Instagram Study – Unleash the Power of Instagram

Instagram has become inevitable in just 4 years of existence. Although very accessible, it remains a relatively vague network for marketers that often lack reliable data, well-earned experience and good practices. 

The network 

With more than 300 million monthly active users, Instagram has now overpassed Twitter (286M). Without a doubt, Instagram will be THE network of 2015 and we believe that the time is right for you to build a winning marketing strategy. Instagram Study will help you seize all the opportunities Instagram offers and take the lead on your competitors.

The Ultimate Instagram Study

As a major player in Instagram’s ecosystem, it’s natural for us to share our analyses and experience to demystify Instagram in the eyes of marketing professionals like you. That’s why we decided to publish the Instagram Study. This study is the largest ever led on Instagram.

It is based on:

  • 39 billion analyzed interactions
  • 250 million tracked media
  • 16,000 surveyed Instagrammers

The result is unique:

    • 200+ pages of analyses, case studies, and best practices
    • 8 country focus – USA, UK, France, Italy, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Russia
    • 8 target focus – Women, Men, 50+, Adults (35-49), AB+, Housewives, Millenials (25-34), Millenials (15-24)

This exploration delves into the average research on Instagram, unveiling the diverse faces of its users, their captivating preferences, the platform's commanding market share, and the fascinating world of influencers. By peering into the heart of this social media giant, we aim to illuminate the insights and opportunities that lie within.

Kinds of Users & Preferences:

  • Demographics: Instagram skews younger, with 67% of users under 35. However, its reach across all age groups is growing. Women outnumber men slightly, at 56%.
  • Engagement: Users spend an average of 53 minutes per day on Instagram. The most popular content types are photos (87%), videos (23%), and stories (83%).
  • Interests: Top categories of interest include fashion, beauty, travel, food, and humor.
  • Psychographics: Research suggests Instagram users are drawn to the platform for self-expression, connection, and inspiration. They tend to be more brand-conscious and open to advertising than users of other social media platforms.

Market Share:

  • Instagram has over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide, making it the 5th most popular social media platform.
  • It holds a dominant share of the photo-sharing and visual social media market, with significantly more monthly users than competitors like Pinterest and Snapchat.
  • Its share of the overall social media market is growing, particularly among younger users.

Types of Influencers:

  • Nano-influencers (1,000-50,000 followers): Often seen as niche experts with high engagement rates.
  • Micro-influencers (50,000-500,000 followers): Offer a balance of reach and engagement.
  • Macro-influencers (500,000-1 million followers): Have wider reach but potentially lower engagement.
  • Mega-influencers (1 million+ followers): Offer the broadest reach but often face concerns about authenticity and cost.
  • Celebrity influencers: Leverage their fame for high reach but may struggle with brand fit and engagement.

By understanding these facets, we unlock the potential for deeper engagement, more effective communication, and a richer appreciation for the power of visuals in our interconnected world.

Looking forward: As Instagram continues to evolve, its influence on individuals and society will undoubtedly deepen. It is on this ever-changing stage that we, as participants and observers, are invited to explore, connect, and create, leaving our own unique mark on the visual story that is Instagram.

There is a large portion of users do use Instagram to research brands, with most sources saying around 70%. Here's what we know about this trend:


  • Statista: 70% of Gen Z social network users in the US use Instagram to find brands (2023).
  • Sprout Social: Internal Instagram data reveals 70% of shoppers look to the platform for their next purchase (2023).
  • Linearity: 70% of shopping enthusiasts rely on Instagram as their primary platform for discovering new products (2023).

Why they use Instagram:

  • Visual content: Stunning photos and videos are highly engaging and showcase products more effectively than text-based platforms.
  • Discovery features: Explore page, hashtags, and influencer marketing help users discover new brands they wouldn't necessarily find elsewhere.
  • User experience: Instagram is easy to navigate and browse, making it convenient for on-the-go research.
  • Authenticity: Users perceive Instagram content as more personal and genuine than traditional advertising, fostering trust in brands.

What it means for brands:

  • A strong presence is crucial: Having a compelling Instagram profile with high-quality content is essential for reaching your target audience.
  • Engagement is key: Interact with your followers, respond to comments, and run interactive campaigns to build relationships.
  • Influencer marketing can be powerful: Partnering with relevant influencers can help you reach a wider audience and build trust.
  • Focus on storytelling: Use visuals and captions to tell your brand story engagingly.

Following brands on Instagram is a huge trend, and the users who do it come from diverse backgrounds and have various motivations. Here's a deeper dive into who they are and why they follow:

Who are they?

  • Demographics: Statistics differ slightly, but generally, millennials and Gen Z are the most likely to follow brands, with high percentages also among Gen X and even some boomers.
  • Geography: Instagram usage spans the globe, so followers of brands are found everywhere, though certain countries and regions might show higher engagement based on cultural factors and internet penetration.
  • Interests: Brand followers span a vast array of interests, but fashion, beauty, travel, food, and technology tend to be well-represented.

Why do they follow?

  • Product discovery: Many users follow brands to discover new products and stay updated on the latest releases.
  • Information and news: Users want to learn about company news, upcoming events, and promotions directly from the source.
  • Entertainment and inspiration: High-quality content from brands can be entertaining and inspire users with new ideas and trends.
  • Community and belonging: Some users follow brands to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share their interests.
  • Discounts and promotions: Users often follow brands to snag exclusive deals and coupons.
  • Brand values and personality: Users may be drawn to brands that align with their values and have a strong, relatable personality.

Different types of followers:

  • Loyal fans: These users are deeply invested in the brand and actively engage with their content.
  • Passive followers: They might follow out of curiosity or potential interest but rarely interact.
  • Influencer followers: They follow the brand because of a specific influencer partnership.
  • Promo hunters: They primarily follow for discounts and exclusive offers.

What does it mean for brands?

  • Understanding your audience: Analyze your followers' demographics and interests to tailor your content and marketing strategies.
  • Engaging content is essential: Post high-quality visuals, tell compelling stories, and encourage interaction to keep followers interested.
  • Authenticity matters: Be true to your brand voice and values to build trust and connect with your audience.
  • Track and measure: Use Instagram insights to understand how your followers are responding and adjust your approach accordingly.


  • Users follow brands for various reasons, so a multi-faceted approach is important to reach and engage them effectively.
  • Building strong relationships with your followers is key to creating lasting loyalty and advocacy.
  • Stay up-to-date on Instagram trends and adapt your strategies to maintain relevance.

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