How to write a scholarship essay: key guidelines and examples

how to write scholarship essay

The essential condition for a successful grant application is writing a scholarship essay. It often stands out as a formidable task, leaving many students uncertain. Understanding how to write a scholarship essay and effectively convey one’s achievements, aspirations, and unique qualities in a limited word count can be daunting.

Accordingly, this article will provide valuable insights and strategies to create a compelling scholarship essay outline, impress the selection committees, and increase the likelihood of securing that coveted financial support.

What is a scholarship essay? 

Before we explore what to write in a scholarship essay, let’s specify the definition of this term. It is a written composition submitted by a student for a scholarship application. Its primary purpose is to persuade the scholarship committee or provider that the applicant is the most deserving candidate for financial support based on their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, personal experiences, and future aspirations. 

How does it differ from other essay types?

A college application essay differs significantly from academic or personal narrative papers. Unlike other writing, it is highly focused on showcasing the applicant’s unique qualities and aligning them with the specific criteria and values. It often includes personal anecdotes, reflections, and a clear demonstration of how the scholarship will contribute to the educational and career goals of the graduate.

Scholarship essay format and structure 

This text has a specified format and word limit. Adhering to this limit is crucial to conveying a compelling message concisely. Following a specified font and spacing requirements is essential. Commonly, essay scholarships papers are expected to be written in a legible font like Times New Roman or Arial, with standard spacing (e.g., double-spaced).

The document typically consists of three main sections: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section serves a distinct purpose in presenting the applicant’s qualifications and persuading the scholarship committee of their suitability for the award. Discover what should be disclosed in every section.

  1. Introduction:

  • Hook: How to start a scholarship essay? Begin with a powerful hook that grabs the reader's attention. It could be a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a captivating anecdote.
  • Introduction of the applicant: Introduce yourself and provide some background information. Mention your name, current educational status, and the grant you are applying for.
  • Thesis or purpose statement: Clearly state the purpose of your essay and why you are the ideal candidate for the scholarship. It sets the tone for the rest of the text.
  1. Body paragraphs:

  • Paragraph organization: Typically, there are three to four body paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your qualifications or experiences.
  • Supporting details: Use specific examples, achievements, and experiences to support your claims ─ evidence of your skills, leadership qualities, community involvement, or academic achievements.
  • Relevance to scholarship criteria: Connect each paragraph to the specific criteria outlined in the guidelines. When writing scholarship essays, explain how your experiences align with what the grant committee seeks.
  1. Conclusion:

  • Summary: Summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs. Reinforce why you are the best candidate.
  • Final impression: Leave a lasting impression by reiterating your enthusiasm for the grant and expressing gratitude for the opportunity.
  • Call to action: If appropriate, include a call to action, such as expressing your eagerness for an interview or emphasizing your commitment to making a positive impact with the scholarship.

Now, you know what to write in scholarship essay. Remember to maintain a clear and concise writing style throughout the document. Adhere to any specified word limits, and ensure that your text flows logically from one section to the next. If you lack the resources, struggle with this task, and need tutoring, you may contact our paper writing service and get effective recommendations about crafting academic papers.

How to write a scholarship essay: a step-by-step guide 

Completing an outstanding and compelling text necessitates a methodical and strategic approach and thoughtful consideration of your distinctive qualities. In the ensuing sections, you’ll find comprehensive tips for writing scholarship essays to assist you in the meticulous process of creating a text that meets the criteria and sets you apart as an exceptional candidate.

1. Reflect on your text’s essential points following the prompt.

Carefully read the essay prompt provided by the scholarship. Understand the key themes, criteria, and directions. If the prompt asks about overcoming challenges, ensure your writing focuses on personal experiences where you demonstrated resilience and determination.

2. Brainstorm and outline your advantages.

Identify key experiences, achievements, and goals you want to highlight. Create an outline to organize your thoughts and structure your writing effectively. Allocate paragraphs to each aspect for a well-organized document.

3. Develop a compelling introduction.

Start with a captivating hook that immediately engages the reader. Introduce yourself and present a clear thesis statement that outlines the purpose of your text.


“Amidst the pages of textbooks and the boundless possibilities of the future, my journey as a student unfolds like a captivating narrative, each chapter revealing a unique blend of challenges, triumphs, and unyielding determination.”

4. Tell your story in the body.

Use the body paragraphs to provide specific examples, experiences, technology skills, and achievements that showcase your unique qualities. Relate each point to the grant criteria.


“One impactful experience that shaped my commitment to community service was volunteering at the local food bank. I helped distribute meals to families facing economic hardships. It was a humbling experience that opened my eyes to the struggles people in my community endure on a daily basis.”

5. Emphasize impact and growth.

When writing an essay for a scholarship, highlight the impact of your experiences and emphasize personal growth. Explain how these experiences have shaped your character and contributed to your aspirations.


“Participating in the science club not only improved my problem-solving skills but also fostered resilience and adaptability. Collaborative projects illuminated the potential for growth within challenges, empowering me with confidence to tackle academic and real-world obstacles.”

6. Connect with the scholarship criteria.

Demonstrate how your experiences align with the grant criteria. Address specific qualities or accomplishments sought by the scholarship provider. 


“My academic achievements, combined with leadership roles in clubs and community service, exemplify my alignment with the core values upheld by this esteemed scholarship.”

7. Maintain clarity and conciseness.

Be concise and avoid unnecessary details. Ensure your writing is clear, focused, and directly addresses the prompt.


“My academic journey, marked by challenges and triumphs, has shaped my desire for higher education and pursuit of this scholarship.”

8. Craft a powerful conclusion:

If you don’t know how to end a scholarship essay, the best solution is to summarize key points and restate your thesis. End with a memorable statement that leaves a lasting impression.


“In closing, this grant represents more than a financial investment in my education; it signifies a shared commitment to the transformative power of learning. I am eager to contribute my passion, perseverance, and skills to the academic community, and I sincerely thank you for considering my application.”

9. Revise and proofread.

Review your document for grammar, spelling, and coherence. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, peers, and mentors, or ask for research proposal help online. EduBirdie writers can check your work for typos or grammatical errors that may distract the reader from your message.

10. Tailor each essay.

Customize your writing for each scholarship application. Adjust details to align with the specific directions of your grant.

By following these guidelines and incorporating specific examples relevant to your experiences, you can create a standout text that effectively communicates your qualifications and distinguishes you from other applicants.

Dos and don’ts

scholarship essay tips

Image credit: Cakeresume

Let’s explore key scholarship essay tips to help you navigate the intricacies of writing a powerful essay, ensuring your best qualities shine while avoiding common pitfalls that might undermine your chances.


  • Understand the prompt.

Carefully read and understand the scholarship essay prompts, ensuring that your response directly addresses the requirements.

  • Showcase your unique qualities.

Highlight your individual strengths, experiences, and achievements that make you stand out from other applicants.

  • Be genuine and authentic.

Write your scholarship essay template from the heart, providing sincere and authentic insights into your personality, values, and aspirations.

  • Follow instructions.

Adhere to the specified guidelines regarding word count, format, and submission requirements.

  • Customize your essay.

Tailor your paper to fit the specific grant you are applying for, emphasizing how your goals align with the scholarship’s mission.

  • Provide concrete examples.

Support your statement with specific scholarship essay examples, accomplishments, and experiences to illustrate your points.

  • Address challenges and overcome obstacles.

If relevant, discuss challenges you’ve faced and emphasize how you’ve overcome them, showcasing resilience, leadership, and determination.

  • Proofread thoroughly.

Carefully proofread your text to ensure it is free from grammatical errors, typos, and other mistakes.

  • Conclude strongly.

End your writing with a powerful and memorable conclusion reinforcing your suitability for financial support.


  • Refrain from plagiarizing or using generic content.

Avoid copying from other sources or submitting generic content. Your text should be original and tailored to your experiences.

  • Don’t exaggerate or fabricate.

Be truthful in presenting your achievements and experiences. Exaggeration or fabrication can harm your credibility.

  • Avoid using clichés.

To create winning scholarship essays, steer clear of clichés and generic phrases. Instead, focus on expressing your ideas freshly and engagingly.

  • Avoid focusing solely on academic achievements.

While academic accomplishments are important, highlight your extracurricular activities, community involvement, and personal growth.

  • Refrain from overusing jargon or complex language.

Ensure your text is accessible and easily understood. Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex language that may obscure your message.

  • Don’t disregard the word limit.

Clarify the answer to “How long should a scholarship essay be?” and stick to the specified word limit. Going significantly over or under the limit may reflect a lack of attention to instructions.

  • Don’t rely solely on spell check.

While spell check is helpful, it may not catch all errors. Proofread your document carefully and, if possible, have someone else review it.

  • Don’t wait until the last minute.

Give yourself ample time to brainstorm, write, and revise. Waiting until the last minute can result in a rushed and less effective paper.

You can create an authentic essay with excellence by adhering to these dos and don'ts. It will effectively communicate your unique qualities and enhance your chances of securing the scholarship.

Final thoughts

When writing scholarship essay, remember that the power to captivate lies within your words. This article has equipped you with essential insights, from understanding the common rules to mastering the art of impactful storytelling. However, if you ever grapple with the intricacies of essay creation, scholarship essay writing service EduBirdie stands as your unwavering ally, ready to offer scholarship essay writing help. With a team of skilled writers and a commitment to excellence, our service ensures that your papers exceed the expectations of discerning selection committees. So, fearlessly pursue your academic aspirations, armed with the knowledge and support needed to transform your narrative into a compelling scholarship essay. Success awaits – let your story unfold!

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