How to Write an Essay Fast: Student Guide

Compositions are a form of written work aimed at presenting thoughts and knowledge in a cohesive manner. If you’re wondering how to write an essay fast, remember that you should study the research issue thoroughly ahead of time. We all have different skills concerning writing tasks, but we all need help with academic papers such as professional essay writing service. Some people can focus immediately and write an essay fast, without any preparations or an outline, while others cannot do it without careful planning. If you struggle while composing your own paper quickly and feel like you need help with an essay, here are some useful tips.

Tips and Tricks of Fast Essay Writing

One may easily cope with tasks involving a great deal of writing when one knows little tips and advice. For many students, speed is the main limitation. Every student aims to get enough experience to write an essay in an hour. You must show interest and learn those tricks that would help in getting much-needed results. Only then a quality essays become achievable in a short period.

These tips are very precious and may work for anyone, regardless of educational establishment -  college or university. These ideas may help identify loopholes in knowledge, as well as teach you how to write essays faster. Let’s get on with these 15 essential tips. 

how to write essay fast

Image credit: Yourdictionary

Tip 1 — Ditch the ink and get your laptop!

Technology has proved itself as one of the most important advancements over time. It helped shorten the time spent on certain activities, like writing. Nowadays, an average student types faster than he writes. Except for handwritten submissions, typing on a computer is a good tip for writing a good essay fast. Give your pen a break, start typing!

Tip 2 — Get rid of distractions!

Ever notice how the top distractions we have around us these days are no longer people? For those serious about learning how to write an essay fast or how to title an essay keeping all your social media gadgets away when working on an essay would be first resolution. Right from the start, set your mind by focusing on what is at hand. Get all distractions away from yourself. Be determined to make this work. 

Tip 3 — Review your mindset about writing

One tends to achieve more within minutes when the right mindset towards task is present. Be positive as well as goal oriented. Suddenly, you may discover that you simply breeze through this process like making cotton candy. Set your mind towards achieving much in short term by knowing how to write an essay fast. Sometimes, it is not about resources or time schedule – just check and reset mindset for better results.

Tip 4 — Always draft an essay

Always create outlines for any paper. Think about a perfect structure for assignment. Be sure that an argumentative thesis is ready as it is important part of drafting. Thesis should help with structure, paragraph formation and conclusion making. Retain your tips on how to write a paper fast, you should be familiar with these basics of preparing an essay.

Tip 5 — Learn from experience

It’s very useful, searching online for previous examples based on your topic or similar papers. This gives an idea about draft the written assignment. By going through the samples others have prepared, even if it may take some time, discover new and interesting ways of expressing ideas. This would not only help now but prepare to write essays faster for other future assignments.

Tip 6 — Don’t underestimate good preparation

Make sure that you eliminate all potential distractions, and have everything important, like a piece of paper or a computer. Make yourself comfortable. If you prefer working in silence, consider visiting library. If one likes background noise, turn on some fast music or try working in a cafe.

Tip 7 — Choose an interesting topic

For a successful composition, have a clear image of the topic. Better to decide on it earlier. Writing is easy when it concerns someone’s interests. Choose something that will pique curiosity (if there’s a choice). Also, select a particular topic as soon as possible so that there was time for changing it. Check our list of argumentative essay topics for help.  Start by formulating your own opinion on the matter. By narrowing focus, it will be easier to structure your paper.

Tip 8 — Have a clear understanding of the subject

Always understand your chosen topic. For example, if you write an essay fast based on the novel ‘Frankenstein,’ read this book first.

Do not collect large quantity of information for a two-page essay. If not confident about requirements, ask your teacher.

Tip 9 — Make time for research

Take notes while preparing but do it organized in order to find information you need more easily and faster. While searching for evidence on the Internet, save bookmarks of pages in advance not to be distracted by repeated searches later. Now it's time to review any specific instructions for creating an essay. Double-check if correct sources were found or suitable evidence was collected.

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Tip 10 — Structure thoughts logically

Do you need to walk a dog soon? Is there dinner at home waiting for you to cook it? Take care of your obligations fast before writing. Do not be distracted by any worries while composing. After finishing all important chores, you will be free to focus only on assignment. The more organized and focused you are, the sooner this moment will come.

Tip 11 — Formulate thesis properly

There are several options to consider when you formulate thesis. Figure out what you or reader would like to discover in the text. Do not complicate and start with simple questions: who, what, why when, where.

Branching is another way of formulating your thesis. Present your theme in tree form. Put down main idea in the center of a sheet, then "branch off" additional ideas or thoughts from it.

Try brainstorming. Start jotting down everything that you already know as well as what should be learned about topic. Do not make any corrections - just state all thoughts on paper. Review ideas and distribute them into different categories. It frequently helps brainstorm before writing an outline, since one can understand chosen topic more thoroughly.

Tip 12 — Pay good attention to body paragraphs

This stage is carried out quickly enough when you have a good plan. Main part usually includes not less than 3 paragraphs. These paragraphs should develop each level of thesis and argue the statement. Each paragraph should have introductory sentence on the subject. It explains the essence of paragraph that follows. For example, when writing an essay on resources during World War II, consider indicating: "Women were an important part of the workforce in World War II, as they mastered new professions previously practiced only by men."

Each paragraph should contain supporting example. So, if you create essay about World War II resources, you might say: "During the war, many women became welders, which clearly demonstrates the change in gender roles at work." But you always need to remember about imagination while writing a creative essay

Tip 13 — Introduction and conclusion make your last stage  

If you are still wondering how to write an essay quickly, reversed order is a great option. These are the most difficult and time-consuming parts of any composition. As an essay writer, you should know that introduction should become a guide, and catch your reader’s attention. The conclusion reminds about arguments as well as main points raised in text.

Conceptualize introduction creating inverted pyramid format. Start with broad introductory statement and narrow it down until you explain thesis itself. Specify your thesis at the end of final paragraph.

Tip 14 — Use transitions

In a good essay, paragraphs should be linked. Such transitions demonstrate coherence of your ideas and thoughts, show clear relation to the thesis. Transitions should be placed at the end of one paragraph or included in introductory sentence of the next one.

Tip 15 — Check composition

Do all of your arguments have a clear expression? Slowly read through each word of your essay. If you are satisfied with what you see, then your work is finished! Now you are fully informed on the top 10 easy essay writing tips, which you should use no matter what assignment you are working on.

How to write an essay fast and what’s the most difficult aspect of writing an essay? First of all, it may be difficult to come up with a title for your composition. If one can determine a topic, it is easy start writing, and create a final title later. You should keep in mind that there are three parts in any composition: introduction, body, and conclusion. Do not forget to do thorough research and explore various ideas.

A Few Concluding Remarks

Fast writing may be excellent writing too! And it’s one of the goals we strive towards at We work together as a team to make sure that we are able to practice to our client the very same things we suggest. If we can write any essay within 3 hours, you can too. It can be any type of essay — contrast, persuasive or argumentative. You may even ask for thesis paper! Take all tips into consideration but also keep aiming to be faster and better or contact Edubirdie and ask essay writer for hire.

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