How To Write Anthropology Research Papers

Anthropology is an area of scientific knowledge that studies fundamental problems of human existence in a natural and artificial environment. To put it shortly, it is the study of humanity. In addition to that, there are lots of types of anthropological studies and branches on which you may commence elaborating your paper. Philosophical anthropology focuses on the study of the problems of human existence in the world as a whole and seeks to answer the question about the essence of man.

Cultural anthropology deals with the connections between man and culture. It focuses on the problems of the genesis of man as the creator and the creation of culture. There are also other types of this branch of science, such as social anthropology, cognitive, and so on. But the main ones are these four subfields of anthropology: Archaeology, Cultural, Biological, and Linguistic. So, your work on anthropology will definitely contain features and subtleties of different studies. You can always ask a professional writing service to “write my research paper” if you are not prepared to learn more about several disciplines at once.

How to Structure Your Paper on Anthropology

how to structure anthropology paper

Title Page

Start with a title page that includes the title of your paper, your name, course name, instructor’s name, and the date. Ensure it follows the formatting guidelines of your required citation style, such as APA or MLA.


Write a concise abstract of about 150-250 words that summarizes the research question, methodology, key results, and conclusions. This should give readers a quick overview of your paper’s content and significance.


Introduce your topic by providing background information and context. Clearly state your research question and thesis statement. Explain the importance and objectives of your research and provide a brief overview of the structure of your paper to guide the reader, or get help with research paper for professional touch.

Literature Review

Summarize existing research and theories related to your topic. Highlight key studies, compare different viewpoints, and identify gaps in the literature that your research aims to fill. This section should justify the relevance of your research question based on previous studies.


Detail the research design and methodology used in your study. Explain your data collection methods, such as fieldwork, surveys, or interviews, and describe the tools and techniques used for data analysis. Discuss any ethical considerations and how they were addressed to ensure the integrity of your research.


Present your research findings clearly and logically. Use tables, graphs, and charts to illustrate key points and make the data easier to understand. Provide enough detail for readers to understand your results without needing to reference the raw data.


Interpret the significance of your results and relate them to your literature review and theoretical framework. Discuss any unexpected findings and their possible explanations. Address the limitations of your study and suggest areas for future research to build on your findings.


In the research paper conclusion, summarize the main findings of your research and their implications. Restate the significance of your study and its contributions to the field of anthropology. Offer recommendations for future research or practical applications based on your results.


List all the sources cited in your paper in the appropriate citation style, such as APA or MLA. Ensure that every source is correctly formatted and includes all necessary information. This section should provide a comprehensive list of the literature you referenced throughout your paper.


Include any additional material that supports your research, such as raw data, detailed descriptions of methods, or supplementary analyses. Label each appendix clearly and refer to them in the main text where relevant to provide further context and detail to your findings.

Read also: What is a research essay?

Useful Tips

  • Identify your topic as early as possible. Despite the chosen types of anthropology, it should be interesting and thought-provoking.
  • To come up with some ideas for an anthropology research paper, turn to other samples of works like nursing paper help, English papers, and cultural anthropology research papers.
  • You may also look through some ready-made topics, such as physical anthropology research paper topics; this will direct you toward your own topic.
  • Any theory that you propose to the audience must be theoretically grounded. Find appropriate literature sources both online and in the library. Try to adhere to the primary sources.
  • The problem/thesis/hypothesis/question you discuss in your survey must be clearly shaped and understandable.
  • Use terminology in an appropriate manner. Try to explain some rare and challenging terms. Any difficulties? Be sure to name our site when asking yourself how to pay someone to write my research paper.
  • Every part of your work should be linked closely with other parts thematically and practically.
  • Re-read your completed paper several times to find grammatical, stylistic, and spelling mistakes.
  • Adhere to the anthropology research paper format.
  • Some useful phrases are “The evidence for this hypothesis is...”, “...notes that...”, “In this paper, I would like to outline...”, and “To conclude,...”.

Typical Mistakes Made by Students

  1. Lack of Clear Thesis Statement: Students often fail to present a clear and concise thesis statement. A thesis statement is crucial as it sets the direction and scope of your research. Without it, your paper can seem unfocused and vague.
  2. Insufficient Literature Review: Many students overlook the importance of a comprehensive literature review. This section should not only summarize previous research but also identify gaps and establish the relevance of your study. An inadequate review can weaken the foundation of your research.
  3. Poor Organization and Structure: An anthropology research paper must have a logical flow and coherent structure. Students sometimes jumble sections or fail to connect ideas effectively. This disorganization can confuse readers and obscure your arguments.
  4. Neglecting Methodology: Students often under-explain their research methods. Detailing your methodology is essential for transparency and reproducibility. Clearly describe how data was collected and analyzed and any limitations encountered.
  5. Weak Analysis and Interpretation: Some students struggle with analyzing and interpreting their results. It’s important to go beyond presenting data; discuss its implications, how it supports or refutes your thesis, and its relevance to the field of anthropology.
  6. Inadequate Proofreading and Editing: Spelling, grammar, and formatting errors can undermine the professionalism of your paper. Thorough proofreading and adherence to the required citation style are essential to ensure clarity and credibility.
  7. Plagiarism: Failure to properly cite sources or paraphrasing without credit can lead to plagiarism. Always attribute ideas and direct quotes to their original authors to maintain academic integrity.

Final thoughts

Writing an anthropology research paper can be challenging, but avoiding common mistakes can significantly enhance the quality of your work. Ensure you have a clear thesis statement, a comprehensive literature review, and a well-structured paper. Detail your methodology, provide a thorough analysis and interpretation of your results, and meticulously proofread your work. By following these guidelines, you can produce a clear, well-argued, and professional paper that contributes meaningfully to the field of anthropology.

Ready to start your anthropology research paper? Use our comprehensive guide to avoid typical pitfalls and create a high-quality paper. If you need further assistance, EduBirdie’s professional writers are here to help. Start by visiting EduBirdie for more tips, examples, and support.

Anthropological Topics for a Research Paper

  • The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Cultures
  • Cultural Practices Surrounding Birth and Death
  • Gender Roles in Different Societies
  • The Evolution of Human Language
  • Rituals and Their Meanings in Various Cultures
  • The Role of Mythology in Shaping Cultural Identity
  • Marriage Practices Across Different Cultures
  • The Influence of Religion on Social Structures
  • Dietary Habits and Cultural Significance
  • The Anthropology of Music and Dance
  • Environmental Anthropology: Human-Environment Interactions
  • Urbanization and Its Effects on Traditional Communities
  • The Role of Folklore in Preserving Cultural Heritage
  • Medical Anthropology: Health Practices and Beliefs
  • The Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous Populations
  • Social Hierarchies and Power Dynamics in Different Cultures
  • The Anthropology of Childhood: Cultural Differences in Upbringing
  • Art and Symbolism in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Anthropology of Festivals and Celebrations
  • Migration Patterns and Cultural Assimilation
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Cultural Practices
  • The Anthropology of Food: Culinary Traditions and Innovations
  • The Influence of Mass Media on Cultural Perceptions
  • Clothing and Adornment as Cultural Expressions
  • The Role of Women in Indigenous Societies
  • Kinship and Family Structures in Different Cultures
  • The Anthropology of Sports: Cultural Significance and Practices
  • Cultural Adaptations to Climate Change
  • The Social Implications of Genetic Research
  • The Anthropology of Crime and Punishment
  • Traditional Healing Practices and Modern Medicine
  • The Role of Storytelling in Cultural Transmission
  • The Impact of Tourism on Indigenous Cultures
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health
  • The Anthropology of Space and Place
  • Trade and Exchange Systems in Ancient Societies
  • The Evolution of Human Societies: From Hunter-Gatherers to Industrialization
  • Political Systems and Governance in Tribal Societies
  • The Role of Language in Shaping Cultural Identity
  • The Anthropology of Work: Labor Practices and Cultural Meaning
  • The Impact of Migration on Cultural Identity
  • Rituals of Passage: Birth, Marriage, and Death in Different Cultures
  • The Role of Architecture in Cultural Expression
  • The Anthropology of Conflict and Peacebuilding
  • Cultural Perceptions of Time and Space
  • The Influence of Cosmology and Astronomy in Ancient Cultures
  • The Role of Education in Cultural Transmission
  • The Anthropology of Aging and Elderly Care
  • Cultural Adaptations to Natural Disasters
  • The Impact of Digital Media on Traditional Cultural Practices

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