Problem Solution Essay Examples

170 samples in this category

In today’s complex and rapidly changing world, problems are an inevitable part of our lives. Whether they arise on a personal, societal, or global level, finding effective solutions is crucial for progress and growth. Problem solution essays provide an opportunity to explore various challenges and propose practical remedies. By examining...

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Social Issues

Essay on Climate Change Solutions

1 Page 664 Words
Climate change, what is it? Climate change is a change in the earth’s pattern of weather which can bring an end to the human race, and everything else with it. What are the causes? Human beings. Scientists all around the globe have found an enormous amount of evidence for this cause of humans. Humans produce greenhouse gases through the use...

Adoption Problem Solution Essay

1 Page 1009 Words
Introduction The reason I picked this question is because of my cousin. She was adopted by my aunt and uncle when she was about 7 years old. A few years in she started to show signs of a mental disorder. After a few doctor's appointments, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Ever since then, I have always wondered if being...

Problem Solution Essay on Renewable Energy

5 Pages 2106 Words
Introduction Can we imagine a life without Electricity? Electricity is a very basic amenity in today’s world. Apart from the basic requirement of electricity, electricity is one of the basic pillars of the economic development of the country. The country cannot progress without electricity consumption in today’s world as every economic activity needs electricity, for example, all Industrial activities whether...

Divorce Problem Solution Essay

3 Pages 1296 Words
Every day, major changes will occur in our lives and it's this kind of change that can or will affect us. Between married couples, the biggest change they might face would be divorce. And, unfortunately, it has been on the rise. So to understand divorce, the discussion of the topic will regard the age difference between couples, the irresponsible behavior...

Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills Essay

5 Pages 2453 Words
“Decision-making is usually defined as a process of identifying the problems and the possibilities for their solution which includes the efforts before and after the decision is made”. Of poor quality of decision-making, every particular feature of the institution may be affected (Muhammad, Isa, Othman, & Rahim, 2009). Decision-making can be regarded as problem problem-solving process. It involves choosing between...

Mental Illnesses in Veterans Solutions Essay

1 Page 593 Words
In today's installment of the movie show, we are looking at the outstanding film, American Sniper. One issue in particular that stood out to me whilst watching this incredible biography of Christopher Kyles's life which is portrayed by Bradley Cooper is that of mental health. American Sniper is a war drama biographical film in that follows the life of a...

Gender Equality Problems and Solutions Essay

4 Pages 1854 Words
Abstract Social inequalities—from racism to sexism—are not aberrations, but rather are deeply embedded in society and reinforced by state power and market systems. Therefore, the current social order stands as a fundamental obstacle to social justice. A logical conclusion of this observation is that social change movements may be better off thinking and acting beyond the state and capital as...

Illegal Immigration: Problem Solution Essay

2 Pages 943 Words
Everyone has seen the problems that are going on at the border at present. Children are being taken from their families without any warning. In the morning their parents drop them off at school and by the time they go home, their parents are nowhere to be found. Illegal immigration is a major issue at the moment, but the bad...

Problem Solution Essay about School Shooting

6 Pages 2659 Words
One of the biggest things students have to struggle with is school shootings. School shootings fear all students and even their parents. We think there are many factors leading up to someone wanting to do this. Many of these people who do school shootings have some sort of mental illness. Mental illness paired with social media and the harsh students...

School Shooting Problem Solution Essay

5 Pages 2273 Words
School shootings have been occurring for centuries, but now in the past few years, there have been too many to count. “The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac's Rebellion school massacre on July 26, 1764, where four Lenape American Indian entered the schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown,...

Sexual Assault on College Campuses: Problem Solution Essay

1 Page 648 Words
According to a study done by the university of Cincinnati and North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 14% of women have experienced sexual assault in one way or another, 5% percent of those assaults were physically forced. Yet 11% were done when the person assaulted was incapacitated, incapacitated can mean a lot of things so let us define it, incapacitated is when the...

Problem Solution Essay on Poor Care for Veterans

6 Pages 2524 Words
In 2016, it was reported that there were 18,599,716 veterans of the Armed Forces in the United States (National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, 2018). While these veterans are both men and women of various ages and races, they are predominantly white males, with a median age of 65 years old (National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, 2018)....

Time Management Problem Solution Essay

6 Pages 2763 Words
Abstract This paper talks about the way students respond to university workloads. Programs offered in a university can be very demanding, in terms of classes, assignments and other tasks not scheduled throughout the semester. In response to this heavy schedule, students often depend on unhealthy ways to complete the tasks in time. Students consume caffeine to stay alert while doing...

Problem Solution Essay on Student Loan Debt

3 Pages 1287 Words
One study shows that “Student loan borrowers are central to financing a college education, yet millions of borrowers are in default.” (Dynarski par. 1). (into) This quote states the default issue for student loan borrowers, however, we can solve this crisis. In addition, solutions to student loan debt include following a payment plan, being educated about loans, living on a...

Problem Solution Essay about Stress

2 Pages 1095 Words
In recent years, there has been an increased interest in using mindfulness in organizations to improve employee’s general health (Virgili, M., 2015). Many studies have carried out relatively short-term mindfulness-based stress reduction programs, lasting only a few weeks, however, few have investigated whether it could be a long-term solution for chronic stress triggered by the workplace. Shorter studies such as...

Problem Solution Essay on Sex Trafficking

4 Pages 1891 Words
Looking at Angelique Patterson today, you would never guess that her run-ins with sexual violence started at the very young age of five. After being sexually abused, Patterson started down a ‘dark path’ that made her begin cutting herself at the age of seven, and by age eleven, she had begun abusing drugs and alcohol. Her parents, fearing for her...

Problem Solution Essay on Jobs

2 Pages 857 Words
The reality of computer technology entering many professions has become the actual fear for a few employees/laborers in Nigeria. Much has changed drastically when it comes to physical labor which has unfortunately been substituted by computer technology. The idea of creating AI(Artificial Intelligence) for businesses is to lessen some physical labor and get effective results with little time duration. Nonetheless,...

Problem Solution Essay on Gun Violence

3 Pages 1511 Words
There are so many issues that are going on around this world. We have littering, high taxes, horrible pay, climate change, and poverty. The problem I feel that has been the worst is gun violence. All I hear on the news all the time nowadays is shooting here and shooting there. “Gun violence is real. People don't come back,” by...

Problem Solution Essay on Bullying

2 Pages 1057 Words
Despite a lot of effort, many students still face bullying at school and online. What can society do to help? It is everyone’s ultimate desire to achieve happiness but how do children achieve this when most of them are faced with this challenge daily? Bullying is when another person uses their power to manage or hurt another. There are many...

Solutions to Obesity: Problem and Solution Essay

3 Pages 1422 Words
Obesity is a growing issue facing today’s society. There are many reasons for this growing issue. This is due in part to genetics and diets. Obesity has taken its toll on every country across the globe in many ways. Obesity is a huge issue that varies in severity based on location. Each region may have different causes, but the end...

Abortion as a Problem and How to Prevent It: Problem Solution Essay

1 Page 440 Words
Many liberals just accredit or easily formalize abortion, they didn’t consider this misconduct and misbehavior in life. In their opinion, abortion would be the best acknowledge to reduce poverty or population inflation. They might say that in order to have an organized country, women need to take measures for their better lives, and the most alternative way is killing innocent...

Decriminalization of Drug Use as a Solution: Problem Solution Essay

2 Pages 774 Words
In 1971, President Richard Nixon proclaimed drug abuse ‘public enemy number one’ in the United States. Ever since that time the policy of ‘War on Drugs’ has directed the political mindset of the United States. The basis for Nixon’s argument was that the best way to prevent further drug use would be the eradication of available drugs through strict policing...

Social Media and Its Impact on Adolescents: Problem Solution Essay

4 Pages 1993 Words
Based on a study conducted by Anu Meshioye on March 2016, body image is the way an individual perceives himself or herself based on their size, and if they see themselves as attractive based on that perspective. In addition to that, according to the article ‘Social Media and Body Dissatisfaction: Investigating the Attenuating Role of Positive Parent–Adolescent Relationships’ by de...

Problem Solution Essay on Terrorism

2 Pages 803 Words
Terrorism is a difficult threat to tackle as it comes in different forms and for various reasons. For the most part, it is politically motivated and its purpose is to disturb the peace by installing fear into populations so that they can achieve what they want more easily. Using military power as a deterrent for terrorism can be seen to...

Eating Disorders in College Students: Problem-Solution Essay

3 Pages 1197 Words
What is an eating disorder? Is it a mental illness or is it a disease? According to the article ‘What are Eating Disorders?’ written by Ranna Parekh, she says that eating disorders are illnesses in which people experience severe disturbances, neither eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Every year thousands of students are recruited to be student athletes at...

School Shootings and the Arming Teachers: Problem-Solution Essay

3 Pages 1343 Words
In these last couple years many tragic shooting events have been occurring in many elementary and high schools in the United States. Every day parents and teachers worry about their students’ safety and try their hardest to keep a safe environment for them. Even as time goes by, these incidents are increasing day by day, giving the rising probability of...

Problem-Solution Essay about School Shooting

2 Pages 1081 Words
In our society today, alongside with our advanced technology and social aspects, individuals expect a security of comfort and safety. However, that security feeling may not be there for long, because of the outbreaks of school shootings nationwide. At this point in our time, it is not unusual to hear about local K-12 school shootings on the radio or television...

Problem of Alcohol Use by Underage College Students

3 Pages 1337 Words
College drinking has become a serious issue especially kids who live on campus. Students regard drinking as part of the ‘college experience’ and tend to drink more when they attend college parties because feel they need to drink to have a good time. While drinking has become a part of college, colleges are making efforts to prevent it from continuing....

Trolley Problem Essay

5 Pages 2096 Words
Technological advancements often bring many changes to our society and it often challenges and forces us to adapt to new ethics, morality, and social constructs. This paper intends to explore one of the emerging technologies – self-driving cars, and its application to one of the ethical dilemmas – the trolley problem. This paper/ I will start with background information on...
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