Learn How to Write a Persuasive Essay to Meet the Highest Academic Standards

Do you want to influence people by your opinion? Persuasive essays represent an important type of academic writing that you may encounter at different educational levels. Building an excellent argument compels your audience to share and support your point. No matter where you are studying, learning how to write a persuasive essay professionally will help you improve grades and achieve desired results.

A good persuasive essay convinces people that your view is correct and the opposing view is incorrect. It is a bit challenging to accomplish as the audience may already be biased toward a particular viewpoint. Therefore, it is your job to present a strong argument that persuades them otherwise. Moreover, finding reliable sources that make sense and fit with your argument is another issue you must address. But with the right help, you will submit exceptional persuasive essays every time.

What is a Persuasive Essay and How Is It Formed?

Most students struggle with finishing an excellent persuasive assignment because it requires extensive research. Readers might already have a viewpoint regarding a specific issue. You are the one who should show them the other side of the story.

An effective persuasive essay has three essential parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. In the introduction paragraph, it is your job to present the topic of the essay and grab readers' attention. This part is critical as it encourages readers to go through the whole text. The next section is composed of body paragraphs. This section usually requires the greatest amount of work and will contain the results of your research. Your opinion should be supported with logical evidence that proves it to be right. You should also tackle the opposing viewpoint and explain why it is wrong. In the final concluding paragraph, sum up the issue and illustrate your point of view one more time.

The core of a persuasive essay is to pick a side and present reliable evidence that influences readers. You must pick a side (either for or against a certain issue), and build a strong argument that encourages the audience to agree. Following a logical structure in a persuasive essay will help you compose an excellent text that grabs attention and provides value to readers.

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How to Write a Persuasive Essay Step-by-Step:

Take a look at American politicians, successful business people, and impressive entrepreneurs. What do they have in common? That’s right: the power of persuasion.

Influencing others is the key to success in online business, marketing, law, politics, and various aspects of life. Because of this, it is crucial to practice effective persuasive essay writing skills in order to submit killer projects that impress your professors as well as your colleagues.

Writing a persuasive essay is not easy. But there is a simple approach that can help you finish this assignment with top-quality work. All you have to do is follow these steps:

  • Prewrite a Persuasive Essay

Planning is a critical step in academic writing. Before you start to write your persuasive essay, you must pick a certain position on a topic. Your position should be clear, as your task will be to support this opinion with relevant evidence.

Researching information for your subject gives you a brilliant opportunity to examine various sides of the issue you are writing about. Pick different sources; don’t rely on one source alone, as you will want to have varied and reliable information to offer. Refer to the most reputable online academic sites, trustworthy American TV channels (CBS, NBC), or scientific journals. This provides rich data that can be used to craft a mind-blowing persuasive essay later on.

  • Draft your Writing

If your school or college professor has provided you with a specific outline, follow it. If not, stick to the most common essay outline among the top US universities: the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion.

Start writing everything you think about on your chosen topic. Do not stop - just let it flow. Once you are done, take a look at your notes and see if you can draw links between them. Don’t worry about grammar mistakes and typos. There is always time for editing and revision after you are done.

  • Revise the Persuasive Essay

Now your writing is almost ready. It is time to review your task. Here is what you should do:

  1. Provide a strong argument that makes sense using reliable evidence that the audience will believe.
  2. Prove that other opinions don’t make sense and should be discarded.
  3. Every paragraph should be devoted to a single point or idea in order to avoid confusion.
  4. Refute the counterargument to add value to your writing.
  5. Avoid being repetitive. Use unique vocabulary that conveys the right meaning.
  6. Make sure your conclusion paragraph provides value to readers and encourages them to adopt your belief.
  7. Include relevant examples and proofs that support your point of view.
  8. Plagiarism is wrong and will affect your academic performance. Cite the sources you use and show that you’ve done it on your own by submitting an original persuasive essay.
  • Edit your Task

Leave the essay for a few hours, to give your mind a chance to process and come back with a fresh outlook. When some time has passed, go back and read the assignment once again, checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Such errors can change meanings and may eventually affect the overall quality of any assignment. Make sure you are following the right format and outline. This guarantees that the task is well-written and provides clear information for potential readers.

  • Get a Second Opinion on a Completed Essay

Share what you have completed with friends and family. Give them a chance to read your persuasive essay before submission. Ask them for criticism. Receiving feedback improves writing skills and draw attention to the parts you might have missed.

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Best Persuasive Writing Tips

Knowing how to write a persuasive essay in outstanding quality triggers responses from readers. They may be ready to change their opinion or take action after reading your well-researched task. Think of how this can help you excel in the most reputable universities in the USA and how it qualifies you for fantastic job opportunities. Here are the most crucial persuasive writing tips:

  • Understand Your Audience

Before asking how to start a persuasive essay, there are a few other things to consider. Who is this essay written for? What will readers expect to find when they read the text? Answering such questions can help you create an excellent persuasive essay that will attract attention and provide value. Use suitable words that convey the meaning of what you are trying to say.

  • Take a Stance

From the first paragraph, people should be able to understand your position regarding the topic. Unlike with other types of writing, you don’t want your audience to keep on guessing. Write a clear and persuasive thesis statement and use strong words to express one opinion.

  • Be Passionate

Put your heart and soul into this writing. Your passion and effort will pay off. If you are given a chance to pick the topic, choose one that you are passionate about. This gives you energy to research and write.

  • Support Your Arguments

Despite your firm belief, an opinion is not evidence. Support your writing with persuasive facts, statistics, graphs, and other pieces of reliable data. Readers will accept and value research if it makes sense.

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How to Start a Persuasive Essay

Writing a persuasive essay, you may face the problem of not knowing which topic to choose. The structure of a persuasive essay implies having strong arguments that are well researched and backed up with evidence. To do that, you might need to look into existing references online or at the college library and brainstorm a list of persuasive essay topics. Choosing your topic correctly and narrowing things down will help you focus on certain arguments and choose your persuasion style as you write.

Additionally, studying a persuasive essay example can provide you with a clear understanding of how to effectively structure and present your arguments to persuade your readers. Here are some ideas that you can use the starting points:

Here are some examples of good persuasive essay topics:

  1. Should The Use of Energy Drinks Become Prohibited?
  2. Is Music Education Essential For Modern Performers?
  3. The Mobile Devices Use In The Classroom is Harmful to Learning.
  4. Should The Length of College Lectures Be Shortened?
  5. Vaccines Can Lead to Autism and Cerebral Palsy.
  6. There Should Be No Advertisement Campaigns Aimed at the Children.
  7. The Feminism Movement Harms The Perception of Motherhood in Society.
  8. Are SAT and ECT Test Evaluation Methods Fair?
  9. Bodybuilding is More Harmful To Females Than Males.
  10. The Radio is Still Popular in 2024.

Composing Paragraphs

Every paragraph should begin with a complex sentence related to your topic. Build your arguments in favor for or against the issue. Try to be consistent: compose your essay in the ‘statement-argument’ form. This means that every statement is to be justified by arguments.

Provide Backups

To achieve success in writing a persuasive essay, remember to back up every claim or point you make. Not every statement may make sense and be clear to readers. To show the audience your confidence and awareness of the problem, bring evidence that can maintain and back up your arguments.

Use Short Sentences

For clarity, make only one claim in each sentence. If needed, look at the problem from different angles, but don’t distract readers from the main issue. Keep logical structure in your thoughts.

Find Your Persuasive Essay Techniques

To attract readers’ attention, the choice of an engaging topic is not enough. Persuasion takes much time to learn, but employing useful tricks and methods can help develop persuasion skills.

  • Repeat. Make everyone hear your topic. Don’t be afraid of telling the same information—you can emphasize the most important points many times in order to successfully convey an idea.
  • Use social validation. Quote influential leaders who have similar opinions to your own. That way you will sound more convincing. People will take your viewpoint more seriously if they hear it stated by someone who has or had power.
  • Try the Problem-Agitation-Solution formula. Explain the problem and offer a solution which can ease the situation. Also, encourage readers to participate in the search for a solution.

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Predict Arguments Against

You can be 100 percent confident in a chosen issue, but there will always be opinions against you. In that case, examine written essays and try to find provocative and controversial thoughts in order to discount them—or, if necessary, to prepare possible answers to win the debate. Look up useful sources for everything you don’t know and make bullet lists of justifying arguments. Also, you can seek writing help online for professional assistance to effectively complete your assignment.

Struggling with Persuasive Essay Writing?

How do you write a persuasive essay like a pro? We know that researching, writing, revising, and editing your task takes much time and effort. But hiring a professional academic writing service may be the answer to all your problems. We have plenty of argumentative essay writers as well as persuasive writers to fulfill all your requirements! Don’t worry if you think you are assigned a challenging topic. Expert writers have all the needed tools that enable them to do thorough research and craft an exceptional, unique persuasive essay to attract attention.

Is the deadline approaching? Experts can finish a tough task faster than you. This is the only way you can submit all academic assignments on time, regardless of the topic. Say goodbye to missed due dates and plagiarized assignments. Professional writers will compose original persuasive essays that should impress everyone.

It is time to act smart. Not a minute should be wasted when qualified writers can help you submit excellent assignments by their due dates. Improving your academic performance and grades can be achieved when you make the right choice.

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