How to Write a Persuasive Speech: from Attractive Outline to Effective Closing

Persuasive speaking is a skill that can transform your ability to influence and persuade others. The point of such a speech format is to sway others to agree with your perspective or support your stance by using compelling arguments, evidence, and persuasive language.

Whether you're a student who needs to deliver a well-crafted self-introduction speech or a seasoned speaker, enhancing your speaking skills can be a game-changer in various aspects of your life.

In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of persuasive speeches, including what they are, how to write them, and the key elements that make them impactful. You’ll learn how to write a persuasive speech and follow tips from renowned speakers to help you elevate your speaking game.

What is a persuasive speech: definition and key parts

At its core, it is a carefully crafted message designed to sway the audience's beliefs, attitudes, or actions. But you should understand that it's not just about sharing information. Otherwise, it's about stirring emotions, building credibility, and appealing to logic. Creating a winning persuasive speech involves mastering the three persuasion pillars: ethos, pathos, and logos.

  • Ethos is all about establishing your credibility as a speaker. You need to win the trust of your audience by showcasing your expertise, integrity, and authority on the topic. Share your qualifications, experiences, and credentials to build trust and credibility right from the start.
  • Pathos is about tapping into the emotions of your audience. Indeed, stories, anecdotes, and personal connections connect you with people. Share real-life examples, heartwarming stories, or powerful anecdotes that elicit emotions such as empathy, compassion, or passion ─ it will make your talk memorable and impactful.
  • Logos is about using logic and reasoning to support your argument. It is where facts, data, evidence, and logical reasoning come into play. Use statistics, research, case studies, and logical arguments to support your points and make your speech persuasive and compelling.

Your message should flow seamlessly from ethos to pathos to logos when you are building an irresistible persuasive speech. Start by establishing your credibility through ethos, then connect with your audience emotionally through pathos, and finally, back up your points with logical reasoning through logos. If you're thinking, "Help me write me a speech," you can consider seeking professional speech writing services. These services can provide expert assistance in crafting a persuasive speech that seamlessly transitions from ethos to pathos, and finally logos.

Persuasive speech types: useful examples

Speeches come in different flavors, each with a unique focus and purpose. Let's learn about three main types: factual, value, and policy.

Factual persuasive speeches

If you craft a factual type of speech, you want to persuade the audience by presenting information and evidence backed up by facts. The focus is on providing credible data, research findings, and expert opinions to support the speaker's argument. Factual persuasive speeches are often used in informative settings, where the goal is to present information compellingly that influences the audience's perception or understanding of a topic.

Example: Advocating for the importance of regular exercise by citing scientific research on the health benefits and providing statistical data on the risks of sedentary lifestyles.

Value persuasive speeches

These speeches aim to persuade the audience by appealing to their moral or ethical values. The focus is on presenting arguments that align with the audience's beliefs, values, or moral code. Value persuasive speeches often involve discussing subjective or abstract topics, such as social issues, morality, or personal values, and aim to sway the audience's opinions or attitudes based on their values and emotions.

Example: Arguing for promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace by appealing to shared values of fairness, equality, and respect for individuals of all backgrounds.

Policy persuasive speeches

The focus here lies in presenting arguments that advocate for a specific policy change or action to be taken. Policy persuasive speeches are often used in political or advocacy settings, where the speaker seeks to influence the audience's actions or decisions on a particular issue or policy.

Example: Proposing a ban on single-use plastics to reduce environmental pollution and promote sustainable practices. 

Writing a persuasive speech: step-by-step guide

The key to a successful persuasive speech is clearly communicating your message, supporting your arguments with credible evidence, and engaging your audience emotionally and logically. With careful preparation, practice, and confidence, you can deliver a compelling speech that inspires and motivates your audience. 

Step 0: Understand your audience.

Understand who you will be talking to, their values, and interests. It helps you tailor your speech to resonate with them and make your arguments more compelling.

Step 1: Choose a topic that inspires you and do the research. 

You should be passionate about your topic ─ find what resonates with your audience and yourself. If you are unsure what to discuss, gather topics for a persuasive speech first. Use peer-reviewed journals, websites you can trust, and expert opinions to strengthen your speech.

Step 2: Understand your purpose.

You want your readers to stay engaged throughout the entire speech, which is why you need to state what you will be discussing from the beginning. Understanding your purpose is essential because it guides your message and the strategies you use to persuade your audience. Without one, your speech can lack direction, coherence, and impact. A well-defined purpose helps you to tailor your argument, select the most effective evidence, and use persuasive techniques that are appropriate for your audience. 

Step 3: Keep a persuasive speech structure.

A speech typically includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The opening should grab your audience's attention: people should see why you are worth listening to and which point you will be supporting. After, you should uncover your point of view and back it up with arguments and examples. In the very end, make a strong call to action. 

Step 4: Add persuasive language and techniques.

Choose powerful words and phrases that evoke emotions and create a sense of urgency. Use rhetorical devices such as repetition, rhetorical questions, and anecdotes to make your speech more engaging and memorable. Use persuasive techniques such as ethos (appeal to credibility and authority), pathos (appeal to emotions), and logos (appeal to logic and reason) to strengthen your arguments.

Step 5: Practice and refine your speech.

Rehearse your speech multiple times to become familiar with the content and delivery. Practice speaking slowly, clearly, and with appropriate gestures and facial expressions. Time yourself to ensure that your speech fits within the allocated time. Solicit feedback from others and make necessary revisions to improve your speech's clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness.

You can also consider enlisting the help of professional speech writer. They can assist you in creating a compelling and well-structured speech that effectively communicates your message.

A path to a powerful persuasive speech outline 

An outline for your speech may come in handy when you want to ease the stress and pressure of public speaking ─ it helps to organize key arguments, ideals, evidence, and supporting details. You may look at it as a skeleton for the speech that helps you to structure your thoughts and ensure you effectively convey them to your audience. We will look at how to create an outline, taking an example of the mental health issue. 

1. Think of a compelling introduction.

Start with a hook that captures your audience's attention and sets the tone for your persuasive message. 

"Did you know that mental health affects every aspect of our lives, from physical health to relationships and overall well-being?"

2. Smoothly immerse into the topic.

Provide background information on the topic of mental health to establish its significance. 

"Mental health is a critical but often overlooked aspect of our overall health and well-being. It encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being and is crucial in our daily lives."

3. Clearly state your point of view.

Outline the main points or arguments to support your persuasive message about mental health. For example:

Importance of destigmatizing mental illness: Share stories or testimonials from individuals who have experienced stigma related to mental health and highlight the need for a more compassionate and understanding society.

4. Present a solid foundation of facts.

Support your thesis statement with credible facts, statistics, anecdotes, or examples reinforcing your persuasive message. For example:

"As someone who has personally witnessed the impact of mental health challenges in my family, I know firsthand the importance of raising awareness and promoting support for mental health initiatives."

5. Anticipate counterarguments.

Acknowledge potential counterarguments and provide rebuttals to address them. This way, your message will look more reputable. 

"Mental health issues are not real illnesses, and people should just 'snap out of it' or 'toughen up.'" Then, offer evidence why it does not work like that. 

6. Conclude with a powerful call to action.

Summarize your main points and conclude your speech with a compelling call to action, urging your audience to take specific steps to support your persuasive message.

"Destigmatizing mental illness, promoting mental health awareness, and offering support to those in need are crucial steps towards creating a more compassionate and inclusive society. Let us all take action today to support mental health and make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities."

Tips for Writing Persuasive Speech 

Don't be confrontational in your argument. People are more likely to change their beliefs or behavior when they feel respected and heard, rather than attacked or belittled. That’s why you don't need to put down the other side; just convince your audience that your position is correct by using positive assertions.

Use simple statistics. Don't overwhelm your audience with confusing numbers. Simple statistics are much more useful because it helps the audience to understand and remember the numbers. By using statistics that are relevant, accurate, and easy to digest, you will only enhance your credibility. 

Don't complicate your speech. Going outside the standard "three points" format may complicate your speech. You may want to get creative but do not go overboard by changing the format. The human brain is wired to process information in chunks, and breaking your message down into three main points makes it easier for your audience to absorb and retain. 

Master your self-introduction speech. By practicing and creating a solid self-introduction speech, you will establish a connection and create a favorable impression for the audience from the very first minutes. 

Learn from famous speakers. Study talks from famous persuasive speakers, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill, or Barack Obama, and learn from their techniques, style, and delivery.

Use storytelling. Tell compelling stories that relate to your topic and resonate with your audience. Stories are powerful tools for conveying emotions, illustrating concepts, and making your speech more engaging and relatable.

Authenticity is a key. When writing a speech, be genuine, sincere, and passionate about your topic. Avoid overly scripted or robotic language, and be yourself throughout your speech.


What is the key to a good persuasive speech? 

A persuasion is a set of ethos (credibility), logos (logic), and pathos (emotion) ─ use all three elements in your speech to sound persuasive. 

Which opening should I use for a persuasive speech? 

It should start with an opening that grabs readers’ attention: it can be a powerful quote, a compelling anecdote, a surprising fact or statistic, a rhetorical question, or a bold statement. Utilizing a commemorative speech is an effective way to engage the audience (check our tips for choosing topics for commemorative speeches). Once you catch the attention of your audience, make sure to clearly explain your topic idea.

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