How to Write a Research Paper on History

It may seem that to write my research paper / historical analysis paper is an overwhelming task. One reason for that is because we usually begin to conduct a survey on a historical even after it happened which means that we are not able to assess the thing from our perspective and also we cannot know the event, its background, and consequences from the inside out. Another obstacle for writing such kinds of papers is an abundance of literature sources that we are not able to read on a full scale. History is all about interpretation and selection and one needs to be preferential in choosing data and information.

History Paper

How to make a good and elaborated structure for the History paper

Many students ask how to do a history homework, has the answer!

  1. Title. Choose an interesting title for your work that will provoke further discussion and raise some thought-provoking questions.
  2. Introduction. The introduction part must be capturing and engaging to attract reader's attention. Do not digress from the main point. State what you are going to analyze and put arguments that will convince the audience to proceed to read your paper.
  3. Body. In the body paragraph, you go deeper into the subject. Present relevant sources that you used and state your hypotheses, interpretations and withdraw the results. Tell why you are for or against some point of view. Marshal your line of argument in a proper and coherent way.
  4. Conclusion. This is the part where you iterate in the memory of the reader all the essential concepts that were mentioned in the paper as well as results that you got with the future possibilities of discovering that more.

Useful pieces of advice for writing a paper on History

  1. State your information in the past tense. Unlike other types of papers, the subject of this paper is history that has already passed.
  2. Refer to already existing materials like Sociology Papers, history papers on slavery, US history research paper, historical analysis paper, history sample papers class 12th, sample family history paper etc to carve a brilliant paper of your own.
  3. Be precise, do not reiterate unnecessary information and do not make obscure and vague generalizations.
  4. Step by step proceed from one year to another. There is no need to jumble from one year to the other without sticking to a chronological order.
  5. Most times turn to primary sources!
  6. Use less quotes. Try to paraphrase some statements.
  7. Always view all the events in the historical context of the epoch. There is always a background and prerequisites for diverse types of events.
  8. Provide the essential supplemental information in parenthesis.
  9. Adhere to formal style in writing. Use conversational cliches to start your paragraphs. 
  10. Re-read and check your completed work several times.

Read also: EduBirdie will help with research paper for you.

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Common mistakes often made by students

  • Giving information in the literary present.
  • The use of colloquialisms.
  • All the text is based on judgments rather than understanding and interpreting.
  • The overwhelming quantity of cited material without personal interpretation and understanding.
  • Usage of the first person and second person singular (I, you).
  • Starting writing without a preliminary search.

Possible History paper topics

Salem Witch Trials: What were the possible causes?

Gold Rush: What was its impact on the development of California? 

Women in the Civil War: How did they contribute? 

Child labor in the late 1800s/ early 1900s: What was the impact on society? How were reforms made?

Yellow journalism: What was its role in causing the Spanish-American War? (Hearst and Pulitzer)

World War II: What contributions were made by Americans on the home front?

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