How to write a book review: steps & tips

how to write a book review

Whether it's for a literature class, a personal blog, or a book club, crafting an insightful and engaging review is a valuable skill many students struggle to acquire. Writing a book review can be an exciting and daunting task. From this guide, you’ll understand the elements that make up an effective paper and gain practical insights into how to articulate your thoughts eloquently and deeply. Let's embark on this literary exploration together, unlocking the secrets of how to write a book review that captivates readers and leaves a lasting impression.

What is a book review? 

It is a critical evaluation and analysis of a book's content, style, and merits. It provides potential readers with insights into the book’s strengths and weaknesses, offering a recommendation based on the reviewer’s perspective. This writing typically includes a plot summary, examining themes and writing style, and the reviewer’s response to the work.

How long should it be?

The length of a critical book review can vary depending on the platform, purpose, and guidelines provided. Generally, it tends to be concise. In academic journals or newspapers, it is limited from 500 to 750 words and seldom surpasses 1000 words, although there may be instances of longer assignments and more extensive commentaries. 

When you write a book review, it's important to consider its target audience and purpose. For academic settings, longer and more detailed texts may be appropriate, whereas shorter and more accessible papers may be preferred for casual readers on social media or book retail sites. Regardless of length, a well-crafted literary critique should provide valuable insights and guidance to potential readers.

Academic book review template

The basic structure includes several elements that provide readers with an understanding of the book and the reviewer’s viewpoint. Here's a typical book review outline:

  1. Introduction:
  • Briefly introduce the book with its title, author, genre, publisher, and publication date.
  • Capture the reader’s interest with an intriguing statement.
  1. Thesis:
  • Provide a concise plot summary without major spoilers, highlighting key events.
  • Discuss the setting’s significance and introduce the main characters in your book review example.
  1. Body:
  • Identify main themes, considering the author's purpose and deeper meanings behind the story.
  • Evaluate writing style, describing language, tone, and literary devices. Discuss how these elements contribute to the overall reading experience.
  • Comment on pacing and character development, assessing depth and dynamism.
  • Discuss plot structure, twists, and resolutions. 
  • Share in your book report outline what you enjoyed and any aspects you found lacking or problematic. Discuss any personal connections or resonances you felt with the story, characters, or themes.
  1. Conclusion:
  • Summarize your overall thoughts on the publication. Reiterate the strengths and weaknesses.
  • State whether you would recommend the book to others and why.
  • Provide a rating (e.g., out of 5 stars) by summarizing your overall assessment.

This book review template is a guide, and you can adapt it based on the specific requirements or preferences of the platform where you’re sharing your writing. Additionally, feel free to include quotes or examples from the book to support your points.

What to focus on before you start crafting a review?

Discover some initial steps you should do when you start writing book title in an essay and completing a literary critique. This preliminary work is crucial and needs to be considered before we go into details about how to start a book review.

Before diving into the material

Consider key elements for your review before you start reading. The following points may be helpful.

  • Author:

Identify the author's background, other works, awards, and typical style.

  • Genre:

Determine the book’s genre, intended audience, and its overall purpose.

  • Title:

Analyze the title’s relevance, encapsulation of the text’s message, and its level of interest in your book review essay.

  • Preface, introduction, and table of contents:

Examine introductory content for revealing information, guest author insights, and the structural layout.

  • Book jacket, cover, and printing:

Assess the book jacket for intriguing details, visual components, and their contribution to the overall work.

While reading the material

While reading, carefully plan the organization of your review’s summary or background structure. Be prepared to jot down notes on the crucial points, characters, and themes.

  • Characters:

Identify and analyze key characters, their impact on the story, and your empathy towards them.

  • Themes, motifs, and style:

Highlight prominent themes, motifs, and the author's style, assessing their effectiveness and accessibility.

  • Argument:

Examine the work’s argument setup, the author’s support, and whether the work fulfills its purpose.

  • Key ideas:

Pinpoint the main idea of the work and what sets it apart or makes it convincing and groundbreaking.

  • Quotes:

Note impactful quotes that showcase the author's talent and convey the book’s essence.

By addressing these elements, you’ll be well-prepared to structure a comprehensive and insightful paper.

How to review a book: 8 steps to effective writing 

Completing a well-thought-out literary critique involves a step-by-step process, starting from planning to finalizing your ideas in a book review format. Here’s a comprehensive guide with examples.

Step 1. Planning.

  • Understand the assignment: Clarify your text’s purpose, requirements, and audience. Specify if it’s for a casual blog, academic assignment, or a professional publication.
  • Read the book: Begin by thoroughly reading the publication. Take notes on key plot points, characters, themes, and your initial reactions.

Step 2. Presenting general information.

  • Overview: The same as you do when writing book report, provide basic information about the material, including the title, author, genre, and publication date.

Example: “In J.K. Rowling's ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,’ a captivating fantasy novel published in 1997, the author introduces readers to the enchanting world of magic.”

  • Hook: Capture your readers’ interest with a compelling statement.

Example: “From the moment Harry discovers he’s a wizard, Rowling weaves a spellbinding narrative that transcends age and captures the imagination.”

Step 3. Providing details.

  • Plot summary: When you learn how to write a book review, the essential skill is briefly summarizing the main plot without revealing major spoilers.

Example: “The tale traces Harry Potter's path as he, an orphaned wizard, engages in the intricate navigation of his initial year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, unveiling the enigma enshrouding the Philosopher’s Stone.”

  • Setting, characters, themes: Provide concise information about the setting, main characters, and central themes.

Example: “Set in a magical world hidden from the non-magical folk, or Muggles, the novel explores friendship, bravery, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.”

Step 4. Conducting analysis.

  • Themes and motifs: Explore the underlying themes or motifs and their significance.

Example: “Rowling masterfully intertwines themes of friendship and courage, emphasizing the importance of standing up against injustice.”

  • Character development: Evaluate the characters' depth and development.

Example: “Harry’s growth from an uncertain boy to a confident wizard mirrors the journey of self-discovery many readers can relate to.”

  • Writing style: Assess the author's writing style, language, and use of literary devices.

Example: “Rowling's prose is enchanting, effortlessly blending humor, suspense, and heartfelt moments to create a truly immersive experience.”

Step 5. Delivering a personal viewpoint.

  • Likes and dislikes: When writing a review, share what you enjoyed about the publication and any critiques.

Example: “While the magical world is enthralling, some may find the plot formulaic. However, the captivating characters make up for any predictability.”

  • Connection: Discuss any personal connections or emotions evoked by the book.

Example: “As a reader, I couldn't help but connect with Harry's journey, and the novel’s messages of loyalty and resilience stayed with me long after I finished.”

  • Recommendation: State whether you would recommend the book and to whom.

Example: “For fans of fantasy and timeless coming-of-age tales, ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ is a must-read that transcends generations.”

Step 6. Finalizing.

  • Final thoughts: If you don’t know how to end a book review, summarize your overall thoughts.

Example: “J.K. Rowling's inaugural novel is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling, captivating readers with its magic, heart, and universal themes.”

  • Rating (optional): Provide a rating to summarize your overall assessment.

Example: “Rating: ★★★★☆”

Step 7. Editing and proofreading.

  • Review your draft for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ensure your text flows logically and effectively communicates your insights. If you need support, you may contact our literature review writing service. Our expert team will improve your work and make it flawless.

Step 8. Polishing.

  • Consider any additional details, quotes, or examples to strengthen your text. Make sure it aligns with the guidelines or requirements of the intended platform.

You can craft a well-structured and insightful document by following these steps and examples of good book reviews. Remember to adapt the guidelines based on the specific requirements of your assignment or the platform where you’re sharing your text.

Dos and don’ts

Let’s explore the dos and don’ts that will help you craft insightful and engaging examples of book reviews and ensure your critiques are fair, balanced, and resonate with your intended audience. 


  • Read the entire book: Ensure you read the entire book before presenting your viewpoint to provide a comprehensive and informed analysis.
  • Consider your audience: Tailor your text to your intended audience, whether for a casual readership, academic setting, or a specific community.
  • Provide context: Give readers background information about the author, genre, and any relevant historical or cultural context that enhances understanding.
  • Support your points: Back up your opinions with evidence from the publication. It’s particularly important to reference specific passages, quotes, or scenes to illustrate your points.
  • Be honest and constructive: Express your opinions honestly and be constructive. If you didn’t enjoy certain aspects, explain why and suggest improvements.
  • Consider tone: Be mindful of your tone. Whether formal, casual, or academic, ensure it aligns with the purpose and audience of your book critique.
  • Include a conclusion: Summarize your thoughts in a concluding paragraph, providing a clear and concise overview of your overall assessment.


  • Avoid including major spoilers: Don’t give away crucial plot twists or endings that could spoil the experience for readers who haven’t yet read the material.
  • Don’t rely solely on plot summary: While a brief plot summary is essential, don’t make it the primary focus. Your critique should go beyond summarizing and delve into analysis.
  • Don't be overly biased: While having personal preferences is natural, avoid letting strong biases overshadow a fair evaluation of the book's merits.
  • Refrain from overusing quotations: While quotes can enhance your short book review for students, don't rely too heavily on them. Use quotes sparingly and ensure they support your analysis.
  • Don’t neglect proofreading: Typos and grammatical errors can detract from your review’s credibility. Proofread your work thoroughly before publishing or submitting it.
  • Avoid rushing the process: Take your time to craft a thoughtful paper. Rushing can result in overlooking important aspects and diminish the quality of your analysis.

Remember that your unique perspective and insights are invaluable in your pursuit of convincing papers. Approach each text as an opportunity to contribute to the literary conversation. Stay open-minded, appreciate diverse genres and styles, and don't hesitate to seek feedback to improve your skills continually. An alternative solution is to pay someone to write an essay and get professional recommendations. 

Final thoughts

Writing book reviews requires a thoughtful approach, attention to detail, and a genuine engagement with the material. Following the guidelines, you can craft papers showcasing your analytical skills and contributing valuable insights to the literary conversation. If you ever find yourself facing challenges, looking for book reviews examples, or seeking support in your writing endeavors, our writing platform stands ready to assist you. Whether refining your analytical approach, enhancing your style, or addressing specific concerns, EduBirdie offers a helping hand to ensure your writing shines.

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