100 Funny Speech Topics [Informative, Persuasive, Motivational]

Nowadays public speaking has adopted more formats than in the early days when communication was more rigid. It happened due to a number of reasons, including the advent of digital media but also due to a powerful trend affecting our entire society, especially in the US, of focusing more on work done by people, their skills or message delivered rather than on formal aspects of formal clothes, overly formal and polite speech, manners, etc.

Obviously, the kind of speech delivered depends heavily on the type of event, circumstances, or audience but it’s increasingly common to deliver funny speeches on fairly serious and informative speech topics. Moreover, integrating humorous remarks into otherwise serious speeches when circumstances allow this is considered a smart and effective strategy to engage an audience and create a more casual, relaxed atmosphere. Below, we provide a comprehensive list of funny topics and some useful guidelines for choosing funny topics and delivering such a speech.

Funny Speech Topics

Where Funny Speech is Appropriate

Speech is defined as formal talk delivered to an audience and associated with certain purpose. As for the importance of humor in such speeches, it is well known that laughter is an extremely effective approach in creating connection and in forming positive image, all of which may be exploited by speakers to their advantage. Humor also shows their human dimension or warmer side of personality. There are multiple varieties of speech:

  • good persuasive speech topics, as name implies, are intended to persuade audience and make it accept or consider speaker’s point of view or to argue in favor of certain position. These are fact-based or argument – based discourses but they could also appeal to emotions and moral values, depending on circumstances. Funny topics are not always welcome here but may be used as well if done accurately.
  • motivational speech is meant to motivate the audience and often, inspire for action. Funny topics will fit here the best.
  • ceremonial speeches or commemorative speeches are normally associated with important events for community and pay tribute to person, institution, place, community, event, idea, etc. by celebrating shared values and condemning shared faults. This is also the kind of speech college students deliver when graduating, where funny topics will fit well.
  • an expository speech is an informative speech or discussion explaining in detail an idea, theory, process, event, and not very appropriate for funny topics.
  • demonstrative speeches or demonstration speeches explain how to complete a task or process. We have an extensive list of demonstrative speech topics. You may insert a joke here or there and try funny topics to decrease tension.

To a certain degree, funny speech topics or at least several humorous remarks may be used appropriately with any of discourse types mentioned above. Obviously, all of these discourse types have more important goals that must be respected but if these goals are achieved, then humor only enhances their value.

It is hard to generalize but funny speech and especially funny topics are normally inappropriate for events that explicitly require very professional discourse like when presenting your thesis, when time is limited, when dealing with delicate ethical problems or grave problems, like euthanasia, genocide, discrimination, serious diseases, natural disasters, ecological problems, etc.

Surprisingly, funeral speech might be good occasion to use some funny topics demonstrating its extremely wide applicability, but of course, extreme care is advised here. Also note that, although this is true in the US, other cultures might be way more restrictive in this respect, don’t experiment. In case you are not sure which topic to choose, you can buy assignment from our professional team - we gladly take care of every detail!

How to Deliver an Effective Funny Speech?

If you have questions on how to writing an informative speech, it might be useful to start with these simple tips listed below:

  • Choose your funny topic – you could start outright with funny presentation topics, or think about aspects of your serious subject where you could introduce some good humor. It won’t hurt writing down your ideas.
  • Consider your audience – adjusting your funny topic, content, style to audience, circumstances, environment, type of event is essential in terms of both message and humor. Even such details count as the premises, moderator, date, what speeches preceded yours, etc.
  • Investigate strategies to evoke laughter – this could be ridiculing oneself or situation, identifying some paradoxes that demonstrate how unreasonable we are, used to exaggeration or dramatize minor issues to the point of absurdity, play roles like that of evil or paranoid person, while judging about something. It is again, very hard to generalize but it would be useful to watch some standup comedians doing all these to inspire for a funny topic.
  • Read speech to somebody and watch their reaction. Start with telling your funny topic. Humor is both universal and also, very individual – you don’t want to be the only one laughing. Note that overthinking your jokes may destroy their effect by making them appear too complex or artificial. Similarly, good jokes that are analyzed and dissected may not appear funny after a while and can be unjustly discarded. Ask them for remarks and help if needed.
  • Practice your speech multiple times in front of someone to gain confidence and good mastery of your content and speech manner - pauses, tempo, intonation. Imagine how audience will  react on your funny topic.

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How to Choose a Funny Speech Topic Appropriate for an Event

Selecting matching funny topics for given events is often one of the most challenging tasks. While certain events (professional or academic) imply talking about predetermined subjects, for many other events, speakers have to pick funny topics themselves. Some good strategies to approach this are to browse online for lists of funny topics, watch some famous examples on YouTube or TED, or think about some funny “how to” speech ideas.

When looking for funny debate topics, it might be useful to focus on some traditional or original and interesting dualities: boys vs girls, tea vs coffee, vegetarian vs carnivorous, KFC vs McDonald’s. However, avoid picking sensitive topics (atheists vs Christians, Republicans vs Democrats) even if you are sure you are the holder of ultimate truth, otherwise, your funny debate will turn into somewhere else. Not that there cannot be funny controversial topics but controversies should be more innocent, not the ones heavily polarizing society.

As for funny impromptu speech topics, these might be your concern if you are organizer of some event where speakers choose funny topic on the spot and expand on it. In this case, you might also consult funny topics used in similar previous events and learn which ones worked best and led to most funny topics and inspiring talks.

100 Unique and Funny Speech Topics

Below is a list of 100 funny topics for you to choose from or inspire you for creating your own original and funny topics to impress a teacher.

Persuasive Funny Topics:

Get your speech in 3 hours!

Informative and Funny Speech Topics:

Funny Speech Topics For Any Occasion:

Inspirational And Funny Topics:

Funny Speech Topics To Get Attention:

Prepare Your Speech With Edubirdie

The list provided above should be helpful if you are looking for funny speech topics for college students. In fact, our service, Edubirdie, can help at various steps of your speech writing process, including: identifying funny topic, creating an outline, editing and proofreading your speech, or even writing it from scratch – just give us appropriate instructions and details about type of event, audience, desired style, etc. and we will ask at your request "write a speech for me"!

We offer our clients solid guarantees that they either get desired result, byt the way, unlimited paper revisions are allowed and come for free, or get their money back. Clients can transparently evaluate bidding writers and choose their preferred ones according to their rating and performance on the platform but also communicate directly with speech writers, guiding their work, providing feedback, evaluating results while in progress.

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