1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on My Immigration Story

  As I grew up, like all the other traditions we had daily family dinners at our house. Till this date, when we all sit down to eat everybody gets a chance to share or talk about anything to the head of our family. Conversations at the dinner table do have their qualities, and it also differentiates itself from all the other talks. Several days ago, my grandmother who recently just visited her son (aka. My uncle) in India, informed...
2 Pages 958 Words

Essay on Dick and Perry in 'In Cold Blood'

On November 15, 1959, in the humble community of Holcomb, Kansas, four individuals from the Clutter family were viciously murdered. This famous novel was written by American Novelist Truman Capote. The main characters in the novel are Perry Smith, Dick Hickock and the Clutter family. The Clutters were pure, loving people, although there is some naivety in their purity. The book also talks about how the murder had little to no evidence and without a single motive. The quality of...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Essay on Government Control in 'The Hunger Games'

To begin with, the science fiction dystopian adventurous film, The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross, inspired a novel, written by Suzanne Collins. Published in 2008, The Hunger Games was one of the first novels in the sequence, where it presents to the readers and audience a future dystopian society, where a government that's overpowering controls the people and resources of what's known as tribes, the twelve different districts in the colony. Every year, two young representatives from the twelve...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Essay on Social Psychology Definition

In order to understand the meaning and study of social psychology, it is crucial to identify the questions that social psychology seeks to answer. The ultimate goal of this discipline is to analyze how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. This study of our social interactions is a complex one; involving endless trails of concepts, theories, and studies that help better shape the subject itself. Myers notes within the text that we react differently because we all...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Essay on 'The Hunger Games' Hero's Journey

Katniss and Peeta have to work even harder to overcome the bias against them and win the hearts of the sponsors and the crowd. Being as poor as they are comes with some benefits and some disadvantages. They have been underfed most of their lives which means they are skinny and weak compared to the other tributes. Living in District 12 also gives them a natural sense of survival. Katniss spends a lot of time hunting to survive which is...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Essay on 'In Cold Blood': Perry Smith Analysis

The enemies of the Clutter family Perry Smith, and Dick Hickock are depicted as at no other time in Truman Capote's genuine novel In Cold Blood. The epic enables the peruser to observe an instinctive comprehension of the past, considerations and sentiments of the killer. It broadly expounds of the fields of Smith and Hickock, which clarifies the way of life they ventured paving the way to the killings, just as the contemplations that finished the killings their brains. Perry...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Essay on 'Africa' by Maya Angelou

The poem is divided into three stanzas and a total of twenty-five lines. Each stanza has these lively words giving me clear images of Africa in my head, just like watching a movie. Maya Angelou expressed her admiration and respect for her motherland through the poem, giving me a brand new impression of Africa. Besides, by telling the story of Africa, Angelou was also describing herself to the public at the same time. The reason why I chose this poem...
2 Pages 978 Words

Essay on 'Hunger Games' Dystopia

In this essay, I will be explaining how Distopya's conditions and mindsets are fusing into our everyday social behavior. And how they are sociologically being presented today. Status among women and men has evolved over the years in all aspects from jobs to political standings Historically people have been oppressed since structure and government were designed and put into practice. Women cook and bear children and sit still and look pretty, while men go to war and hold the job...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Essay on Australia: Sydney

Executive Summary This report will explain how tourism affects Sydney, why tourists want to visit Sydney, and how this impacts the economy and its social impacts on the community. Where/What is Sydney? Sydney is located in NSW, Australia. Sydney is the capital of NSW. It is one of Australia’s largest cities. It is well known for the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The results suggest that in 2018, 10.17 million people visited Sydney. The population of Sydney...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Essay on Symbols of Corruption

Beauty in White, Corruption in Gold, The Character of Daisy Buchanan Prevalent in stories written in the 1920’s, corruption is a common trait found in characters. Stemming from reasons such as fame, wealth, and greed, it adds depth to the story and questions morality itself. The book, The Great Gatsby, also published in the 1920’s, showcases many examples of characters being corrupt because of wealth’s easy access or pursuit. Take Daisy Buchanan, one of the most interesting cases in literature....
2 Pages 999 Words

Essay on Shopping Addiction

Shopping addiction is a mental disorder that many people overlook. The majority of the population doesn’t consider this to be an actual thing but to many people, it is. This study is aimed to assess the level of shopping that individuals do regularly. This research paper will open a new pathway to the gates of shopping addiction. As well as the physical and mental work behind the decision-making. Gender differences are foreground, we imply that women are the ones who...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Essay on Picasso Still Life

Cubism was a revolutionary new art concept developed in Paris at the start of the 1900s as a new way of understanding the world within the rapid change that was happening at the time. It was minorly influenced by Paul Cezanne’s slight distortion of viewpoints in his still lives. However, it was artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque who paved the way for the cubist style in the 20th century. Cubism brought together the ability to view an object or...
2 Pages 962 Words

Essay on Are Interest Groups Good or Bad for Democracy

In the study of comparative politics, many political theorists such as Andrew Hindmoor, Mark Petracca, and Jon Elson explain political occurrences such as war, voting methods, and the economy through the understanding of Rational Choice Theory. Rational Choice Theory is a prominent theory in the study of Politics and Economics. It posits that individuals, institutions, and societies construct purposive, goal-seeking choices based on their interests and preferences, which are rational (Hindmoor, 2006). For many people, one aspect of being part...
2 Pages 957 Words

Essay on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Introduction In this modern world there are various professions, among them engineering is considered a well-renowned and highly respected profession. Human lives are precious and worthy, In that way, an engineer’s life is more valuable because an engineer carries massive responsibility throughout his life. Engineers face many hazards in their work place in their day-to-day life. It is very important to acknowledge those hazards which threatens the engineers. Engineering is a versatile and large stream as there are many parts...
2 Pages 968 Words

Essay on Is Universal Healthcare a Human Right

Health care in the early days of our country was very limited. Not many doctors came to America being they were British and against us. The first hospital was built in New Orleans named “The Royal Hospital” which was far too expensive, so another was built “The Charity Hospital”. (Understanding the U.S.) There have been multiple tries to change our healthcare system and try to implement universal healthcare in the history of the US. In 1910 many European countries were...
2 Pages 990 Words

Argumentative Essay: Gun Control Is Oppression

These gatherings frequently can't help contradicting the translation of firearm-related laws and techniques, and the effect of weapon control on wrongdoing and open security. It is evaluated that US regular citizens possess 393 million guns and that 35% to 42% of families in the nation have in any event one weapon. The United States has the most elevated evaluated number of weapons per capita, with 120.5 weapons per 100 individuals. The accessibility of guns in the United States has been...
2 Pages 967 Words

Shopping for Used Cars Essay

When many races buy a car, they come into the process naked. While this is certainly appealing, it essentially mode they are given the duration to clutch the car they own hostage. When it comes to purchasing a car, whether new or pre-owned, you need to flesh neat-cattle up on your transaction skills. In this mode you will be offered more incentives, lower sticker prices, and more sweeps to treat! So make sure you NEVER pay sticker cost for your...
2 Pages 1021 Words

The Namesake' Immigrant Experience Essay

Ashoke remains busy in his career, it hurts her most. When the doctor examines her in the Hospital, she tells her everything is normal. “ But nothing feels normal to Ashima. For the past eighteen months, ever since she arrived in Cambridge, nothing has felt normal at all. It’s not so much the pain, which she knows, somehow, she will survive. It’s the consequence: motherhood in a foreign land”(TN 5-6). Ashoke’s migration is for economic gain and professional progress and...
2 Pages 997 Words

Essay on Australia Population

In recent years, multiculturalism has been a highly controversial topic around the world. According to Chu et al., (2016), multiculturalism is the presence of various cultures, including races and religions, expressed through the thinking process, values, and communication. Most people would agree that Australia is a multicultural country. For me, multicultural Australia is a thriving Australian culture and identity; nonetheless, some people would blame multiculturalism as a failure. Some people would claim that multiculturalism includes too many things. That can...
2 Pages 982 Words

Essay on Imperialism in Australia

Modernity is described as a historical timeframe that relates to the progression of urbanization and culture, moving away from traditional and outdated methods (Snyder 2016). It relates to the notion of 'Eurocentrism,' which depicts Europe as 'the central axis' with its dominant social order (Gregory 1998, 512-513). Three readings, Introduction by Anthony King, Marking Place and Outline History of Australian Architecture by Philip Goad and Julie Willis, and 'This Grand Object: Building Towns in Indigenous Space' by Penelope Edmonds, are...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Oppression in 'The Handmaids Tale' Essay

No novel may have as clearly exemplified the profound impacts of oppressing an individual’s freedom of speech as effectively as Margaret Atwood’s, ’The Handmaid’s Tale’. Despite much of Atwood’s story encompassing the various mechanisms ‘The Republic of Gillied’ used to oppress, degrade, and dehumanize its populace. Atwood’s depiction and philosophical stance of the controlled use of language in Gilead society is a decisive demonstration of not only the status quo being revoked but further it being turned into a frightening...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Essay on Imagery in 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

Psychological tests observe emotions and behaviors to help diagnose a patient and create a guide for treatment. However, you cannot be assessed correctly because you are not as important, you’ll be treated like a child, and your emotions are automatically invalidated. In the 19th century, that is what women went through when being psychologically evaluated, if a woman were going through depression, it would be dismissed as part of her overactive emotions or pushed to the side because that isn’t...
2 Pages 998 Words

Essay on Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison

Electricity is what supplies the world with power, but people are unable to fathom the process as to how electricity was procured. Through this documentary, we gain an understanding of how electricity is generated by current which is referred to as the flow of electrons that flows in a specific direction. In the 1800’s the standard of electricity was developed by Thomas Edison which was direct current. In contrary to Edison, Nikola Tesla developed alternating current which he believed should...
2 Pages 998 Words

Economic Oppression Toward Women in Daniel Defoe’s 'Moll Flanders' Essay

Introduction Published in 1722, Daniel Defoe’s 'Moll Flanders' is a picaresque novel that tells the story of a woman and her struggles for success and survival in 18th-century England society, where key elements include wealth and money. The full title of the novel is 'The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders.' Daniel Defoe is regarded as the first authentic novelist and one of the earliest writers to adopt the novel form. Born Daniel Foe, his father, James Foe,...
2 Pages 980 Words

Essay on 'Curiosity Killed the Cat' Meaning

Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Satisfaction Brought It Back “Face it. Curiosity will not cause us to die – only lack of it will.” In Alastair Reid’s poem, he related felines to human beings in terms of curiosity. His arguments seemed quite contradicted to the old cliché “Curiosity killed the cat”. Instead of questioning the positiveness in curiosity, Alastair Reid said lacking of the desire in exploring whether it’s “idyll” or “hell” at “the other side of the hill” will...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Essay on Oprah Winfrey Personal Traits

Oprah Gail Winfrey is an executive in American media, actress, host of talk shows, producer of television, and philanthropist. She is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show, which since 1986 has been the highest-rated television program of its kind in history and aired for 25 years on nationwide broadcast television. Nicknamed the 'Queen of All Media' she was the 20th century's wealthiest African American and North America's first multi-billionaire woman and listed as America's greatest black...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Essay on What Is Revealed about Human Nature in Genesis 1:26

When describing humans as God We might best describe humans as 'priestly kings.' Like kings, According to Genesis 1:26, all humans were meant to govern and reign on God's behalf on this earth. As humans, we were called out and set apart to do God's purpose and definition of good and evil something that humanity failed at rather quickly because of continual disobedience due to the freedom of choice that God instilled in every one of us. We as humans...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Essay on Is Australia a Capitalist Country

With increasing concentrations of the world’s population migrating to urban areas in recent years, the relationship between social and economic development has become one of utmost importance. A concept that has been concerned with the diminution of this is social polarization, a contemporary term that Woodward (1995) describes as the widening of the gap between specific groups of people in terms of their socioeconomic circumstances and opportunities. Within Australian cities and towns, this process is best exemplified through wealth inequality....
2 Pages 966 Words

Essay on Napoleon Vs Hitler

Animal Farm is an allegorical novel by George Orwell, published for the first time in England on August 17, 1945. An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. Allegories can be found in many places such as the Statue of Liberty and many books as well. In Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard for example, floor nineteen’s initial suspicions about the character Alex Fierro, a shapeshifting gender-fluid demigod, could represent...
2 Pages 956 Words

Online Shopping During Pandemic Essay

Current review study aimed at analyzing the change and trend in consumers shopping behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this review proved how COVID lockdown has changed shopping behavior from traditional to online shopping. The questionnaire survey through online mode represents the Consumer's preferences regarding past as well as present shopping habits. Through this review, it is easy to know what possibilities of shopping behavior are in the upcoming future time, and this study shows how companies are...
2 Pages 1038 Words
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