Learn how to write an opinion essay with this guide from our top writers

how to write opinion essay

Opinion essays can become your favorite essay type if you know how to approach them. It seems your job is to share and defend your opinion — what can be easier? Well, there are quite some tricks: structure your thoughts coherently and support your opinion with credible sources, which requires time and effort. 

In this article, we’ve collected all the useful information you need to know on how to write an opinion essay and start crafting your own opinion essays like a pro. Learn how to write an opinion paper and overcome all of the challenges associated with the writing. If you practice enough, improve your skills, absorb necessary knowledge, and use guidance, you'll cultivate critical thinking, form well-reasoned arguments, and learn to communicate your viewpoints effectively. 

Opinion essays: where to start? 

What is an opinion essay? An opinion essay is a form of writing where the author expresses their personal views on a specific topic, backed by reasons and examples. It typically starts with an introduction of the topic and the author's viewpoint, followed by body paragraphs that provide supporting arguments. The essay concludes with a summary of the points made and a reinforcement of the author's opinion, often encouraging the reader to consider this perspective. Your goal, unlike a persuasive essay, is only to get the reader to see things from your point of view or at least to understand where you're coming from. Opinion essay writing has some clear distinctions from other essay types — check the table below.


Opinion Essay

Expository Essay

Descriptive Essay

Narrative Essay


Expressing the author's individual perspective and intending to convince the reader.

Provides information, explains a topic, or describes a process.

Paints a vivid picture or conveys sensory details about a subject.

Tells a story, often based on personal experiences.

Thesis Statement

A debatable opinion that presents the writer's stance.

An informative hypothesis that summarizes the topic.

May have a thesis, but it primarily describes a subject.

Typically, it revolves around a particular subject or event.


Relies on arguments, examples, and professional evidence to support the initial opinion.

Presents facts and data related to the topic.

Uses sensory language and imagery to create a sensory experience.

Incorporates personal stories and storytelling.

Tone and Style

Often employs a persuasive and argumentative tone.

Typically maintains an informative and neutral tone.

Emphasizes vivid and expressive language.

Reflects the author's voice and emotions.

Opinion essay format 

Typically follows a standardized structure.

Generally, it uses an introduction, several body paragraphs for explanation, and a conclusion.

Organized to create a vivid portrayal of the subject, often with a structured pattern.

Typically, it includes an introduction, plot development, character development, climax, and resolution.

Counter Arguments

Acknowledges and addresses opposing viewpoints or counterarguments.

Focuses on presenting facts rather than refuting counterarguments.

Rarely involves counterarguments.

Primarily focuses on storytelling and personal experiences.

Language and Persuasion

Utilizes rhetorical devices, persuasive language, and emotional appeals.

Emphasizes clarity, objectivity, and information dissemination.

Prioritizes vivid and sensory language to create a mental image.

Often features dialogue, character development, and a narrative voice.

If you’re struggling with creating an essay, you can always reach our writing service by saying, write me an essay — we’ll get right on it. 

Opinion essay: how to write a structure? 

Remember to build a good structure if you need to write an opinion essay that holds value. This way, your readers will say ‘thank you’ and will be able to get the most out of your paper. 


  • Intrigue: Begin with a quote, a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, or a relevant anecdote. Your job now is to make ‘I want to keep this reading’ pop up in your readers’ heads. 
  • Background information: Immerse readers in the topic by providing some context.
  • Thesis statement: Clearly state your opinion or stance on the topic. It is the main idea of your essay you will need to support. 

Body Paragraphs

  • Personal connection: Introduce your personal connection or experience that led to your opinion. Connect your personal narrative to the broader topic of the essay.
  • Emotionally resonant language: Infuse emotion into your opinion paragraph with emotionally resonant language to create a connection with the reader.
  • Incorporate Personal Reflection: Weave personal reflection into the essay's body. Connect your personal reflections back to the main argument.
  • Analogies and Metaphors: Enhance your opinion paper with analogies or metaphors to vividly convey complex ideas. Use these literary devices to clarify and engage the reader.
  • Addressing the Why: Explore the reasons behind your opinion. Explain the motivations or underlying principles that contribute to your perspective.

Counterargument and Rebuttal

  • Counterargument: Address a potential counterargument to your thesis. Acknowledge opposing views to show that you've considered different perspectives, and explain why you disagree. 
  • Rebuttal: Present counterarguments and provide evidence and reasoning to refute or weaken them. While this part is optional, it strengthens your overall argument.


  • Restate Thesis: When you don’t know how to end an opinion essay, present a summary by restating your thesis in a way that brings everything together. 
  • Closing Remarks: Provide a final thought, call to action, or implication related to your opinion.
  • Closure: Work on leaving a lasting impression on the reader in your conclusion. 

Here’s a brief opinion essay template:

I. Introduction

  • Hook
  • Background Information
  • Thesis Statement

II. Body Paragraphs

  • Paragraph 1
    • Topic Sentence
    • Supporting Evidence
    • Analysis
    • Transition Sentence
  • Paragraph 2
    • Topic Sentence
    • Supporting Evidence
    • Analysis
    • Transition Sentence
  • (Repeat for additional paragraphs)

III. Counterargument and Rebuttal (Optional)

  • Counterargument
  • Rebuttal

IV. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis
  • Closing Remarks
  • Closure

How to write opinion paper: comprehensive guide 

Let's break down the process of writing an opinion essay into several key steps.

Step 1: Start with the topic.

Writing an opinion paper starts with choosing a topic you feel strongly about or are genuinely interested in. Your passion for the subject will enhance the persuasiveness of your essay. Consider issues that are relevant, timely, and have two or more contrasting viewpoints to create a compelling argument. If you’re struggling to develop a relevant topic, research opinion essay topics to get fresh ideas and break free from your informational bubble. 

Step 2: Find relevant information.

Before you start writing, gather information to support your opinion. Research sources, expand your vocabulary, and collect data, examples, or quotes that add weight to your argument. Make sure to understand not only your viewpoint but also the viewpoints of others. You will find lots of value in using them further in your paper. 

Step 3: Develop your central argument.

Writing opinion essays always involves crafting a concise thesis statement. Think of the key ideas you want to translate. You can start by brainstorming ideas, writing various ideas that cross your mind, and then choosing the most relevant one. Consider the significance and relevance of your opinion to the audience and aim for a statement that sparks interest and invites discussion. 

Step 4: Structure your thoughts.

One relevant technique for crafting an opinion essay outline is the "Zoom In, Zoom Out" method. Begin by presenting a broad overview of your topic and stating your main opinion in the introduction. As you move into the body paragraphs, "zoom in" on specific details and supporting evidence for each aspect of your argument. Remember to use transition words and sentences to create a smooth flow between paragraphs and dive deep into the intricacies to provide a comprehensive understanding. 

Then, in the concluding section, "zoom-out" again to re-emphasize the broader significance of your opinion and its implications. This technique allows you to balance depth and breadth in presenting your argument, providing a nuanced perspective while ensuring the reader sees the bigger picture of your opinion.

Step 5: Polish your paper.

Once you've completed the initial draft, take time to revise and refine your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Make sure you’ve used tools to persuade the reader by sharing your thoughts and offering some legitimate arguments. If possible, seek peer and mentor feedback, or get essay help.

Do's in an opinion essay

✅Make sure your thesis statement articulates your stance. This statement should be concise and placed in the introduction.

✅Paint a colorful picture with words to evoke emotions and make your opinion come alive.

✅Organize your essay logically and coherently to boost the reader’s understanding. 

✅If possible, integrate multimedia elements like relevant images, videos, or infographics to add a dynamic layer to your essay and enhance your points creatively.

✅Make the beginning engaging. Consider using questions or interesting facts to make your essay more compelling.

✅Check for grammar and spelling errors, ensure clarity, and refine your writing for coherence.

Don'ts in an opinion essay

⛔Don't leave your reader guessing about your stance. Be explicit and avoid vague language that may lead to confusion.

⛔Don't rely solely on emotional appeals without supporting them with rational arguments and evidence. While emotions can enhance your essay, a solid foundation of facts is essential.

⛔Don't dismiss or ignore counterarguments. Acknowledge them and demonstrate why your opinion is more valid through evidence and reasoning.

⛔Don't repeat the same ideas or phrases excessively. Repetition can make your essay tedious and may weaken your argument.

⛔Don't share biased opinions without backing them up with evidence. Even though it's an opinion essay, your opinions should be well-founded.

⛔Don't rush through the introduction and conclusion. These sections are crucial and should be carefully crafted to make a strong first impression and lasting impact.

⛔Don't introduce new ideas in the conclusion. 

Final thoughts

Approaching crafting an opinion essay requires thoughtful consideration and strategic execution. Embrace the challenge as an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. If you encounter difficulties, see them as stepping stones to improvement. 

Don't hesitate to take breaks when needed, allowing yourself time to reflect and recharge. Also, be open to feedback; constructive criticism can significantly enhance the quality of your essay. Stay open to explore different perspectives, making the writing experience informative and enjoyable. Pay for an essay if you need professional support or feel stuck. 

The art of writing an opinion essay lies in the meticulous balance of conviction, evidence, and clarity. Stay true to your authentic voice and approach each revision as an opportunity for refinement. With these considerations in mind, your opinion essay can be a powerful and persuasive piece of writing.

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