Plagiarism Important

Why Do People Plagiarize?

To get the most accurate answer to the question “Why is plagiarism important?” or "How does plagiarism checker work" we should try to understand what reasons usually force people to use it. One of the main reasons why students of all levels do this is time. Due to a terrible lack of time, a large academic load, and close deadlines, many young people decide to copy a completed essay or another paper and submit it as their own, which can be understood. However, modern educational institutions have no tolerance to this form of cheating. Thus, a student dooms himself to failure.

In fact, the consequences of not knowing why is plagiarism important can be quite overwhelming because some schools may even expel dishonest students, not mentioning that a low grade is guaranteed. Therefore, for a student, it is vital to understand why is plagiarism important!

Read alsoIs plagiarism illegal?

Why Is It Important To Cite Sources?

Although it can sound a bit controversial, despite the fact that plagiarism is strictly prohibited in all universities or colleges and plagiarism consequences are dire, there is no reason to avoid it because sometimes it can be quite handy and useful!

What does it mean? Of course, from the moral point of view, plagiarism is pure theft, which manifests itself in the form copying or use of someone else’s knowledge and attribution of your authorship to it. Therefore, most often people think of it as of something bad.

However, there is also another side of the coin. If you look at this matter from other perspectives, you will not argue that without some “borrowing”, the humanity would not reach neither scientific, technical, nor cultural progress.

Let’s look at it from the scientific point of view. In fact is that the development of the science would be simply impossible if there were no chance to borrow, interpret or use the knowledge, works or findings of other people. Otherwise, each researcher or scientist would waste lots of time in order to study the same issue all over again. That is why many famous scientists were accused of plagiarism. And this is natural because, when it comes to indeed major problems, you can’t do everything from the very beginning, the whole science is developing thanks to the shared knowledge of many people and this is a fact!

This is why some borrowing is always allowed. However, only in the form of quotes or references. Everything said above once more proves why is plagiarism important but it also explains why citing sources is important as well. Remember that only citing your sources in a proper manner you will be able to create an excellent paper using all necessary materials, meanwhile, don't forget to maintain the percentage of your text’s uniqueness high enough to ensure a high grade! Understanding why plagiarism is important is crucial for academic integrity, and if you're unsure about proper citation, you might consider a service to do my homework to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

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How To Write A Research Paper Without Plagiarizing?

If you need to write an essay for school but must meet the uniqueness requirements, here are a few useful tips:

  • Never forget using quotation marks when it is needed;
  • Include only the most important quotes of phrases in your text;
  • Paraphrase the information that you want to use but do not provide in the exact formulation;
  • Summarize the key ideas from every source instead of copying the whole thing;
  • Watch out for pasting too long phrases;
  • Always refer to the author where it is needed;
  • Form the list of cited sources in accordance with all rules and include all important bibliographic information in it!

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