Special Occasion Speech Writing Guide and Topic Ideas

As high-school or college student, you may have been asked to write special occasion speech for an important event or person. In such case, it is not difficult as teacher or college professor usually provide with speech outline. Yet, what to do when it’s needed for work anniversary, retirement, birthday or an important event? Things may get complex as speech is always great responsibility and it is important to write it in a correct and original way!

Turning to our writing experience, we came up with special guide that will make you understand all types of special occasion speeches. Moreover, we also provide writing checklist together with classic outline to help amazing speech ideas flow!  

special occasion speech

Special Occasion Speech Topics Checklist

Before starting with special occasion speech ideas or brainstorming options, you may already know topic well, yet it’s still important to ensure that you choose the best ideas and turn them into memorable talk. Below is a checklist of points to consider while preparing:

  1. What is an occasion you are getting ready for?
  2. What is your role in this particular occasion?
  3. Who is target audience? Should you turn to professionals in any field?
  4. How much time will you have?
  5. Should it be formal or informal in style?
  6. What is main purpose of your talk?
  7. Think about best time for your performance at an event. What would be the most appropriate moment?
  8. What should be avoided while speaking of sensitive occasion?
  9. Would it be better to speak on behalf of an organization or yourself?
  10. Would it be possible to include personal story or work-related anecdote?

Look through this speech writing checklist! Answering these basic writing questions, you will work on ideas and make sure that every important aspect is properly addressed!

Types of Special Occasion Speeches

While writing toast for birthday or special teacher who is retiring may seem clear. But there are many more special occasions that require particular attention. From informative speech ideas that deal with certain subject and help your audience understand facts and ideas to acceptance speeches, there are rules that should be followed to leave professional impression. In our writing guide, we will review five most complex types with a short definition for each.

  • Commemorative Speech and Tribute - is ceremonial speech because it aims at paying a tribute and praise a person, an organization, institution, special occasion, great idea, or a group of people who did something special. Try to use one of our unique commemorative speech ideas. Speak about values and how much work or effort have gone into that.
  • Commencement Speech - is for college or university students who graduate. During such an occasion, degrees and diplomas are being presented students, so it can include special definitions or talk of achievements. It usually concerns past, present, or assumptions towards future.
  • Acceptance Speech - is given when someone is accepting praise, being honored or receives an award. So, it is advisable to speak of those who have made it possible with a special tribute and give words of thanks. Free your emotions!
  • Farewell Speech - sometimes also called retirement, refers to an individual that leaves position or place. It is often addressed to public figures or educators. What has to be mentioned are career achievements and even reasons a person may have had for leaving. Ensure that no privacy or sensitive issues are violated.
  • Toast Speech - best example would be best man's talk at wedding ceremony. As one raises a glass in honor of someone, such talk should be always to the point, engaging, and not too long to keep audience interested and entertained. It is a right place to tell short story and why a person or people in question are special. Remember to keep it brief!

Read also: Good Demonstration Speech Topics: 50 Best & Unique Ideas

Of course, these are far from all types of special occasion speeches, yet we tried to mention the most common and complex ones. Writing a special occasion speech can be daunting, but seeking assignment help can provide you with the guidance and support needed to craft a memorable and impactful speech. Let us proceed with topic ideas for any occasion now!

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Special Occasion Topics - Writing Details

Since you came here to learn how to write a special occasion speech, we decided to give you the writing details and samples for each speech type. Remember that these are only the basic examples and you can always turn to the pre written speech services or review free speech essays if you struggle to come up with excellent ideas.

  • Farewell. If it is you who are leaving or retiring, thank fellow employees and the management for cooperation, their support, friendship, and the great ideas shared. Ensure to wish them all the best and tell of how much all the work has meant to you. Tell of your future plans and of how much you will rely on everything that you have learned as an employee. Now if someone else is retiring or leaving, start by thanking that person and include story that highlights traits of that individual.
  • Tribute should tell of why a person or an occasion is special and what has moved you personally and inspired for a positive change. If you are talking to the audience, be sure to ask questions that you may answer on your own by highlighting the importance of a tribute. Tell of what you have learned and do not forget to tell that it is a common achievement.
  • Informative. In this particular case, you have to start with an introduction for your audience, so that they know what your topic is about. Do not be afraid to be clear, but keep it short to 5-7 sentences. Next, tell of an occasion or a reason for gathering. Make an argument, support it with your own case study or research. Mention opposite opinions, conclude with main key points but in different words.
  • Wedding Ceremony. Secret here is that it should not be too long. It is a good occasion to tell a story, mention a funny, but not embarrassing fact. Do not be generic and never focus on the usual wishes. Make it memorable instead and tell of true friendship and love by citing a movie or a book quote. Be funny and free!  
  • Persuasive Speech. Start with an unusual fact or an assumption that will make your audience attentive. Continue by telling about your facts, ideas, conducted research results. If possible, use examples, pictures, tables, graphics to support your words. It is the best case to be creative. Do not make it too complex, but use emotions and logic to persuade the audience and make them trust you!
  • Festive - From the birthday parties to Christmas celebrations, this talks should be funny, as well as entertaining. If you aim for younger audience, be sure to include traditions or customs. Tell of charity events, how much important it is to help everyone feel safe and warm. In case with birthday speech, tell what person means to you. Speak of his or her unique qualities, focus on what they can do best - good accountant, amazing teacher or talented musician. The key is to praise hero of occasion! He or she should feel special on this very day.
  • Awards / Graduation talk may seem overly complex and it is where most college and university students in the United States usually get stuck. The secret here is to talk not only of achievements, but to start with a list of reasons why this or that major has been chosen. You can even talk of the freedom that American students have in terms of education compared to the rest of the world. Make it special, memorable, and do not forget to thank those who have made it possible.

Special Occasion Speech Outline Example

It is a well-known fact that there is no universal recipe for a perfect special occasion speech template, yet we want to provide you with an example to keep your brain and heart inspired!

Mrs. Jones - More Than an English Teacher (Awards and Tribute Speech)

  • Introduction and the main thesis (underlined)

Why do I consider myself a good writer? I believe that it takes a good English teacher to inspire and teach a student how to write. Mrs. Jones, a wonderful lady with the kind eyes and a soft-spoken voice, is the one who walked an extra mile to inspire me because you cannot guide a student if he or she is not inspired. As I receive the writer's award, it is her award and I want to pay a tribute to a wonderful person, Mrs. Annie Jones. She is a sum of empathy, care, courage, and professionalism that started by making sure that you are interested and motivated before you start to learn. Thanks to her, I learned not only how to write, but how to feel total responsibility for what I write and why.

  • Body Paragraphs (Main Thesis Statements)

A. She always started the lessons by asking the students about how they felt and if they could relate to the task.

She never discriminated the students by the level of skills and knowledge. She always told of her own life and frequently read aloud to make students listen.

B. Checking our assignments, she actually discussed the flaws with students, providing criticism but never hurting our feelings.

As a result, I learned how to be outspoken and sincere.

C. As I started to write professionally, she still treated me the same, always remembering each of my childhood question and concern.

Her attitude made me feel confident about my skills. Most of all, she has always been a true friend and a genuine supporter.

  • Conclusion Paragraph

As I accept this award, I want to thank her and everyone of you for making it possible because I am learning by cooperation, by your feedback and sincerity. As we write, we communicate and work hard to become better. I shall do my best to be worthy of such high praise and will always remember of how it started and why I became an inspired writer. I thank you all, but first of all, thank you, dear Mrs. Jones!

Use this special occasion speech outline as an example to succeed in your own writing of a talk for any event!

An Extra Bit of Speech Writing Help

Even with all the topic ideas and outlines, most college students and casual people in the United States struggle while preparing for occasions! Well, even Hillary Clinton worries about her speech events and works days and nights with assigned experts. At EduBirdie, we provide the speech writing help because it is tailored to every specific need. Every customer can choose an expert writer by subject who will know exact definition and terminology.

Let us not forget that writing of a good special occasion speech is something that you will be remembered by. So, why even risk when you can ask our experts for any service from proofreading to finding good toast ideas? Finally, turning to the EduBirdie experts, you can stop worrying about the deadlines and grammar, as we work 24/7 and provide editing and plagiarism check services, too. A special occasion speech has to be, well, special, and we always try our best to make every customer satisfied!

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