150 Satire Essay Topics Ideas

As a student, you are required to write a variety of different essays and articles for school and college. Of course, this means writing about lots of interesting topics and subjects, but it also means writing in different styles too.

If you study English or any of the social sciences, changes are you will have to write a satirical essay. However, satire topics can be quite challenging, and everyone could do with some help along the way. That is why you are here right now!

What exactly is a Satire Essay?

So, you have been assigned to write a satire essay. But, what exactly is that? Well, a satire essay, also referred to as a satirical essay, is a style of writing that aims to analyse a topic in a humorous way. Often, this means poking fun at a subject, and although the facts are normally correct, they are portrayed in a way that is exaggerated so that they are funny for the audience or reader.

A satire essay is often interesting and fun for you to write, as well as hilarious and fun for your reader too. You are providing facts for your reader, as well as a sarcastic and entertaining stance on the subject. Of course, this usually means that you have to have an opinion on the subject matter. But, this is what makes a satirical essay one of the best ways to write; you get to share your own perspective and include your own personal spin on your work. This means that also this style of writing is fun and humorous, it can also be educating and thought-provoking.

An example of satire would be talking about the beliefs held by Flat Earthers in a very serious tone. You could explain their worldview, their efforts in the quest for truth, while at the same time making brief references to the inconsistencies in their theories  they themselves are puzzled about (eclipses, tides, time zones) but also the solutions they try to propose for these inconsistencies. 

How to Write a Satire and Receive a Good Grade

Of course, you are here because you want to know how to write good satire. You are definitely in the right place! There are several important steps you should take in order to write a good satirical essay. Let’s have a look at them so that you can get started.

  • Think about Satirical Topics for your Essay

The first step in writing your satire essay is to think about a topic. This can take some time, and it is not a step that should be rushed. After all, in order to produce your best work, it is important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you know enough about to form an opinion and create a humorous analysation. Plus, it is going to be a lot more fun to choose a topic that you love and easier to share your personal thoughts! For example, this can include current events that are in the news or that are going viral. Some of the best topics are ones that you and other people can relate to.

  • Create Funny Satire Topics for Readers

Of course, an important thing to consider when you are choosing your satire essay topics is to think about a subject that is actually funny. It will be very difficult to discuss a topic if there is not a humorous element that you can poke fun at. Think about angles you can make interesting and funny for your readers, and you will find creating your satire essay easy and enjoyable. Ask yourself; what is ironic or funny about this topic?

To create a satire topic, you could also start with a random (even serious) topic and look for ways to alter it in order to make it humorous - make exaggerations, play with the context, mix the unmixable, etc. It could help to think about old good human nature, current weird trends in society, funny self-deprecation, etc.

  • Consider your Audience

Before you start writing, you have also got to think about who will be reading your essay. The tone and language that you are going to use will be very different depending on the audience that is going to be reading your satirical topics. For example, if you are writing for your fellow students, then you may be able to write less formally than you would for a professor or academic professional. While the quality of your argument and outline of your essay will be similar, the speech that you use will vary.

  • Use Hyperbole for Exaggeration

Good satire topics will make use of hyperbole. This is a type of figurative language that is going to create humour, and it is not taken literally by the reader. In other words, hyperbole is creating phrases that overstate a point and exaggerate it so you can emphasis your point of view. For example, the phrase; I am so hungry that I could eat a horse. This is hyperbole that exaggerates the fact that the person is incredibly hungry. Of course, no one would literally eat a horse, but it is used for emphasis.

  • Add Sarcasm

One of the best pieces of language that you can use in your satiric essay is sarcasm. Not only is this an effective way of getting your point of view across in your writing, but it is also a way to entertain your audience and help them build a picture of what you are talking about. You will be able to mock a situation, and this means using language that means that opposite of what you want to say.

Writing a good satire essay requires the use of intelligent and vibrant humor. Also, using a rich and exquisite vocabulary or mimicking the formal style of newspapers creates a contrast with the funny tone, enhancing the overall effect.

  • Have Some Fun

Do not forget that your assignment should be fun! While it may seem difficult to start writing and thinking about satire ideas or presentation topic ideas, it can be a rewarding project to finish. This is especially true if it is on a topic that you are interested in. So, take your time and try to have some fun with the process to create good satire topics that you can be proud of.

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Interesting Satire Essay Topics for College Students

Are you struggling to think of any satire project ideas? It can be difficult to think about issues and topics off the top of your head. That is why we have thought about some possible categories and topics for you to gain some inspiration.




Social Issues

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The Environment


Information Technology

Funny Topics

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The Media


Sum Up

Writing a satirical essay can be a lot of fun and a rewarding task. But, it is also not easy. If you are struggling to write a proposal that you are proud of, this is where essay writing service Edubirdie can help. You can hire an essay writer to help you with satire topics and make sure that you do not miss your deadline.

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