Academic writing tips

  • How to Write a Letter of Intent Guide with Example

    If you wonder how to write a letter of intent or how can I write my assignment faster, you came to the right place! While there are several definitions for the terms, in this guide we will focus on...

  • How to Write an Autobiography: Guide That Makes It Easy

    When students are asked to complete an essay of this type, they are usually puzzled. They immediately think of Donald Trump’s Surviving at the Top or Richard Branson’s Losing My Virginity. Those ar...

  • Graduation Speech Ideas to Inspire for Memorable Talk

    It is an established tradition in US high schools, colleges, and universities that valedictorians, students with highest academic achievements, highest grades and GPA, give motivational talks durin...

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  • 200+ Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics for 2024

    Do you want to inspire others? Do you want to get a chance to have your voice heard? Choosing good persuasive speech topics enables you to write an amazing speech that will attract the attention of...

  • 125 Best Capstone Project Ideas for Students

    What is the hardest part of writing a top-notch capstone project? You are going to face many pitfalls and difficulties as you are writing this academic paper but the hardest trial is awaiting you a...

  • How to Write a Character Analysis: The Best Guide

    Usually, authors use various patterns to help readers better understand personalities of main characters, but never directly describe them. Readers make conclusions regarding characters independent...

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