How to Cite a Podcast in APA and MLA Styles with Examples

how to cite a podcast

Understanding Podcast Citation: Why It Matters

Before diving into how to cite a podcast in APA format and exploring practical examples, it’s important to understand the significance of podcast citations and the appropriate citation style. Properly citing a podcast is crucial for accurately referencing sources in your nursing paper or any other academic work. Podcasts, like TedX, are popular among college students because they offer firsthand information from experts through interviews and discussions. Whether you’re studying Engineering, Nursing, or Journalism, these sources provide valuable insights. However, since podcasts are considered copyrighted material—whether broadcast live or sourced from archives—it’s essential to provide accurate references to avoid copyright infringement and plagiarism. Citing podcasts in APA format can be challenging, so if you’re feeling uncertain, using a homework assistance service can help ensure your citations are correctly formatted. Now, let’s explore the APA podcast citation guidelines and examples to help you cite sources accurately.

How to Cite Podcasts in APA Style Format

When citing a podcast in APA 7th edition, here are the key guidelines to follow:

  1. Identify the Host: Include the host’s name in your citation. If the host’s name is not available, use the executive producer’s name instead, followed by either (Host) or (Executive Producer) in parentheses. If the host’s name is not available, use the producer’s name instead, followed by either (Host) or (Producer) in parentheses.

  2. Indicate the Airing Status:

    • If the podcast is ongoing, use the format: (Year - present).
    • If the podcast is no longer being aired, specify the years it was active, such as: (2010-2018).
  3. Specify the Podcast Type: Indicate the type of podcast in square brackets, for example, [Audio podcast].

  4. Include the URL or Studio Name: If you have a URL for the podcast, include it in your citation. If not, list the studio's name instead.

  5. Include the Production Company: If a notable production company produces the podcast, include the name of the production company in your citation.

Citing a Specific Episode from a Larger Podcast:

  1. List the Hosts: Provide the names of the hosts or executive producers, followed by the word “hosts” or “executive producers” in parentheses.

  2. Include the Episode Number: If the episode has a specific number, include it in parentheses after the podcast title. If the episode is unnumbered, you can omit this detail.

  3. Reference the Podcast Title: After specifying the type of podcast, use the word “In” and then provide the full title of the podcast series. For example: In Mechanics for kids.

APA Podcast Citation Examples

Let us review how to reference a podcast both when it is used in-text and then when it is used in Bibliography for your APA style format:

In-text APA Podcast Citation:

When you are dealing with the basic podcast, it should follow this template:

If it is parenthetical citing: (Briges, 2018-present)

Narrative citation: Bridges (2018-present)

Podcast Bibliography Citation:

Here is how to reference a Podcast APA for your Bibliography citation:

Author's Last Name, Initial(s) (Hosts). (Year when the show has first aired - present). Title of the podcast [Audio podcast]. Name of the Radio or Studio. URL.
Bridges, J. (Host). (2018-present). Victorian-era culture with Julian Bridges [Audio podcast]. BBC Wales Audio Archive.
  • When you are citing a Podcast episode for your in-text citation:

Parenthetical citing: (Harold, 2020; King, 2020)

Narrative citing in APA in-text for Podcast: Harold (2020) and King (2020)

To quote a podcast episode in your Bibliography:

Last Name, Initial., & Last Name, Initial. (Hosts). (Year, Month Day). Title [Audio podcast episode]. In Radio Program. Studio. URL.
Harold, R., & King, M (Hosts). (2020, June 12). Jazz Music History 1960s [Audio podcast episode]. In Jazz History of The United States. NOFX Studios.

How to Cite a Podcast in MLA Format

Citing a podcast in MLA format is crucial for today's learners, as podcasts, including interviews and online discussions, provide valuable primary sources of information. While learning how to cite a podcast in MLA can be challenging, using a homework assistance service can ensure that your citations are properly formatted. Here are the basic rules you need to follow:

  1. Identify the Host or Author: Start by listing the host of the show or the author of the episode, depending on the information you have.

  2. Include the Episode Title and Podcast Name: Provide the title of the episode in quotation marks, followed by the name of the podcast in italics.

  3. Mention the Season and Episode Number: If the podcast is organized by seasons, include the season and episode number in your citation.

  4. Specify the Publisher: Include the name of the publisher or the entity responsible for the podcast.

  5. Add the Date and URL: Conclude with the date of publication and the URL where the podcast can be accessed.

When quoting directly from a podcast, include the relevant timestamp in your in-text citation, like this:

(Johnson and Valenzuela 12:22)

MLA Template

Host Last Name, First Name, host. "Title of The Episode." Podcast Name, season, episode, Publisher, Day Month Year, URL.

MLA Works Cited Citation

Strandberg, J.V., and Andrew Holmes, hosts. "Native American Indians Culture." Cultural Explorers Online, episode 22, Natives, 13 June 2014,

How to cite an entire podcast series

MLA Template

Host Last Name, First Name, Host. Podcast Name. Publisher, year range, URL.

MLA Works Cited Page

Pickles, Thomas, host. SETIcast, Seti Research Group, 2011- ,

In-text Citation Example


Citing a podcast from an app

College students often use platforms like iTunes or Spotify to listen to their favorite podcasts and may need to cite them. When accessing podcasts through an app, you might not have access to all the details, such as the publisher, season, or episode number. This situation is similar when citing a podcast in APA style using an app. For MLA podcast citations, the rule is straightforward: if specific information isn’t available, simply omit that part and follow the template and example provided below.

MLA Format Template for App Podcast Citing

Host's Last Name, First Name, host. "Title of Podcast Episode." Podcast Name, App Name app, season number, episode number, Publisher, Day Month Year.

MLA Format Works Cited Page

Kemper, Bruno, host. "Global Citizens." Fashion Weekly, iTunes app, 12 Jan, 2022.

In-text Citation in MLA

(Kemper 17:34)

Identifying the Author

Students frequently inquire about how to correctly label the author when citing a podcast in MLA format, or when citing a TED talk featuring guest speakers. Typically, the author is the host or creator of the podcast. However, you may also need to cite guest speakers, narrators, or even the producer, who may be different individuals. When citing a podcast in MLA, it's important to identify the role of the person you're citing. Depending on the context (refer to the citation examples above), the author could be:

Holmes, Nick, host.

McIntosh Gregor, narrator.

Connor, John, guest.

Stipe, Michael, producer.

You simply add the label after the person’s name, which will help the college professor or your target audience to identify things clearly as they see the relevant roles.


How to cite a podcast MLA in-text?

You must use the last name of the author (if available) or podcast’s name along with the time stamp. For example: (Jones 12:13)

Who is listed as the author of a podcast in MLA?

When you are creating a Works Cited page in MLA format, the manual recommends using the "host" label as you mention the host or the author of the podcast. Depending on the situation, you can use other labels (if relevant) like "narrator", "guest" or a "producer". See by the situation as to who has made the main contribution for the episode.

How do I cite a source with no author?

If your source has no author, use the source title of the podcast. As for your in-text citation, use a shortened title.

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