1000 Word Essay Examples

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A 1000-word essay is a common academic assignment that students encounter at various levels of their education. While the length of the essay may vary depending on the specific requirements of the course or subject, it typically spans around 3 to 4 pages. This length allows students ...

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Social Issues

Why Is Hope Important Essay

Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness” (Harker 2). Hope is seen by most as confidence in the future, and is essential for human existence. When someone thinks of hope, they have expectations, usually to accomplish their goals. Hope is usually a desire for good to happen. There are three main reasons as to why hope is essential in human life. The first is that hope shapes...
2 Pages 970 Words

Forgiveness in 'The Tempest' Essay

The notion of imprisonment, both in a physical and psychological sense is explored in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest and also in Margaret Atwood’s postmodern novel Hagseed, which reimagines the trauma experienced by the protagonist and the challenges he must face to enable him to progress with life unhindered. In both texts, the past has manifested and shaped the present, and the future for the protagonists is determined by their ability to self-reflect, reconcile with those around them, and find forgiveness....
2 Pages 1029 Words

Essay on Childhood Obesity Genetics

Child obesity is increasing at such an alarming rate, that health professionals fear obesity will become the new normal. You would think adults have more control over which foods their child consumes, and one would encourage them to eat healthy to prevent obesity right? Well, eating healthy is only the beginning. On average 1 in 3 children are considered obese or overweight. While most people think child obesity stems from making the wrong choices, that's not necessarily the case. According...
2 Pages 975 Words

Observation on Public Location Essay: Sociology

When Aiki enters the mall in his stroller he glances to his right with his mouth slightly open. This labels Aiki as an observer as he is immediately looking around the environment to interpret his surroundings, this is a clear example of visual perception. Aiki looking at his surroundings fits Gibson's theory of perception (1972). The theory states that the development of perception is an active process where we focus on a specific object or person that is already available...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Essay on 'Work without Hope' Analysis

Written in 1825, Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s sonnet, “Work without Hope” embodies the lively aspects of nature, as he does in numerous other sonnets, and depicts the journey one takes to achieve a goal and realize their worth. Coleridge begins the sonnet by describing an unknown natural environment, utilizing picturesque imagery. Contrasting the primarily light ideas in the first stanza, Coleridge explains that he doesn’t feel as if he is growing or advancing in life like the elements of nature in...
2 Pages 989 Words

Essay on Causes and Effects of the Civil Rights Movement

In 1788 we had laws to stop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders from feeling equal, now we have laws to make them feel equal but there is still a lot of racism and inequality. When the laws for equality weren’t put in place a big thing that happened was the Stolen Generations. The Stolen Generations happened between 1920-1970 and due to various government policies Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families. These removals left a legacy of trauma and...
2 Pages 1034 Words

The Tell-Tale Heart' Argumentative Essay

All stories have multiple elements. In Telltale Heart, literary learners not only have a deeper understanding of the essence of the story through the five elements but also a deeper understanding of the reason why Edgar Allan Poe created this story. By spending time and energy digging into details, background, relevant historical background, and author biographies, people begin to see the beginning, true motivation, and purpose of prose or poetry. Only by using elements to do these things can we...
2 Pages 970 Words

Essay on Death Penalty: Eye for an Eye

Although the death penalty has been withdrawn it still exists in some states in the USA and is used in other countries across the globe. Is death a suitable punishment, or does it reduce civilization to the status of murderers? The dilemma of whether the death penalty is ethical is a major issue that society has been facing for centuries. Currently, capital punishment more commonly known as the death penalty is used in 53 countries around the world to deprive...
2 Pages 1034 Words

Essay on Cause and Effect of Homelessness

Introduction Homelessness is defined as the absence of a home, by 4 main concepts: Rooflessness (having no shelter), Houselessness (living temporarily in institutions or shelters), Insecure housing (where there are insecure tenancies, eviction, domestic violence), and Inadequate housing (living in temporary or non-conventional structures, unfit housing and extreme overcrowding). Homelessness can be caused by various individual factors such as mental health problems, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and the criminal offense, as well as structural factors such as shortage...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Essay on 'A Long Way Gone' Themes

In the memoir, A Long Way Gone, by Ishmael Beah, He shares his experiences that we can learn more about and understand and he guides us through his daily life. For Beah, his childhood is not very pleasant and he encountered the horrors of war, loss of innocence, and how humans can change given the circumstances they endure. Throughout the novel, Beah experiences loss of innocence through many conflicts and the violence of war. Beah's innocence was taken away from...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Essay on Figurative Language in 'The Fall of the House of Usher'

Stylistic analysis has a great role in understanding the importance of the literary elements as well as the linguistic contents in literary text. An attempt is made in the current paper to stylistically analyze the literary elements used in the concerned short story. Introduction Stylistic analysis is of great importance to know how language functions in a text. It provides us with an interpretation of how certain elements have been put within a literary work. Stylistic analysis enables us to...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Essay on Allusions in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

Raisin in the sun is a 1959 stage play written by Lorraine Hansberry an African-American playwright and writer who became the first female author to have a play performed on Broadway, along with her other work named 'The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window. Lorraine is known for addressing social issues in her writings and advocating gay rights. Her journey being a playwright ended at an early age, at the age of 34 she suffered from pancreatic cancer on January 12,...
2 Pages 997 Words

Essay on 'The Tell-Tale Heart' Character Analysis

All stories have various elements. At TellTale Heart, literary learners not only have a deeper understanding of the essence of the story through the five elements but also a deeper understanding of why Edgar Allan Poe created the story. By spending time and energy digging into the details, setting, relevant historical background, and author biography, people begin to see the beginning, true motivation, and purpose of the prose or poetry. Only when elements are used to do these things can...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Can Justice and Forgiveness Go Hand in Hand: Essay on 'The Tempest'

Our worldly existence is determined by the continuous exposure to challenging experiences that shape our perception of ourselves, empowering us to perceive ourselves and our societies in unique and complex ways. The nature of embarking from a state of power and grief can entail the most meaningful and transformative discoveries as they are provoked by reflection and reconciliation. Both William Shakespeare's tragicomedy The Tempest and Margaret Atwood's Hag-Seed resonate in appraising an individual's ability to reconcile vengeance and grief. However,...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Essay on 'Twelfth Night' Character Analysis

This essay will discuss the relationship between Viola's performance as Cesario and Judith Butler's theories on the relationship between sex and gender, exploring the concept of drag in the play, in addition to the effect of gender performativity on the relationships of the play and the role of performative gender in enforcing compulsive heterosexuality. In Twelfth Night, Viola's performance of masculinity as Cesario can be interpreted through Judith Butler's assertion that drag shows the unstable relationship between sex and gender...
2 Pages 993 Words

Essay on 'Dracula' Setting

This is what makes the reader fear the setting and makes this a gothic novel. The adverb boldly is used to describe the rocks this personifies the rocks and portrays them as having no fear. Dracula was read and made for a Victorian audience this was during the British Empire, during this time in Victorian Britain, there was a fear of invasion and collapse. This is reflected in the Unknowingness of Stoker's use of setting. The isolation and ambiguity of...
2 Pages 993 Words

Positive Change I Hope to Make in the World: Essay

I have an established positive impact and influence in my society, which I know portrays me as a leader. It began as a teenager at Margaret Ekpo Secondary School in Calabar, when I made the school I had an established positive impact and influence in my society, which I know portrays me as a leader. It began as a teenager in Margaret Ekpo Secondary School in Calabar, when I made the school stand out in various science competitions, despite being...
2 Pages 998 Words

Argumentative Essay Using Ethos on Violence

Whilst concerns around the use of humanitarian intervention are not new, justifications for waging war in the name of humanitarianism are becoming increasingly common. Airstrikes in Syria, for example, have shown how the international community uses humanitarian language to defend violence against other states. (Dexter, 2019). It is in this context that Jeremy Moses (Moses, 2020) calls for humanitarian organizations to disassociate themselves from state agendas and embrace a ‘pacifist ethos’, incorporating the traditional principles of humanitarianism into their work...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Essay on Police Brutality and Civil Rights Movement

Many have found that a loss of trust by members of the community is the result of police brutality — trust officials need to be effective. Crime victims and witnesses will be much less likely, when the cops have betrayed the faith of their neighbors, their family members, and their friends, to report or collaborate on the investigation. Police officers have a lot of freedom in carrying out their tasks. They can legally use physical force, and even deadly force...
2 Pages 988 Words

Essay on Benvolio and Mercutio Are Rude to the Nurse

Shakespeare's characters Mercutio and the Nurse are both sources of comedy in the tragic play of Romeo and Juliet. They illustrate comedy in the way Mercutio makes fun of his death as well as the Nurse's inappropriate jokes and lack of education. Mercutio uses a mixture of witty wordplay and dark humor as a source of comedy. Mercutio's 'Queen Mab' speech also served as an important aspect of his character; his cynical realism, which contrasts Romeo's heavy belief in fate....
2 Pages 964 Words

Essay on 'Trifles' Review

Life consists of mistakes, mistakes happen as a child as a teenager, and even an adult, and they’re uncontrollable. However, the punishments for one’s mistake are decidable between one and their peers. Whether it’s a life-or-death situation or a parking ticket. The government will always find a way to pursue someone's guilt. Over the years not only have activists demonstrated the unperceivable context but have linked a way to demolish the punishment factor. These accidents which are mistakes in one's...
2 Pages 1017 Words

Essay on Casual Racism

The late founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said, 'We are not a Malay nation, we are not a Chinese nation, we are not an Indian nation. This is a country for all Singaporeans.' (Ng, 2019). This idea of a harmonious multiracial Singapore was one that I have always been taught and thus, to a huge extent, believed. Yet, it is also the reason why I was shocked when my platoon commander in Basic Military Training made an insensitive...
2 Pages 953 Words

Essay on Australia Zoo

Taronga Zoo is the largest zoo in Sydney and is arguably one of the most visited zoos in Australia. It has a variety of different animals across the world. It has an area of approximately 30 hectares and is located on the magnificent Sydney Harbour. Getting 1.5 million visitors a year, there are a lot of negative impacts on the Sydney Harbour environment. To try to prevent harming marine life in the harbor, Taronga Zoo tries different ways to be...
2 Pages 970 Words

Westward Expansion and Slavery Essay

Secondly, expansion westward to an extent can also be attributed to a legitimate need for more space, whether that be space for white settlers to live in, or an area to expand into to increase economic growth. Certainly, there were calls for expansion into the fertile west to increase plantations and the economic growth of the US, which its stability was largely dependent on, but this also meant an expansion of the slave trade and the potential of admission of...
2 Pages 963 Words

Essay on Is North Korea a Dystopia

Dystopian Literature's function stems from the fear that a utopic change can cause a dystopian future. Novels such as Orwell’s “1984” and Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” present this concern over the present of their novel’s time but also for the present of modern readers. Both Atwood and Orwell reflect the conditions of their time in their creations of totalitarian governments. In ‘1984’ Orwell creates “Ingsoc” which is an extreme example of fascism as the contemporary audience at the time would...
2 Pages 976 Words

Essay on Physical Education Teaching and Coaching

In wanting to be a physical education teacher we have goals and standards that we want to reach. There are different ways that we can see the outcome of our future but we as humans have the idea and mentality to overlook the different ways we can see physical education through a philosophical perspective. It’s not just about sports but more than that, we have to see what we are capable of doing within our knowledge and look at the...
2 Pages 981 Words

Essay on My Immigration Story

  As I grew up, like all the other traditions we had daily family dinners at our house. Till this date, when we all sit down to eat everybody gets a chance to share or talk about anything to the head of our family. Conversations at the dinner table do have their qualities, and it also differentiates itself from all the other talks. Several days ago, my grandmother who recently just visited her son (aka. My uncle) in India, informed...
2 Pages 958 Words

Essay on Dick and Perry in 'In Cold Blood'

On November 15, 1959, in the humble community of Holcomb, Kansas, four individuals from the Clutter family were viciously murdered. This famous novel was written by American Novelist Truman Capote. The main characters in the novel are Perry Smith, Dick Hickock and the Clutter family. The Clutters were pure, loving people, although there is some naivety in their purity. The book also talks about how the murder had little to no evidence and without a single motive. The quality of...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Essay on Government Control in 'The Hunger Games'

To begin with, the science fiction dystopian adventurous film, The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross, inspired a novel, written by Suzanne Collins. Published in 2008, The Hunger Games was one of the first novels in the sequence, where it presents to the readers and audience a future dystopian society, where a government that's overpowering controls the people and resources of what's known as tribes, the twelve different districts in the colony. Every year, two young representatives from the twelve...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Essay on Social Psychology Definition

In order to understand the meaning and study of social psychology, it is crucial to identify the questions that social psychology seeks to answer. The ultimate goal of this discipline is to analyze how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. This study of our social interactions is a complex one; involving endless trails of concepts, theories, and studies that help better shape the subject itself. Myers notes within the text that we react differently because we all...
2 Pages 1013 Words
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