What is an idiom: explanation & examples

what is an idiom

Have you ever wondered about the peculiar phrases and different types of figurative language that pepper our everyday language, leaving us both intrigued and mystified? Idioms, those elusive linguistic gems, add color and depth to our communication, yet understanding them can be like deciphering a secret code. This article will answer “What is an idiom?” question and explore its origins, functions, types, and benefits. Join us to understand the idiom meaning and significance. Plus, get some examples of various kinds of idioms to use in your writing and conversation. 

What are idioms? 

They represent expressions whose meaning cannot be deduced by interpreting the constituent words separately. This term’s definition originates in the ancient Greek concept of “idioma,” denoting “specific phraseology.”

In essence, it’s a linguistic construct that appears ordinary to experts from a college admission essay writing service or proficient speakers but appears peculiar or unfamiliar to those less familiar with it. Every language boasts its own set of figurative expressions. Individuals grappling with idiom ideas often struggle to comprehend the broader context, as they “miss the woods for the trees.” This expression metaphorically describes a person excessively engrossed in the details of a specific situation, unable to perceive the overarching perspective. Notably, it doesn’t involve literal woods or trees.

Grasping these expressions involves adopting a holistic perspective, like “seeing the woods for the trees,” where the focus shifts from individual words to understanding the idiom purpose as an integrated whole.

What are the types of figurative language?

Diverse in form and meaning, idioms provide a captivating facet of language that can be conveniently categorized depending on their structural or semantic attributes. Delving into the intricacies of personal idioms definition, our experts providing dissertation writing services identify four distinct types, each with its unique characteristics. The following comprehensive analysis includes some examples to explain the particularities of these idiomatic structures.

  1. Pure idioms.

These are phrases in which the meaning cannot be deduced by analyzing the individual words in isolation. The combined meaning of the words goes beyond their literal interpretation. These expressions often carry a figurative or metaphorical sense unique to the specific phrase.

  • Kick the bucket.

This expression is used to refer to someone dying. The literal interpretation of physically kicking a bucket has no connection to the phrase’s figurative meaning.

  • Bite the bullet.

When someone is encouraged to “bite the bullet,” they are urged to endure a difficult or painful situation with courage. 

  • Spill the beans.

This example is used when someone reveals a secret. The literal act of spilling beans does not correlate with disclosing confidential information, making it a classic pure idiom.

  • Burn the midnight oil.

When someone is said to “burn the midnight oil,” they work late into the night. 

  • Hit the hay.

It’s a casual way of saying someone is going to bed. The literal act of hitting hay is irrelevant to the phrase's meaning, which is about going to sleep.

  • Cost an arm and a leg.

If something “costs an arm and a leg,” it means it’s very expensive. The literal loss of body parts is unrelated to the exaggerated cost expressed in this phrase.

  1. Binomial idioms.

These concise expressions efficiently convey specific meanings by pairing words with a conjunction or preposition. Let’s see an example of an idiom with an explanation to comprehend the meaning better.

  • By and large.

This phrase is used to mean considering all factors or everything in general. It combines “by” and “large” to convey a broad perspective.

  • Back to front.

The meaning of this expression is “in the opposite order” or “reversed.” This combination can also be used more broadly to describe anything in the opposite order or direction from what is typical or expected.

  • Pros and cons.

When discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a situation, people often refer to the “pros and cons.”

  • Neck and neck.

If competitors in a race or competition are “neck and neck,” it means they are very close or level in their progress. 

  • Safe and sound.

When someone is described as “safe and sound,” they are unharmed or in good condition. 

  • Odds and ends.

Referring to miscellaneous or small, leftover items, “odds and end” combines the words to encompass a variety of things without a specific category.

  • Sink or swim.

This expression conveys a situation where someone must either succeed or fail on their own merits. 

  1. Partial idioms.

These are phrases where only part of the idiom is stated, with the expectation that the listener understands the implied completion. They are often used in a 1000 word essay and rely on shared cultural or linguistic understanding for their effectiveness, allowing for concise and often colloquial expressions in communication.

  • When in Rome.

This combination of words implies completing “do as the Romans do.” It suggests adapting to local customs or norms when in a different environment.

  • The ball is in your court.

Incomplete without stating “now,” this idiom means it's now someone else's responsibility to take action or make a decision.

  • Bite off more than you can.

Without stating the completion “to swallow,” this phrase means taking on a task that is too big or beyond one's capabilities.

  • Beat around.

The completion “the bush” is not explicitly stated in this expression, which means avoiding the main topic or being indirect in communication.

  • Give the benefit of.

This partial idiom suggests completion with “doubt” or “hesitation,” depending on the context.

  1. Prepositional idioms.

All the figurative language constructions of this type combine a verb and a preposition to create a verb with a distinct meaning. They provide a succinct way to convey specific actions or relationships between elements in a sentence.

  • Agree on.

It expresses consensus or mutual understanding on a particular topic or opinion. For example, "They agreed on the new project timeline.

  • Run out of.

When someone “runs out of” something, it means they have depleted their supply or quantity of that thing. For example, “We've run out of milk; we need to buy more.”

  • Believe in.

This idiom is used to express faith or confidence in someone or something. For example, “I believe in your ability to succeed.”

  • Count on.

To “count on” someone means to rely on or trust them to fulfill a commitment or obligation. For instance, “You can count on me to help with the project.”

  • Succeed in.

This expression indicates accomplishment or achievement in a particular endeavor. For example, “She succeeded in her efforts to speak French.”

  • Look forward to.

It expresses anticipation or excitement about a future event or experience. For instance, “I look forward to meeting you.”

In their collective diversity, these idioms significantly contribute to the multifaceted richness of language. Grasping the intricacies of these idioms definition enhances language proficiency, fostering more effective and culturally attuned communication across diverse contexts.

Idiom, cliché, proverb, and euphemism – how do they differ?

  • Idiom.

What is an idiom? It’s a phrase or expression whose sense is not deducible from the literal meanings of the individual words.

Example: “Kick the bucket,” meaning to die, is an idiom, as the literal interpretation of kicking a bucket doesn’t convey the intended purpose.

  • Cliché.

A cliché is an overused expression or idea that has lost its originality or impact due to frequent repetition. While a cliché has the potential to function as an idiom, the last doesn't necessarily fall into the category of a cliché.

Example: “Read between the lines” is a cliché, often used to suggest looking for hidden meanings or understanding implied messages.

  • Proverb.

It’s a traditional saying and one of the types of figurative language that imparts wisdom or advice based on common experience. 

Example: “The early bird catches the worm” is a proverb conveying that those who act promptly or early will be successful.

  • Euphemism.

It’s a mild or indirect word or expression used instead of a more direct or harsh one to soften the impact or convey a more pleasant image. Such expressions may be helpful when you write an opinion essay.

Example: “Passed away” is a euphemism for “died,” aiming to provide a gentler way of expressing the concept of death.

In summary, the idiom figurative language involves expressions with meanings beyond the literal interpretation, clichés are overused phrases, proverbs offer traditional wisdom, and euphemisms provide a softer or more pleasant way of expressing something. Each serves a unique purpose in language, contributing to its richness and versatility.

Benefits of using different types of idioms 

Figurative expressions creatively convey messages, acting as linguistic spices to avoid blandness in conversation or writing. They prevent writing from being overly formal and foster a connection between the writer and the reader. Different types of these locutions contribute to the richness of language. For instance, incorporating them in essay writing can captivate readers and convey a nuanced understanding of the language. The purpose of idiom extends beyond literal meanings, allowing writers to convey complex ideas concisely and vividly. Our essay writing service can be a valuable resource for those seeking assistance in applying idioms effectively, providing guidance on the strategic use of figurative expressions to elevate the quality and impact of written content.

Final thoughts 

This exploration into the realm of idioms has shed light on the captivating linguistic phenomena that enrich our everyday communication. From understanding “What is an idiom example?" to exploring their types and benefits, we’ve delved into the intricacies of figurative expressions. By their very nature, these phrases offer a unique tapestry of meanings that extends beyond the sum of their words. The idioms definition and examples presented here underscore their significance in language, providing both color and depth to our expressions.

We encourage you to incorporate various types of idioms into your writing actively. Mastering the art of using these expressions not only enhances your language proficiency but also adds a creative flair to your communication. If you need guidance or assistance in effectively wielding idioms, EduBirdie stands ready to offer support. Feel free to contact us for expert assistance in utilizing idioms to elevate your writing and communication skills.

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