150 Best Demonstration Speech Ideas and Unique Strategies

The idea of public speaking gives you chills? You want to impress teachers and classmates with your knowledge on a particular topic but you’ve never given a lecture before or lack good demonstration speech ideas? Don’t worry. We’re here for help. Whether it is for college or one must prepare it as part of job, this guide is useful for handling any presentation types.

What Is Demonstration Speech?

When struggling with project, first step towards success is to understand its definition.

Demonstration speech, also known as demonstrative speech, should teach audience. Approach it from an expert’s point of view. The audience will assume you know a lot about topic, so they will be ready to listen, as well as learn.

Think about it this way: students constantly give or hear demonstration speeches. These are lessons, which involve presentations of practical steps. It’s something that your best professors do in class.  

Just to give an idea of this project, let’s go through few basic demonstrative speech topics. You may teach audience how to create smartphone app, edit photograph, or cook a meal. You can draw topic out of any niche, just be sure that you know more about it than audience.


List of Demonstration Speech Ideas for Everyone Who doesn't Have a Lot of Creativity!

How to Choose Right Theme for a Speech?

Clearly, topic has to be unique. Topic will depend on lecture type you’re required to give. It may be based on lesson covered for particular course.

Here are few tips that will help choose good demonstration speech topics:

Do Research. First step is to do research. It doesn’t matter how much one already knows about this theme. Creative approach is a chance to attract more people. For that, be aware of what’s already out there. Start with simple Google search on theme. Take as many notes as possible during this process. Bookmark useful resources in separate Pinterest board, which you’ll keep private or simply in browser or copy and paste links in word document.

Think about Audience. Search through Quora, Reddit, or other online forums. This research helps to see what questions target audience has. Conduct questionnaire, it is easiest way for getting an idea about interests or hobbies potential audience has.

Be Creative! Is there any idea that hasn’t been covered by other speakers? Maybe there’s scarce information about particular aspect of chosen theme? If you can’t come up with unique idea no matter how hard you try, remember: there is an option to find speech writing services help online. But before doing it, try and write.

Brainstorm for Ideas. After thorough research on materials and audience, write down the first ideas or thoughts that come to mind. There are no limits during this process. Don’t judge ideas, just write them down at first. Then, take good look at that list. What’s the idea that really inspires you to give an awesome lecture? Choose it wisely as this is important step.

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Read also: List with the Best Persuasive Speech Topics

List of Demonstration Speech Topics Divided into Categories

Still struggle with finding big idea? How about some inspiration? Here is demonstrative speech ideas list in few different categories, use it for motivation.

Technology and Innovation Speech Topics

  1. The future of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
  2. Blockchain technology: Beyond cryptocurrencies.
  3. The ethical implications of gene editing.
  4. The impact of 5G technology on communication.
  5. Virtual reality in education: Pros and cons.
  6. Renewable energy sources and their future.
  7. The role of technology in democratizing education.
  8. Cybersecurity in the IoT era.
  9. The future of space exploration.
  10. Wearable technology and personal health.
  11. The impact of social media on youth.
  12. Big data and privacy concerns.
  13. The evolution of smart homes.
  14. Augmented reality in marketing.
  15. The future of autonomous vehicles.
  16. 3D printing: Revolutionizing manufacturing.
  17. The role of technology in sustainable agriculture.
  18. Digital currencies and the global economy.
  19. The impact of drones on privacy and security.
  20. Telemedicine and the future of healthcare.
  21. Robotics in everyday life.
  22. The digital divide: Bridging the gap.
  23. Nanotechnology in medicine.
  24. The future of work in an AI-driven world.
  25. Ethical hacking and cybersecurity.
  26. The role of AI in combating climate change.
  27. E-waste management and recycling technologies.
  28. The impact of video games on cognitive skills.
  29. Technology addiction: Causes and solutions.
  30. Innovations in clean water technology.

Environmental Issues Speech Topics

  1. Climate change: Causes, effects, and solutions.
  2. The global impact of deforestation.
  3. Ocean pollution and marine life conservation.
  4. Sustainable living practices.
  5. The economics of renewable energy.
  6. Urban sprawl and green city solutions.
  7. The impact of agriculture on the environment.
  8. Wildlife conservation efforts worldwide.
  9. Plastic waste management strategies.
  10. Air quality and public health.
  11. The role of individuals in environmental conservation.
  12. Water scarcity and solutions for the future.
  13. The effects of global warming on biodiversity.
  14. Green transportation alternatives.
  15. Environmental policies and their effectiveness.
  16. The impact of fast fashion on the environment.
  17. Renewable vs. non-renewable resources.
  18. The significance of Earth Day.
  19. Eco-friendly technologies and innovations.
  20. The role of education in environmental awareness.
  21. Sustainable tourism practices.
  22. The consequences of oil spills.
  23. Green architecture and sustainable building.
  24. The importance of bees to ecosystems.
  25. The impact of natural disasters on communities.
  26. Conservation of endangered species.
  27. The environmental effects of mining.
  28. Community-based environmental protection initiatives.
  29. The future of electric vehicles.
  30. Global initiatives to combat climate change.

Social Issues and Ethics Speech Topics

  1. The impact of social media on mental health.
  2. Gender equality in the 21st century.
  3. Racial discrimination and justice.
  4. The ethics of euthanasia.
  5. Homelessness: Causes and solutions.
  6. The global refugee crisis.
  7. The digital divide and access to technology.
  8. The impact of globalization on cultures.
  9. Human trafficking: A modern tragedy.
  10. The ethics of animal testing.
  11. Privacy in the digital age.
  12. The rise of gig economy and workers' rights.
  13. The role of NGOs in social change.
  14. Gun control laws and their effectiveness.
  15. The death penalty: Ethical considerations.
  16. The impact of poverty on education.
  17. LGBTQ+ rights and societal acceptance.
  18. The ethics of surveillance.
  19. Social media censorship: Freedom vs. responsibility.
  20. The role of art in social movements.
  21. The impact of advertising on body image.
  22. The future of democracy in the digital age.
  23. Ethical considerations in genetic engineering.
  24. The role of education in social mobility.
  25. The impact of climate change on human migration.
  26. The ethics of cloning.
  27. Social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  28. The role of youth in political change.
  29. The ethics of artificial intelligence.
  30. Mental health awareness and stigma.

Education and Learning Speech Topics

  1. The future of online education.
  2. The impact of technology in the classroom.
  3. Homeschooling vs. traditional schooling.
  4. The role of teachers in the digital age.
  5. The importance of STEM education.
  6. The impact of standardized testing.
  7. Education systems around the world.
  8. The benefits of bilingual education.
  9. The digital divide in education.
  10. The importance of critical thinking skills.
  11. The role of education in economic development.
  12. The impact of educational TV programs on children.
  13. The benefits of lifelong learning.
  14. The challenges of special education.
  15. The importance of arts in education.
  16. The impact of school uniforms on student behavior.
  17. The role of physical education in schools.
  18. Education for sustainable development.
  19. The challenges of education in rural areas.
  20. The importance of moral education.
  21. The impact of bullying in schools.
  22. The benefits of study abroad programs.
  23. The role of libraries in the digital age.
  24. The importance of early childhood education.
  25. The impact of social media on learning.
  26. The future of textbooks.
  27. The role of parental involvement in education.
  28. The challenges of distance learning.
  29. The importance of educational psychology.
  30. The impact of peer tutoring.

Health and Wellness Speech Topics

  1. The importance of mental health awareness.
  2. The impact of diet on health.
  3. The benefits of regular exercise.
  4. The challenges of healthcare access.
  5. The impact of stress on health.
  6. The role of technology in healthcare.
  7. The importance of sleep for health.
  8. The challenges of aging populations.
  9. The impact of environmental factors on health.
  10. The benefits of mindfulness and meditation.
  11. The challenges of addiction recovery.
  12. The importance of vaccinations.
  13. The impact of obesity on health.
  14. The role of genetics in health.
  15. The challenges of chronic illnesses.
  16. The importance of preventive healthcare.
  17. The impact of social determinants on health.
  18. The benefits of alternative medicine.
  19. The challenges of mental health stigma.
  20. The importance of healthcare education.
  21. The impact of climate change on public health.
  22. The challenges of healthcare affordability.
  23. The benefits of health and wellness programs.
  24. The importance of public health initiatives.
  25. The impact of pandemics on global health.
  26. The role of nutrition in health.
  27. The challenges of healthcare equity.
  28. The importance of dental health.
  29. The impact of screen time on health.
  30. The benefits of community health efforts.

Writing Steps for Successful Writing

Do Your Research. Once you settle on topic, research it again! Search for studies, academic articles, newspaper publications or other authoritative sources. Read through them, take notes, create charts or tables. It’s important to support ideas with outside materials. It makes arguments sound credible, or ask our discussion writer for help.

Create Thesis Statement. Thesis statement is main part of demonstration speech. It should provide your own position regarding the chosen topic, list arguments that will be used to support ideas. Audience must know what speech is about from very beginning. Create descriptive statement that’s clear enough to guide all ideas in right direction.  

Complete Outline. Check our demonstration speech example below. You can be flexible with outline. There’s no specific format one should follow. The main structure is simple: introduction, body, and conclusion. Introduction must include hook or anecdote that usually helps attract attention. Body of demonstration lecture should be based on various evidence or data found during research. Conclusion should summarize main ideas from essay and restate thesis.

Write First Draft. Draft all ideas you came up with regarding the topic. Follow suggested structure, comply with your outline. This is not final version, mistakes are allowed.

Edit. This is final step. Now it is time for reading demonstration essay several times, fixing mistakes, inserting in-text citations and completing correct formatting.

Demonstration Speech Example Outline + Example Thesis

You could really use an example for demonstration speech outline and thesis statement, right? Here’s your example:

How to Find Truth in Deceiving World

Introduction: share personal experience. Tell how fake news affected your voting decision during previous presidential elections in the U.S.

Thesis statement: Anyone is allowed to write anything on the Internet, so it’s hard to know what the truth really is.

Body: Who regulates what gets posted online? What’s Google’s role in this? How fake news affect people’s opinions? How can we fight the trend of false reporting?

Conclusion: Give specific tips on how to recognize real vs. fake information

Make Your Speech Memorable

1. Know Your Audience

Have a look at your audience as group with similar issues. They are looking for specific solutions that you should present them during this lecture. Find appropriate terms and terminology.

2. Use Credible Sources

Convince with facts! Use numbers, statistics, survey results, or other factual data that leaves no space for doubt. Scholarly peer-reviewed articles are best sources. Do not rely on blogs.

3. Use Simple Language

Be casual and simple. Present events in chronological order, so you won’t get people confused.

4. Speak Directly!

Write as if you were directly talking to someone. Imagine you’re teaching your friend about this topic. Be straight, do not make hints, be as clear as possible.

5. Be Knowledgeable

The demonstration will be effective only if you teach something that audience doesn’t already know. So don’t be Captain Obvious!

Read also: Use Perfect Special Occasion Speech Ideas with the Help of Our Guide!

Rules for Presenting Your Talk

Create a PowerPoint Presentation. When you give people something to look at, you take the attention away from you. You’ll be more relaxed, and the presentation will be more fun for them in comparison to long demonstration speech.

Use Visuals. Graphs, videos, and pictures will add great appeal to your lecture.

Get Assistance from Audience. If, for example, you show how to prepare a recipe and you say it’s easy, get someone from people to prepare it. That way, you’ll prove it’s easy.

Breathe! When your breath is calm during the demonstration speech, you’ll sound more confident. Practice breathing! Attend some yoga classes before the presentation; that will help a lot!

Be Funny. Even the most serious topics can bear some humor. If you can subtly infuse jokes in lecture, do it.

How We Can Help with Your Demonstration Speech

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All you need to do is come to us and say “write me a speech!” We have a team of brilliant writers from any niche. Just place order and check out bidders. You’ll definitely get good results!

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