200+ Hot Nursing Research Topics for a Successful Paper

Nursing Research Topics

Finding good nursing research topics usually puts most college students majoring in Healthcare in writer’s block. Even though they know chosen subject well, incorrect structure, formatting rules, finding sufficient sources, along with meeting deadlines often makes it impossible to avoid strict grading. Unfortunately, it leaves very little time and space for actual research, which forces medical students to seek for easy solutions that are not always reliable. Medical research papers should be professional, include correct professional terms and definitions with appropriate citation to support ideas discussed.

At EduBirdie, we provide nursing paper help that are written by experts in Healthcare & Nursing who know specifics for each topic, also fully meet initial writing instructions. Turning to our service, student receives help at all stages from choosing successful topic or thesis to proofreading, grammar, formatting check.

Nursing Research Paper: Definition & Key Rules

One of most popular nursing research questions revolves around concept definition. What many modern college students in the United States forget is that successful research should be as innovative as possible. Even if you are majoring in Dentistry or Cardiology where it is necessary to remain specific, one can always choose topic that deals with ethics, history & diversity among other ideas. Key rule with healthcare research paper is using sources along with keeping to research structure format.

Research paper layout, as a rule, should include Introduction, 3 Body Paragraphs, Conclusion with Works Cited page, depending on format requirements. Unless already specific by college professor, students are often asked to write personal reflection journal, which is essential for nursing practices just like case study assignments. Same goes with the topic, it may be given or student may be asked to search for suitable topic ideas. When not given definite requirements, it is important to keep writing in academic style without colloquial language and first person if it is not personal reflection. When introducing facts that are not common, remember about proper citation and medical journals not only to support ideas, but to avoid plagiarism risks.   

Nursing Research Process Components

Good research always starts with prior research for possible topic ideas, as well as finding academic journals that deal with subject. If your discipline is child care, it’s advisable to research works by other writers to understand challenges and relevant issues before choosing researchable topics in nursing that deal with young patients. This step ensures that student finds related sources and chooses slightly different approach to make assignment original.

Next step is research paper introduction, which has to have an interesting hook that either makes solid statement or provides an arguable argumentation. If writing on hot controversial topic, make a claim that is later developed in suitable thesis statement. Body paragraphs should avoid using too many ideas because such approach only confuses target audience and basically makes conclusion part impossible to complete. As for final paragraph, it has to make a call to action to provide personal recommendations or analysis of information processed. Remember that if you used any statistics or comparison data in nursing research paper topic, it is necessary to include full listing in Appendix or notes, if applicable.

How to Choose a Good Topic for Nursing Research?

When students need research paper writing help, it all comes down to good topic choice that would be unique, as well as strong enough to receive positive feedback from strict college professor. Majority of Healthcare students find it challenging to narrow it down to something that can be written without repeating something that has already been done before and not getting into plagiarism trap. Proper research topic should include analysis of even most popular medical issues with good proposal of what changes could be introduced.

Likewise, even when doing literature review on Autism, it is possible to choose resources that are not typical and stay on top of innovations. Choosing suitable nursing research topic, one has to look through list of available ideas and focus on problems that can be approached differently by making personal contribution valuable. Use works by famous nursing theorists, support own thoughts with accurate citations, making final paper qualitative elements prevail over quantitative.  

240 Nursing Research Topics for Healthcare Students

Our writing experts at EduBirdie have compiled a list of nursing research topic ideas divided by subject to help you brainstorm areas of nursing and healthcare that inspire you and address particular research question.  

Child Nursing Research Topics

  1. ADHD Causes & treatment
  2. Vaccination & Autism
  3. Antibiotic Resistance in Preschool Children
  4. Eating Disorders & Social Media Impact
  5. Seizures Causes in Infants
  6. Adolescent Medicine Practices
  7. Child Obesity & Healthy Eating
  8. Pediatric Care Ethics
  9. Speech Disorders Therapy
  10. Psychological Aspects of Infant Care
  11. Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Pediatric Nursing
  12. Neonatal Pain Management Techniques
  13. Pediatric Asthma Management Strategies
  14. Effects of Screen Time on Child Development
  15. Nursing Approaches to Pediatric Sleep Disorders
  16. Childhood Obesity Prevention and Intervention
  17. Managing Type 1 Diabetes in School-Aged Children
  18. Pediatric Palliative Care Practices
  19. Vaccination Compliance and Challenges in Pediatrics
  20. Early Detection and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children

Adult Nursing Research Topics

  1. Acute Coronary Syndrome Treatment
  2. Reasons Behind Anxiety Disorders
  3. Bipolar Disorder Non-Chemical Practices
  4. Clinical Cardiology Innovations
  5. CV Imaging Process
  6. Migraine Case Example
  7. Mental Health & Psychiatric Care in Adults
  8. Obesity & Weight Management Programs
  9. Exercise & Sports Medicine
  10. Dental & Oral Health in United States
  11. Chronic Pain Management in Elderly Patients
  12. Nursing Strategies for Stroke Rehabilitation
  13. Mental Health Interventions in Adult Nursing
  14. Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing Practices
  15. Managing Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus
  16. Nursing Care for Adult Cancer Patients
  17. Approaches to Adult Asthma Management
  18. Wound Care Techniques in Adult Nursing
  19. Substance Abuse Treatment in Adult Nursing
  20. Nursing Interventions for Adult Obesity Management

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Midwifery Nursing Research Topics

  1. Maternal & Neonatal Practices in Rural Areas
  2. First Antenatal Appointment Analysis
  3. Mental Illness & Post-natal Period
  4. Shift Study Midwives & Length
  5. Self-Instruction Kits & Natal Safety
  6. Midwifery Continued Care
  7. Gestational Weight Gain Challenges
  8. Childbirth Efficacy Analysis
  9. Positive Birth Experience Case Study
  10. Obese Pregnant Women Safety Rules
  11. The Role of Midwives in Promoting Breastfeeding
  12. Impact of Prenatal Yoga on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes
  13. Home Births vs. Hospital Births: Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction
  14. Midwifery Care for High-Risk Pregnancies
  15. The Effectiveness of Water Births in Pain Management
  16. Postpartum Depression: Early Detection and Intervention Strategies
  17. Cultural Competence in Midwifery Care
  18. The Role of Midwives in Family Planning and Contraception Education
  19. Midwifery Management of Gestational Diabetes
  20. The Impact of Midwife-Led Care on Cesarean Section Rates

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Elderly Care Nursing Research Topics

  1. Joint Disorders Study in Elderly Population
  2. Alzheimer's Disease
  3. Atrial Fibrillation Study
  4. Bladder Cancer Therapy
  5. Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
  6. Critical Care Requirements
  7. Geriatrics Ethics
  8. How Evidence-Based Practice is Transforming Geriatric Nursing
  9. Stroke & Cerebrovascular Disease
  10. Restless Legs Syndrome
  11. Parkinson's Disease Precautions
  12. Prevention and Management of Falls in Elderly Patients
  13. Dementia Care Strategies in Nursing Homes
  14. Nutritional Needs and Management for the Elderly
  15. Palliative Care Approaches in Elderly Nursing
  16. Managing Chronic Arthritis Pain in Elderly Patients
  17. The Role of Nursing in Elderly Mental Health Care
  18. Skin Care and Pressure Ulcer Prevention in the Elderly
  19. The Effectiveness of Memory Care Programs in Dementia Patients
  20. Elderly Patient Education and Medication Management Techniques

Women's Health Nursing Research Topics

  1. Breast Cancer Treatment & Prognosis
  2. Infertility Ethical Rules
  3. Menopause Challenges
  4. Modern Neonatal Practices
  5. Ovarian Disorder Analysis
  6. Pregnancy Prevention Measures
  7. Reproductive Endocrinology
  8. Sleep Disorders in Women
  9. Female Sexual Health Disorders
  10. Vaginal Atrophy Causes
  11. Nursing Approaches to Managing Menstrual Disorders
  12. The Role of Nurses in Breast Cancer Screening and Education
  13. Impact of Hormonal Changes on Women's Mental Health
  14. Nursing Care for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  15. Strategies for Managing Menopausal Symptoms
  16. The Effectiveness of HPV Vaccination Programs
  17. Prenatal Care for High-Risk Pregnancies
  18. Nursing Interventions for Postpartum Depression
  19. Breastfeeding Support and Challenges in the Nursing Practice
  20. Women's Cardiovascular Health and Prevention Strategies

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

  1. Depression Causes
  2. Alcohol Addiction Disorders
  3. Schizophrenia Diagnostics
  4. Bipolar Disorder
  5. PTSD in U.S. Army Veterans
  6. Stress Among Police Officers
  7. Teenage Aggression & Video Games
  8. Forbidden Substances Prevention Use
  9. Psychiatric Patient Ethics
  10. Physical Traumas & Recovery Methods
  11. Nursing Interventions for Managing Severe Depression
  12. The Role of Nurses in Treating Anxiety Disorders
  13. Strategies for Supporting Patients with Bipolar Disorder
  14. Nursing Care for Patients with Schizophrenia
  15. Managing PTSD in Military Veterans
  16. Adolescent Mental Health: Early Intervention Strategies
  17. The Impact of Social Media on Teenage Mental Health
  18. Nursing Approaches to Substance Abuse Recovery
  19. The Role of Nursing in Suicide Prevention and Intervention
  20. Mental Health Stigma and Its Impact on Patient Care

Nursing Research Topics about Pain Management

  1. Abdominal Pain Management in Children
  2. Headache Treatment Protocol
  3. Opioid Use in Rheumatoid Arthritis
  4. Innovative Injection Use
  5. Botulinum Toxin & Pain Management Controversy
  6. Therapeutic Injections: Cons & Pros
  7. Myofascial Pain Rehabilitation
  8. Bone Healing & Opioids
  9. Pain Limits Analysis
  10. Phantom Pains Phenomenon
  11. Efficacy of Non-Pharmacological Pain Relief Methods in Postoperative Patients
  12. Nursing Strategies for Managing Chronic Neuropathic Pain
  13. The Role of Patient Education in Pain Management
  14. Impact of Opioid Prescribing Practices on Patient Outcomes
  15. Pain Assessment and Management in Non-Verbal Patients
  16. Integrative Approaches to Pain Management in Nursing
  17. Pediatric Pain Management Techniques in Nursing Care
  18. Pain Management for Patients with Terminal Illness
  19. The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality as a Tool for Pain Relief
  20. Nursing Approaches to Managing Pain in Arthritic Patients

Primary Healthcare Nursing Research Topics

  1. Evidence Based Recommendations in Primary Care
  2. Data Collection Ethics in Primary Healthcare
  3. Primary Health Care Economic Evaluation
  4. Modern Vaccination Programmes in Rural & Remote Areas
  5. Private Sectors in Mental Health Service System
  6. Childcare Services Integration in Primary Healthcare
  7. Medically Unexplained Symptoms in ER
  8. Local Pharmacist Involvement in Physician's Work
  9. Medical Care Quality Assessment Methods
  10. Healthcare Financing Strategies Bias
  11. The Role of Nurses in Managing Chronic Disease in Primary Care
  12. Impact of Nurse-Led Clinics on Patient Health Outcomes
  13. Strategies for Improving Vaccination Rates in Primary Care
  14. Nursing Interventions for Early Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases
  15. The Effectiveness of Telehealth in Primary Care Nursing
  16. Primary Care Approaches to Mental Health Screening and Referral
  17. Nursing Management of Asthma in Primary Care Settings
  18. Role of Primary Care Nurses in Obesity Prevention and Management
  19. Strategies for Enhancing Patient Education in Primary Healthcare
  20. The Impact of Cultural Competence Training on Primary Care Nursing Practice

Nursing Research Topics on Obstetrics

  1. Abortion Care Ethical Side
  2. Labor and Delivery Management Practices
  3. Adolescent Gynecology Education
  4. Pre-Term Labor Dangers
  5. Hypertensive Disorders Causes
  6. Caesarean Section Preparation
  7. Newborn Resuscitation Rules
  8. Saving Mother & Child Challenges
  9. Delivery Room Behavior Checklist
  10. Antenatal Care Recommendations
  11. The Impact of Prenatal Care on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes
  12. Nursing Management of High-Risk Pregnancies
  13. The Role of Nurses in Supporting Natural Childbirth
  14. Strategies for Reducing Cesarean Section Rates
  15. Postpartum Nursing Care and Maternal Mental Health
  16. The Effectiveness of Birth Preparation Classes
  17. Nursing Interventions for Preterm Labor Prevention
  18. The Role of Obstetric Nurses in Neonatal Resuscitation
  19. Managing Gestational Diabetes through Nursing Care
  20. The Impact of Maternal Nutrition on Fetal Development

Nursing Careers Research Topics

  1. Nursing Theorists Works
  2. Ethics and Homeless People Treatment
  3. Critical Care Nursing Management
  4. Between Career & Professional Service
  5. Nursing Practitioners
  6. Clinical Nurse Roles
  7. Diversity in Healthcare
  8. Stress Management Practice for Night Shifts
  9. Digital Age and Future of Nursing
  10. Remote Intensive Care Unit Questions
  11. The Impact of Advanced Nursing Education on Career Opportunities
  12. Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Nursing
  13. The Role of Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice
  14. Nursing Leadership and Management Development
  15. The Effect of Nurse Staffing Levels on Patient Outcomes
  16. Career Satisfaction Among Different Nursing Specialties
  17. The Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice and Education
  18. Global Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges in International Settings
  19. The Role of Nurses in Health Policy Development
  20. Trends and Future Directions in Nursing Education and Practice

Health Promotion Research Topics

  1. Benefits and Shortages of Telemedicine
  2. Role of School Nurses
  3. Healthy Eating & Sports
  4. Parental Roles for Healthy Lifestyle of Children
  5. Pharmacist Responsibility
  6. Adolescent Education on Safe Sex Culture
  7. Social Work & Role of Health Promotion Specialist
  8. Medical Sales Promotion Campaigns Ethics
  9. Disease Control & Prevention Initiatives
  10. Digital Age Healthcare Dangers
  11. The Effectiveness of Community-Based Health Promotion Programs
  12. Nursing Strategies for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Choices
  13. The Role of Nurses in Tobacco Cessation Programs
  14. Impact of Health Education on Chronic Disease Prevention
  15. School-Based Health Promotion and Child Health Outcomes
  16. Workplace Wellness Programs and Their Impact on Employee Health
  17. The Role of Digital Media in Health Promotion Campaigns
  18. Cultural Competency in Health Promotion Initiatives
  19. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Health Campaigns
  20. Health Promotion Strategies for Aging Populations

Healthcare Management Research Topics

  1. Healthcare Contracts Limitations
  2. Gender Bias in Nursing Profession
  3. Starting Private Medical Practice
  4. Medicare Benefits
  5. Legal Risks with Non-English Patients
  6. Shortage of Men in Healthcare
  7. Medical Marijuana Management Rules
  8. Apology Laws & Medical Decisions
  9. Medical Home Service
  10. Nursing Uniform Code Rules
  11. Strategies for Improving Patient Safety in Healthcare Facilities
  12. The Impact of Health Information Technology on Patient Care Management
  13. Cost-Effectiveness of Different Healthcare Delivery Models
  14. Leadership Styles in Healthcare Management and Their Impact on Staff Morale
  15. The Role of Healthcare Managers in Promoting Ethical Practices
  16. Quality Improvement Techniques in Hospital Management
  17. The Impact of Healthcare Policies on Patient Access and Quality of Care
  18. Risk Management Strategies in Healthcare Settings
  19. The Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary Teams in Healthcare Management
  20. Trends and Challenges in Global Healthcare Management

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Professional & Plagiarism-Free Online Homework Help

Providing research topics for nursing students, our writing experts are ready to offer professional writing help that includes expert evaluation of chosen topic, also correct use of medical terms and definitions. With affordable prices, work with urgent deadlines, help with sources along with formatting, students can choose from the list of writers according to credentials, essay type, subject, as well as number of works completed. What makes EduBirdie online writing service unique is that visitors work in direct cooperation with chosen writer, ensuring complete control of each writing stage, strating from choosing a relevant topic.

Even most complex subjects can be handled by our experienced writers. From nursing paper writing service to English Literature and Law, you can order any assignment, knowing that it is 100% plagiarism free as every paper is written from scratch with expert proofreading and editing already included!

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