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Each text or literary work is interpreted differently by various readers. After reading a novel or a short story, the reader asks himself questions about the reasons why the author wrote it and what it means. Questions lead readers to interpret links to literature. People refer to what they read...

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7 Pages 3025 Words
What is a banned book? Banned books are books or other printed works, such as essays or plays, which are prohibited by law or to which free access is not permitted by other means. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship for political, religious, moral, or commercial motives. One such book is the novel 1984 by George...
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2 Pages 1130 Words
Without the illustration of struggle that instigates a longing for hope and fear in readers, we may never heed the warnings against the destructible prospect of mankind. George Orwell's skillfully crafted dystopian novel, 1984 explores the ill-fated narrative of Winston Smith’s intrinsic human quality to desire freedom with the impenetrable peril of his existence in a world strictly governed under...
2 Pages 1032 Words
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World War II negatively impact the world as totalitarian political parties fought to control the world. George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 paints the picture of how the continuation of totalitarian governments would result in a fearful society. 1984 reveals how constant surveillance, low food rations, and propaganda allows for citizens to practically become government property. Orwell uses symbols to develop...
4 Pages 1731 Words
Love is a feeling everyone desires to have, but true love, in any case, it the one everyone hopes to possess and experience, it can define a person. Winston, the protagonist in George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’, didn’t know what love was, along with never believing he could ever experience love in the society he lived in. Winston always had a...
2 Pages 896 Words
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1984 and Brave New World both depict dystopian futures, both with societies monitored and controlled by their government. George Orwell’s 1984 depicts how the ability to alter past events can be used to control a society people, opposed to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, through which control is achieved via degrading the chosen individual. Orwell depicts how through strict measures...
1 Page 573 Words
‘1984’, a novel by George Orwell, represents a dystopian society in which the people of Oceania are watched by the government almost 24/7 and have no freedom which is a society we could never imagine real. But, today citizens of North Korea can be considered the same way as the novel. Though different technological and personal ways of keeping watch,...
3 Pages 1492 Words
The society we live in will always push and suppress our individual thoughts, freedom, action and integrity; whether we like it or not. These classic pieces of literature, George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’, show us how our society’s loss of individuality is still being searched for even since the 1950s. A predominant theme in ‘1984’ and ‘The...
3 Pages 1167 Words
Social control is generally a societal and political system where it regulates an individual's or group's behavior. Leading to agreements to the rules of a given society, government, and/or social groups. The novel 1984, by George Orwell, is based on the social issues against the dangers of a totalitarian society. He explains that Wilson Smith, the protagonist suffers from maintaining...
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4 Pages 1881 Words
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Government is one of the constants of Human life on Earth, whether it be a freedom loving Democracy where everybody is equal, or a Totalitarian dictatorship in which human rights are quelled below the idols of money and power. Many pieces of popular culture display Governments as the latter. This is seen very well in '1984' By George Orwell and...
4 Pages 1619 Words
Rising communist nations plagued the world with manipulation and oppression as a method to secure complete control. In societies completely controlled by a totalitarian government, no one has freedom. 1984 is a political novel written by George Orwell in which it warns of what can result from a totalitarian government. Orwell took the observations made from existing communist countries in...
2 Pages 762 Words
In both the novels ​1984​ by Orwell and ​Brave New World​ by Huxley, the story takes place in a dystopian world controlled by tyrannical governments where individuality doesn’t exist. Aldous Huxley who is an English writer, novelist, philosopher, and author of ​Brave New World ​argues that authoritarian governments are a threat to individuality and free thought which will lead to...
3 Pages 1205 Words
Investigating 1984 as an Impression of Orwell's Way of thinking George Orwell's 1984 is a book about Winston Smith, a low-positioning individual from The Gathering which rules the country of Oceania. The territory of Oceania in London is where our first and fundamental character Winston Smith lives. There are signs reminding residents that Big Brother is continually viewing. Big Brother...
5 Pages 2326 Words
Introduction to Dystopian Visions: Orwell and Huxley's World In both Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’, authority attempts to obtain complete control over their citizens, through destroying their sense of identity. The novels present the battle between individual consciousness and the State’s wishes for society. When ‘Brave New World’ was written in 1931, between the First and Second World...
2 Pages 703 Words
Since the 15th century, humans have been captivated by the idealism of achieving world peace and to live in a place of pure bliss where, “[…] all citizens are equal – rights, property, privilege – […] all sources of envy and conflict are eliminated; desires are satisfied because no unreasonable desires develop.” The tradition of utopian fiction dates as far...
2 Pages 813 Words
Rhetorical Analysis The passing of World War II not only gave rise to geographical and social changes throughout the world but also gave new forms of expression from which Orwell was able to seize the opportunity, emerging from him the great idea of ​​writing his famous book: 1984, in which he describes a totalitarian government, a society repressed and monitored...
5 Pages 2299 Words
The Human Experience. What is it? The way in which I interpret the experience of life is that we all have our own individual experience. We can look at texts, films or listen to music and relate our experience to the composers of these works, but in the end, it is how we interpret our own experience and our own...
4 Pages 1771 Words
Over a long period of time, humans have discussed and developed the idea of forming and keeping society. Throughout these studies, they have created various concepts or words, like Utopia and Dystopia The word ‘Utopia’ was made by Thomas More in 1516. It is the term of nonexistent imaginative society that has perfect levels of everything for people. Dystopia, the...
1 Page 429 Words
The society described in Orwell's 1984 in known as a dystopia. A dystopia is a society almost enslaved to the power in charge. The “Party” from 1984 is an example of an extreme dictatorship, while America is perceived by the world as a society that has abundant civil rights and freedoms. Yes, they seem polar opposites, but when you compare...
2 Pages 860 Words
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. You find yourself in the stories you read. You find it comforting and cathartic to read about characters who struggle with the same things you do. You’re experiences, struggles, longings aren’t unique. They’re...
2 Pages 856 Words
In the book 1984 by George Orwell, a place where all people who are apart or live in Oceania are surveilled by the administration at every moment and hold absolutely zero freedom. In today’s times, citizens of the United States and other nations are both similar but in different ways. Different technology has their individual ways with watching their country...
2 Pages 782 Words
Oppression could be defined as “prolonged cruel or unjust treatment of authority”, thus is present in both George Orwell’s dystopian books “Animal Farm” and “1984” as such aspects of tyranny are integrated into the texts in order to create a perfect dystopian novel, introducing the reader into a world of repression and chaos. Orwell enhances the dystopias by presenting a...
8 Pages 3783 Words
Written in times of great political change, amongst the emerging threat of technology and totalitarianism, both George Orwell’s 1984 and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, demonstrate speculative responses to a vastly changing post war society. Both authors paint gritty dystopian futures and explore the challenges faced by characters within the microcosms they have crafted - reflective of their own concerns and...
4 Pages 1764 Words
Texts such as 1984 by George Orwell and the film The Brave New World (TBNW) directed by Larry Williams clearly illuminate how an intoxication of power leads to the loss of freedom, individualism and relationships, all which are vital aspects of the individual and collective human experience. The human necessity for freedom is eradicated in both texts through the oppressive...
2 Pages 902 Words
“1984” is George Orwell's view of how a totalitarian government will look in the future. Winston Smith, who works in London, in the United Kingdom, works in the Ministry of Truth, which is mainly the center of government propaganda. Winston begins to question the government and wants to know more. This book is a warning, inspiring your readers with a...
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4 Pages 1966 Words
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes” By Rowan Axelsen Throughout George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four novel and Kurt Wimmer’s Equilibrium film, power and control are maintained by totalitarian governments who regulate all aspects of the dystopian society. This makes the audience think and try to prevent future damages that could happen in...
2 Pages 1076 Words
To determine what the inconsistencies are in human behavior and motivations, and what it is that makes understanding them both quite complex, we must begin by analyzing and studying the vast range of human experiences. Both George Orwell’s 1984 (Novel) written in 1949 and psychological experiment, The Stanford Prison Experiment (film/experiment) delve into how society reacts to an individual/ group...
2 Pages 959 Words
Texts motivate the collective to question the realities presented. Orwell's novel ‘1984’ provides a political commentary on the impact of a totalitarian regime. Similarly, Peter Wier's film ‘The Truman Show’ is used to depict the rise of mass surveillance and the paranoia that follows in the post-Cold War period of 1998. Orwell's and Wier's works likewise bring forth concepts that...
4 Pages 1773 Words
Dystopian literature questions the power of language, both Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty - four’ showcases a variety of qualities necessary to advocate one’s freedom. Whilst both novelists share the common theme of language limiting both freedom and knowledge the two texts approach language in separate ways. Writers of dystopian literature emphasise the importance of language on...
4 Pages 1793 Words
Throughout history, many have imagined a world without war, poverty, or crime. Plato imagined an enlightened commonwealth ruled by philosopher kings, many religions profess bliss in the afterlife, and various groups have tried to create paradise on Earth. Thomas More's 1516 book 'utopia' gave this concept a name, derived from the Greek word 'no place.' Though the direct translation means...

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