Research Papers on Education: Quick Guide

If you are a future teacher or educational specialist, you will definitely be faced with writing a research paper on education. This topic can be based on the current trends in education and the teaching profession, your own practical experience, or challenging some approach, thesis, or point of view. If you still have questions on this theme after reading this article, you can ask professional writers from our paper writing service for research paper help.

You also may be asked to interpret and explain how this or that outcome from the previous surveys may be approached using from different curriculum conceptions that were covered during lectures and seminars. Research in the field of education requires a profound knowledge of the educational strategies and theoretical background and being a good psychologist because of collaboration with students of different ages, elaborating and assessing programs for them encompass a wide range of psychological peculiarities.

The Common Structure of Education Research Paper

  1. Title. The topic which you choose must be inserted in the title in such a way as to illustrate the major point you are going to discuss.
  2. Introduction. This is the place where you give a brief but understandable outline of your research. You should engage the reader in the further reading of your paper. Give some proof that this question is really worth discussing.
  3. Body. The body paragraph includes argumentation, working with primary and secondary sources. All the investigation must be based on both theory and practice. All your practical conclusions and outcomes need to be supported with relevant theoretical statements and discoveries. You may apply to several previous types of research by outstanding scientists. Anyway, you are not the first one to turn to this or that issue in the field of education. In addition to that, methodology must also be placed in this part of your work,
  4. Conclusion. The briefest part of the research paper where you summarize all the findings and outcomes, enumerate all the developed concepts and approaches. You may add what the perspective of your results is. How your results differ from those of other specialists.

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How to Make a Research Paper on Education

  • Start searching for sources as early as possible.
  • Prepare a draft of your work and a potential plan for it.
  • Do not make your topic vast; choose just one or two aspects.
  • Precisely define terms. Each term is polysemantic, so choose the definitions that seem appropriate in your research paper's context.
  • Use both library catalogs and online-based search engines. 
  • Match and compare different literature sources and the outcomes of your own research.
  • Back your thesis and results with data. Use tables and graphs to make the point clearer.
  • Conduct a questionnaire if needed.
  • Evaluate your research. Do it objectively. Define whether your paper is interesting and thought-provoking and whether the obtained results are valid and useful concerning the field of education.
  • Highlight everything you stated in your introduction.
  • Look through available similar projects like a research paper on higher education, research paper topics on physical education, even economics papers. This way you are going to have a template of your future work.

!Useful phrases to start and finish a research paper!

“In the first place, I would like to mention that…”

“First and foremost…”

“On logical grounds, there is no compelling reason to argue that ”

“This study is an attempt to address the issue of ”

“To conclude”

Typical Mistakes

  • Rambling from one point to the other (incoherence).
  • Compile information without proper analysis and personal contribution
  • Procrastination
  • Scattering one’s attention among different aspects of the study.
  • Omitting the part where you discuss the importance of the survey.
  • Using a lot of direct quotes.
  • Presenting readers with irrelevant information.

Most Popular Research Paper Topics on Education

  • Education standards
  • Legal issues in education policy
  • Quality of school
  • Interdisciplinary teaching and learning
  • Advantages of Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary education system
  • Philosophy of education
  • The influence of the government on the education system
  • College system

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