Causal Analysis Essay Guide & 50 Topic Ideas

how to write a causal essay

A causal analysis essay is often defined as "cause-and-effect" writing because paper aims to examine diverse causes and consequences related to actions, behavioral patterns, and events as for reasons why they happen and the effects that take place afterwards. In practice, students have to include causal claims that contain strong argumentation. One has to prove and tell that there is an obvious relationship between two particular events where one is an effect of another. For example, if a chosen topic is harm of alcohol, then an argument is "Alcohol consumption (A) causes XYZ failure (B)" where A is a cause and B is an effect.  

A purpose of such essay type is to define and evaluate all sides related to cause-and-effect dilemma. Choosing a topic idea, it’s insufficient to simply state that global warming, as an example, is caused by chemical plants. One has to include an outcome with personal consideration and causal analysis. The trick here is in correct structure where student tries to persuade his or her audience like in a letter of intent. As college professors check their papers, they seek on what is causal analysis, always looking out for structure parts.

Writing a causal analysis essay may seem challenging to novice students, yet what makes it easier is choosing the right topic, knowing structure rules, and making causal relations obvious for an audience. One of the reasons why college students in the United States fail this essay type is lack of knowledge about causal essay structure and logical interaction between cause and effect.

In our causal analysis essay guide provided by a professional essay writing service, we will review everything from structure and thesis to helpful topic ideas that will help keep your brain engaged and ready for work. Providing essay writers for hire, our writer’s team at EduBirdie walks an extra mile to share their knowledge and help you to become a writing essay expert, too!

How to Write a Causal Analysis Essay: Structure

A good argumentative topic has to be chosen that can be analyzed and put through lens of cause-and-effect thinking. Preferred topic has to be inspiring and relevant for target audience, therefore, we will proceed with a list of topics soon. Having good topic available (in case you already have one!), always proceed with a thesis statement.

  • Thesis Statement

We have intentionally placed thesis statement first because it’s vital to come up with one before starting with an essay outline! In causal analysis essay, thesis statement should be one or two sentences that sum up main points of your paper. Thesis should not simply include certain statements, but show causal analysis and outline all upcoming points that follow. In this case, include exact cause and effect in question with a brief explanation as to why they are examined. One should also consider if focus is on causes or on effects as there can be two methods.

Causal analysis example thesis options:  

Many college students in the United States become victims of unhealthy eating for three reasons. Obesity increase during college time happens  due to food commercials, irregular timetable, and cheap fast food availability.

Studying effects of television and video games in children's daily lives, one can conclude that interpersonal skills and school interactions become damaged and one-dimensional.

  • Introduction

In an introduction paragraph, one has to create a setting for situation discussed. It has to be a sentence or two that introduce topic importance or relevance for society. Make readers interested and connect introduction to chosen thesis statement's vision. If listing 3 to 5 reasons in a thesis statement, remember that it has to follow in body paragraphs exactly in a same order as in thesis outline.

  • Body Paragraphs (Listing reasons for causal analysis)

This is where students basically have to prove ideas taken from thesis statement. If focusing only on causes, it will make essay incomplete, unless specified by college instructor. When causal analysis is involved, it has to examine each part (both cause and effect essay elements) separately. It is done so because details and examples of causes have to be given first to let audience understand and analyze. Typically, it is paper’s first body paragraph. Next, explore effects of these causes, speak of an impact. Final body paragraph has to include overall causal analysis that helps reader to understand why particular position has been taken. If necessary, include statistics and backup information that is not widely known by reliable sources.

  • Conclusion

Conclusion has to rule out any confusion and once again connect cause and effects elements. Thesis has to be mentioned in different words and briefly explained. As a rule, end causal analysis essay with a call to action or a sentence that will make readers think and want to analyze topic at greater depth.

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Essay Writing Tips

  • When writing causal analysis essays, make sure that it’s not only listing causes and effects, but aims to prove a point or provide analytical counterargument to a popular belief.
  • If theory or an assumption is taken for a topic (like global warming), include speculating on topic in analysis paragraph.
  • In Thesis Statement part, make it clear whether one focuses on causes, effects, or on both points. Generally speaking, if it’s not specified in assignment's instructions, any choice can be made.
  • When discussing causes in your essay, remember to be as descriptive as possible. Provide examples, backed up by sources, use classification, statistics.
  • Writing of effects, it’s recommended to use comparison and contrast style of writing where an outcome is made clear.
  • To avoid confusion and cluttering of ideas, see if there is a single cause with multiple effects or several causes with a single effect.
  • If any specific terminology is used, make sure to provide definitions in clear textual and accessible format.
  • Do not introduce any ideas in Conclusion, but always summarize main body points, linking them briefly to a Thesis Statement.
  • Introduction should start with a strong hook, connecting information, followed by strong thesis.
  • Thesis can include two sentences where one of which is defining the type of writing and other one telling about ideas itself.
  • Restating one's thesis, it’s recommended to make suggestions and predictions on topic.

50 Trendy Causal Analysis Essay Topics Examples

Undoubtedly, it’s best to learn by example, therefore, we provide 50 trendy causal analysis essay topic ideas in different categories, so students majoring in particular disciplines can quickly choose topics that fit them best! From social media essay ideas to environmental protection challenges, here are various causal argument topics:

Technology and IT

  1. How social networks impact personal safety.
  2. E-learning is a threat to standard education.
  3. Online shopping leads to additional financial risks.
  4. Internet influence on young children.
  5. Youtube’s impact on freedom of speech in the United States.
  6. Influence of social media on perception of information.
  7. IT job market’s influence on immigration.
  8. Technology makes daily lives more complicated.
  9. The reasons of cyber-bullying.
  10. Cause-and-effect of social media addiction.

Environment and Nature

  1. Global warming impact and link to social agendas.
  2. Amazon rainforests are negatively affected by globalization.
  3. Effects of construction on Earthquakes.
  4. How Facebook gives voice to environmental initiatives.
  5. Causal analysis of chemical plants in China and recent environmental changes.
  6. Comparison of environmental laws in effect of XYZ changes in the U.S.
  7. An impact of animals chipping on their breeding patterns.
  8. Healthcare effect of natural parks.
  9. Migration of polar bears: the reasons.
  10. Causal analysis of modern soil dehydration practices.

Political Science

  1. Influence of social media presence in politics.
  2. What forces successful political leaders to resign?
  3. What has lead to stricter gun possession laws in the United States.
  4. Main causes of political conflicts in 1950’s.
  5. Chosen language style on political success influence.
  6. Outcome of foreign U.S. politics in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  7. Political bias leads to wrong perception of social minorities.
  8. Female politicians have to work twice harder because of gender bias.
  9. Impact of Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
  10. How globalization affects American labor market.

Education and Youth

  1. 10 causes of bullying based on case sample.
  2. An impact of growing up in a single-parent family.
  3. Challenges and influence of distance-learning.
  4. Effects of living in multilingual society.
  5. Impact of stress on college students.
  6. Working and studying at the same time has negative effects on students’ health.
  7. Low grades report cases among college students.
  8. Dropping out of college: causes and effects analysis.
  9. Video games have negative effects on mental health.
  10. Anger and confusion among school teachers.

Social Issues

  1. Racism causation & modern society.
  2. What forces women to become involved in abusive relationships?
  3. An impact of domestic violence on children.
  4. Growing up in poverty - socio-cultural analysis.
  5. Cause and effect of staying honest.
  6. An influence of Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis and how it has impacted my college life.
  7. Online dating outcomes & changes in relationship patterns.
  8. How travelling the world and seeing new places affects personality in a positive way.
  9. Sports impact in the lives of young people.
  10. PTSD reasons among U.S. veterans and effects of offered therapies.

In case a particular causal analysis essay topic is needed, feel free to contact us for more ideas. From career goals essay prompts to writing templates and ideas in any subject, our writing experts can help you get any tasks done right!

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