3500 Word Essay Examples

272 samples in this category

A 3500-word essay is a common requirement for graduate-level college assignments. This length allows students to delve deep into a topic and demonstrate their understanding and analytical skills. However, it is essential to note that a paper of 3500 to 3600 words is not limited to ...

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Social Issues

Essay on Jehovah Witness Beliefs

Introduction Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Bible prohibits ingesting blood and that Christians should not accept blood transfusions or donate or store their blood for transfusion. An adult Jehovah's Witness, a 29-year-old woman with sickle cell anemia who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and who had previously expressed a wish not to receive blood arrived in an emergency room. There was no advance directive and she was not conscious at the time a decision needed to be made...
7 Pages 3322 Words

The Namesake' Identity Essay

Identity is an undeniable and essential fact of life that our society is controlled by money and identity. Many poor People are living in society they are struggling for their basic needs and food. They are working hard for their daily routine it is also a great challenge for them. The government doesn’t show any care for them because they don’t have any identity. People living in the society were giving more importance to identity. If they have money they...
8 Pages 3522 Words

Essay on Universal Healthcare in Spain

The Spanish healthcare system covers 99.7 percent of its citizens, however, the American healthcare system leaves around 9 percent of its citizens uninsured (“Key Facts About the Uninsured” 9). Both the United States and Spain's healthcare industry differs greatly. Spanish health care known as Spanish National Health System (SNS), is state-funded and covers all citizens. However, Spanish citizens have the option to take advantage of private healthcare insurance to help pay for private clinics. The United States healthcare industry is...
7 Pages 3342 Words

Literature Review on Job Satisfaction Essay

Introduction In this particular chapter, the review of literature about all independent variables of this study comprising of work time, income, organizational support, job value, and burnout as well as the dependent variable of job satisfaction are provided in detail. Work-life balance acts as the moderating factor of each independent variable mentioned above between job satisfaction. From the literature review prepared, the relationships existing among both independent and dependent variables are further explained via the illustration of the conceptual framework...
7 Pages 3265 Words

The Kite Runner' and Escape from Afghanistan: Essay

This project is going to review The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. He is an Afghan American novelist and his first novel Kite Runner published in 2003. He was born in Afghanistan but moved to America in 1980. He also works for the support of the Afghan people. Kite Runner tells the story of Amir a Sunni Muslim who struggles to maintain a relationship with his father, Baba. Their servant Ali and his son Hassan belong to the Hazara ethnic...
7 Pages 3317 Words

Hysteria in Salem Witch Trials Essay

Hysteria is an overwhelming fear causing distress, that overrides logic and is often heightened and augmented by the presence of others who are acting out on that fear as well, it may be perceived by one person in society and spread amongst all, therefore tearing apart a community, making everyone question the truth. In Arthur Miller’s notable play, the Crucible, individuals undergo a dramatic transformation when the widespread fear of witchcraft overwhelms logic and individual thought. Anyone having a different...
7 Pages 3365 Words

Essay on Oppression in 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

The oppression of women refers to a more insidious type of manipulation and control of women. Little Women by Louisa Alcott was published in 1868. It was written in the 1860s and was set in the civil war where the mum and the four sisters live in a neighborhood in Massachusetts in refined poverty. This book is about four sisters who have tight bonds and the different ways their lives pan out through being oppressed into confining to societal roles...
7 Pages 3311 Words

Community Service Report Essay

Introduction: What is community service? An additional general description of community service is, work done by a personal or a gaggle of people for the advantages of the community or establishments that serve that community. Community service sometimes would be provided by a corporation like a college or nonsecular establishment or a gaggle of people that square measure willing and ready to facilitate their communities or alternative communities that may want help. Volunteer work may also aim at serving non-profit...
8 Pages 3728 Words

Critical Essay about Bullying in School

This essay will focus on cyberbullying and its effects on the mental wellbeing of students. Its intention is to examine the impact that cyberbullying has on children and young adults and argues that more research is needed in the UK to differentiate between traditional forms of bullying and cyberbullying. As it stands the UK groups together all forms of bullying under this header, and it is important to distinguish between all differing forms of bullying, whether this is physical, mental...
8 Pages 3529 Words

Explaining Autism Deficits: Theory of Mind vs Executive Function

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive and restricted patterns of behavior and interests (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It has been argued that cognitive deficits may underlie the disorder. Thus, two cognitive theories have been proposed to explain key deficits in autism: theory of mind hypothesis and executive function theory. Each theory offers a different explanation for the deficits seen in autism, with both theories effectively explaining different aspects...
8 Pages 3688 Words

Roman Republic vs Greek Democracy: Compare & Contrast

1.0 Introduction With the end of the cold war, a new political world order emerged. An order that witnessed the collapse of the former Soviet Union. This was accompanied by the belief in the triumph of Western liberal democracy. Such a belief was made by Francis Fukuyama in his book The End of History and the Last Man. According to him, what the world may be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War; or the passing of...
7 Pages 3401 Words

Role of Value Relevance, Ethical Standards, Trust, and Satisfaction

Abstract On the one hand, in today’s competitive world customer loyalty has been introduced as a critical issue for the growth and survival of firms, in which the profitability of firms increases as a result of Positive Word-of-Mouth (PWOM) of loyal customers. On the other hand, research has shown that, in addition to the features of goods and services, observing the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) increases the loyalty and PWOM of customers. In this research, we investigated the...
8 Pages 3706 Words

Narrative Essay on Personal Responsibilities

Introduction In the year 2018/19, I will be undertaking my 12-month industrial placement at Smethwick Youth and Community Centre serving as the financial analyst of the organisation. Smethwick Youth and Community Centre or SYCC for short is a multi-agency and cross-sector resource centre whose sole aim is to support the Smethwick community with its deprivation problems. SYCC provides a passionate yet professional service to the local community with the intention of supporting the development of its core strategy. The organization...
7 Pages 3267 Words

Ivy League Essay

The Ivy League, which opens doors to some of higher education's most prominent and esteemed institutions, is a symbol of academic achievement, intellectual rigor, and limitless prospects. An Ivy League education is the pinnacle of academic excellence for numerous aspiring individuals, marking a portal to a world of incomparable knowledge, influential networks, and transforming experiences. Gaining admission to one of these eight prestigious institutions - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania - is a...
8 Pages 3568 Words

University Essay

University Essay 1 - The Significance of University Education (100 words) University education serves as a significant avenue for personal growth and professional development. It transcends conventional learning boundaries, offering students a platform to explore diverse fields, cultivate critical thinking, and foster problem-solving skills. More than a rite of passage, it shapes our understanding of societal issues, instilling civic consciousness and global awareness. These skills are particularly manifested in a university essay, which tests intellectual acuity and communication prowess. Writing...
8 Pages 3653 Words

Critical Essay on Causes of the Civil War

There have been many civil wars throughout the world illustrated under different names, such as revolutions, uprisings, rebellions, revolts, and mutinies. These have all had similar causes, whether it be political, social, or economic which have all resulted in the country or nation going to war within itself in order to get the result that at least one side was in favor of. Examples of these are the civil war between 1642-1651, The Russian Revolution between 1919-1923, and the French...
7 Pages 3280 Words

Autobiography Essay about My Life

Introduction My name is Faith Leonard. I was born in Nashville, Tennessee on June 7, 2001, to my parents Jeff and Michelle Bartlett. Since this day, society marked me as a person of the female gender. When I was born, I was given an ascribed status, which was being a Caucasian female. From that moment on, my parents used my sex and social labels to make decisions about how I would dress and act. Although it was obvious to say...
8 Pages 3629 Words

From Wildcat to House Cat: The Domestication of the Cat

Cats are one of the most popular house pets on the planet. They can adapt to small living spaces, such as apartments, and are relatively easy to care for. Cats also rule the internet; they are present in many memes, and cat videos are one of the most prevalent videos on YouTube. The question, however, remains, how did the lovable mini house panther come to be; were they first domesticated in Egypt, or in the Near East, and how were...
8 Pages 3537 Words

Essay on Leadership | Leadership essay for students in English

Leadership is a concept that has been studied, analyzed, and admired for centuries. It is a quality that has the power to transform individuals, organizations, and even nations. Leadership is not just about holding a position of authority or making important decisions; it is about inspiring others, guiding them towards a common goal, and bringing out the best in people. True leadership goes beyond titles and formalities; it is a set of skills, values, and characteristics that make an individual...
8 Pages 3599 Words

Policy Analysis of the Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as The Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a policy, or federal statute, signed into law by Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The enactment of this policy serves as one of the largest changes to the American healthcare system since the passage of Medicare/Medicaid in the mid-60s (Cohen et. al, 2015). Because of its importance in the overall landscape of daily American life and medical infrastructure for generations to come, it’s...
7 Pages 3268 Words

Essay on Rock Music in the Soviet Union

I vividly recall, as a child, riding in a car with my grandfather Nikolay, being slightly annoyed that instead of being allowed to listen to Justin Timberlake or Beyoncé, like any other normal teenager would, I had to content myself with sounds of the raw and rusty voice of a long-dead, the bus still very revered, Soviet-time bard singer, Vladimir Vysotsky. Attempting to decipher the heart-wrenching melancholic Russian lyrics, I asked my grandfather what was the artist singing about and...
7 Pages 3404 Words

Essay on Cosmetic Surgery and Its Implications

Since the beginning of time, man has always been keen on his appearance and how others viewed him. People with anomalies in their appearance have always been treated differently hence their need to alter their appearance and feel normal. Cosmetic surgery, therefore, is a necessary evil since people will always want to change their appearance so as to be perceived in a particular way. Health engine (2010) explains that cosmetic surgery is a surgical procedure that is done in order...
7 Pages 3478 Words

Essay on Ancient Greek Goddesses: Athena, Demeter, Hera and Aphrodite

Consider these creatures, these people who are not people, these inhabitants of heaven. The god has a headache, his son wields an axe, and the girl springs forth with a bow and shield. She is walking toward the world. Her own flies before her. It is twilight. Look at these clouds, this limitless and impenetrable sky. This is what remains. A crease runs through it like a bloodless vein. Everything is changed and yet the same. According to Loraux, a...
7 Pages 3270 Words

Essay on Air Pollution

Essay on Air Pollution 1 (100 words) Air pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the Earth's atmosphere, causing damage to human health, animals, and the environment. It is primarily caused by human activities such as industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and the burning of fossil fuels. These activities release pollutants like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter into the air. Air pollution can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and even premature death. It also contributes...
6 Pages 3377 Words

Definition Essay about Environment: What Is the Environment?

Abstract The word “environment” has been an illusion within many people in societies from years to years, especially media and policy directions extending its wrong understanding all over and making it difficult for measures on environmental protection to hold effective and efficient grounds like efforts to fight against climate change, land degradation, and desertification. This paper drew some insights from the dictionary and Wikipedia as the basic point and uses different research works to argue that the environment is a...
8 Pages 3720 Words

What Do You Hope to Gain from This Internship: Essay

I. Brief executive summary of the Internship: This is the internship report based on the two-month internship duration that I completed in VNPT DongThap under the Human Resource Division from 18.06.2018 to 31.08.2018 as a requirement of my Undergraduate program in the Department of Business Studies, International University, VNU-HCM. Throughout the internship, I had a chance to work in VNPT Dong Thap. VNPT Dong Thap is a provider of telecommunications services - information technology in Dong Thap. They are serving...
7 Pages 3277 Words

Essay on Nursing Professional Development Plan

This essay will allow me to critically reflect on an episode of care that occurred during my placement. Hannigan defines reflection as a way of being thoughtful, innovative, and critical of our own practice when it comes to nurses and student nurses reflecting on their practice (Hannigan, 2008). Reflection is about being self-aware and critically evaluating our response to situations during practice (Finlay, 2008). Especially for student nurses as they develop their skills and knowledge during placement. Reflecting on episodes...
7 Pages 3269 Words

Shrek Summary: Cultural, Historical, and Aesthetic Significance

‘Shrek’ (2001) tells the story of an ogre whose land has become overrun with fairy tale characters, the way to restore everything to normal is for Shrek to go on a journey to save Princess Fiona at the request of Lord Farquaad, who needs a princess to finally become King. The film is based on William Steig’s book of the same name. Steven Spielberg gained the rights to the book in 1995 and thus began its journey to film, eventually...
7 Pages 3351 Words

Impact of Terrorism on Egypt's Tourism

Tourism in the Arab countries has become almost the sole economic and social mechanism to reduce rapid urbanization processes and to facilitate a decent standard of living in peripheral areas. In the Arab region, this is the case in Aqaba (Jordan), Sinai and the Red Sea (Egypt) (Mansfeld & Winckler, 2015). Unique sights and monuments, comfortable climate, all-inclusive hotels, diving, beaches – all of it and so much more makes Egypt a popular and very attractive tourist destination. However, in...
8 Pages 3540 Words

Essay on Israel and Weapons of Mass Destruction

The State of Israel’s security concerns for its self-preservation since its creation in 1948, in a hostile neighborhood, has strongly influenced its policy and the region’s feelings towards weapons of mass destruction. In this paper we evaluate Israel’s scientific and technical capabilities to develop WMD, as well as the political intent to utilize this for offensive and/or defensive purposes. The Israeli nuclear arsenal is linked to the optimal ability for deterrence and counter-strikes, if the state’s existence is threatened. Nuclear...
8 Pages 3563 Words
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