Reflective Essay on Academic Strengths and Weaknesses

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MBTI Reflection

After taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment I found out that my type is ESFJ (Extroversion, Sensing, Feeling, & Judging) or “The Provider”. Before I took the test or found out my results, I hadn’t really known anything about the test in general, let alone what the different outcomes were. So, therefore, I didn’t have much of an expectation as to which personality type I wasn’t going to be preceding the assessment. When I first read the results that were emailed to me from the MBTI website, I thought that they didn’t sound much like me. However, after reading the Ball State University website information about my type, I actually 100% agree with what it says about my personality type. It’s really made me think further into about how I function and perceive things in my everyday life and was a great eye-opener.

When it comes to relationships, my personality type has its fair share of both pros and cons to it. With regard to the positive things of my relationships, it says that I am very warm-hearted, loyal, usually in a good mood, and empathetic. I am very supportive of the people that I have relations with, I’m very committed and reliable, and I make a true effort to be there for people. I tend to value family and traditions, and I am very communicative and practical. On the other side of the spectrum, things that may hinder my relationships are the facts that I don’t like change, I have a tendency to give too much, and I always feel the need to make people happy. I am said to wear my heart on my sleeve, in which I am always needing reassurance and confirmation about people’s feelings toward me. It’s also stated that my type has a way of manipulating the people in my relationships through guilt-tripping. An example of a way I can work with a current relationship through my type’s strengths is to use my warmth and compassion. Because I am a very open and practical person, I’ll be able to talk with the other person about our feelings towards each other. This will help me get to the bottom of why we feel the way we do about certain things, and figure out a compromise so that we can both be happier.

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While reflecting on my personality type, I am able to see what both my academic strengths and weaknesses are. When it comes down to my strengths, it is said that I am very hardworking, learn best through hands-on experiences, and am great at memorizing things. I like being able to help out my teacher and peers but feel discouraged if my teacher is not very organized or doesn’t explain things very well. I enjoy harmony in a classroom and want everyone to feel welcome and that they are in an accepting learning environment. I usually love doing group activities and am often a group leader due to my organizational skills and inclusiveness. When it comes to the negatives in my academic life, it’s important for me to be respected and encouraged for my work, or sometimes I won’t feel like I am being appreciated. That being said, ESFJs also don’t typically take criticism too well and can look too far into constructive criticism from teachers or peers. I may not think as highly of a teacher if they tend to be extremely hard on me or other students. I like routine in an academic setting and will be reluctant to feel secure in a class that is constantly changing around. One way that I can use my academic personality strengths in a certain class is to use my practical and cooperative ways to help others in my class learn how to solve a problem after I’ve just overcome it myself. Often times I am not the only one that needs help with a certain problem or has a question or two. Therefore, I should use the fact that I am able to easily relate to others and make them feel more comfortable by explaining how to properly to a difficult problem.

After researching and reading up on all the information provided about my personality type, it has made me think about the ways I feel and act toward the people and situations in my life. I was able to learn more about the way I treat people in my relationships, and why I do the things I do. It has made me think twice about the way I act in some scenarios and has got me thinking about ways I can improve my relationships. The MBTI has given me some really good insight into the way I learn and perceive things in the classroom setting as well. Through all of the knowledge I have received, I am now able to take those things and improve myself even more now. I can’t believe how accurate my personality type is, and as I read more into it, I can’t help but have a much clearer and better understanding of the inner workings of my mind. I will now think back to my personality type anytime I am making a big decision, or going through a rough time in life, that way I can get a better bearing on my surroundings and actions. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to take this assessment, as it has given me new insight into the way I function as a human being.

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Reflective Essay on Academic Strengths and Weaknesses. (2023, July 11). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Reflective Essay on Academic Strengths and Weaknesses.” Edubirdie, 11 Jul. 2023,
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