1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Orthopaedic Surgery and the Use of Artificial Intelligence

The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in surgery has supporters and opponents. Advantages may include precision, speed, and research advances whilst disadvantages may include accountability, ethical and safety considerations. Orthopedic surgery is a field of Medicine rapidly advancing in its use of artificial intelligence to achieve exciting progress. The question is how far can and should it go? AI has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, and some AI techniques such as search engines, voice recognition software, and autonomous...
2 Pages 1090 Words

Nostalgia and Golden Age Thinking in Woody Allen's 'Midnight in Paris' and F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby'

Nostalgia and golden age thinking are an exceedingly critical aspect in Fitzgerald and Allen’s works, as through these concepts they are able to convey a noteworthy message regarding the role of dreams and illusions as motivators. Nostalgia is truly one of the great human weaknesses and people underestimate the power it has. We need to establish an understanding of what it is, what evokes this nostalgia and maybe even question if it’s healthy for us to be dwelling in the...
2 Pages 1095 Words

Essay about Kurt Cobain: Nirvana's Heart and Soul

Kurt Cobain was known as the lead singer and founder of Nirvana, a band formed in Aberdeen, Washington (Kurt’s home town) in 1987. Nirvana would come to be known as the staple of alternative music, especially in regards to the grunge genre. This band along with many others would propel this kind of music to new heights and bring the idea of the ‘Seattle Music Scene’ into the mainstream. Their debut album ‘Nevermind’ beating out Michael Jackson on the billboard...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Milk and Its Importance for Human Nutrition

Milk is the first food of young mammals and a nutrient-rich, white liquid produced by the mammary glands of females' mammals. It is a mixture of fat and high-quality protein in water, which contains some carbohydrate (lactose (4.8%), vitamins and minerals (0.8%). Furthermore, there are ranges of other individuals' products that can be made from milk, which are also known as dairy products, a product containing milk or made from milk, such as; butter, cream, and ice cream. Water, carbohydrate,...
2 Pages 1144 Words

Longevity and Gender Differences in Health

In the social context, men have been perceived as being the superior gender throughout time. However, with more focus on scientific justification, it has been proven that men do not live as long as women. Research proves that there is a definitive role for gender within health and illness. There are many factors that are instrumental in understanding which health-related differences arise within men in contrast with women. Such factors include the gender differences present in illness, the role of...
2 Pages 1091 Words

Is the Music Industry Corrupt?

Music is seen and heard anywhere and everywhere in the world. It is rooted deep into cultures, families, online, and even at peoples very own fingertips. For some, music has even made its way into their careers. In 2019, there have been more upcoming artists than ever before and the one thing they all have in common, is generating a profit and a following. The essay ‘Making Cents’ by Damon Krukowski was successful because of his explanation of how upcoming...
2 Pages 1101 Words

Free Market Competition and Monopoly

Businesses in the modern market are required to continuously adapt and adjust to the changes in the market in order to stay competitive. Competition is an important aspect of a market and is widely known to be the process of operating in a market concurrently with other competitors in order to gain profit (Riggs, 2015). In order for competitors to stay competitive, they complete through various means which will be discusses in this paper. However, if a monopoly is introduced...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Christopher Nolan's ‘Inception’: Film Report

‘Inception’ is considered the most unique motion picture of its time. Released in 2010 when executive Christopher Nolan was falling off the statures of ‘The Dark Knight’, ‘Inception’ demonstrated there was as a reasonable place, unique studio tentpole. The science fiction film acquired $828.3 million at the overall film industry and was even a player on the honors circuit. Among its awards were Oscar assignments for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. Movie Review The film ‘Inception’ was appreciated by...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Bonnie and Clyde: Story of the Famous Couple

Bonnie and Clyde did many types of crime that changed the world tremendously. For two whole years, many people had different opinions on them. Bonnie and Clyde have left an impact on the world with their rebellious lives and dedication to each other. Even if they violate the law. Bonnie Parker was born on October 1, 1910 in the small town of Rottweiler, Texas. Her father Charles Parker was a bricklayer who died when Bonnie was 4 years old. Her...
3 Pages 1144 Words

Analysis of Michael Oher from 'The Blind Side' Using Psychological Theories

‘The Blind Side’ is a movie based on a true-life story about a homeless teen and the family that took him in. The movie is based on Michael Oher who was homeless, who discovered a family that wanted him, and who rose to become famous. This paper will analyze the main character Michael Oher. Michael was an African American homeless while his drug addicted mother lived in a rundown apartment. Unfortunately, Michael never knew his father was, had little education,...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Analysis of Globalization and Inequality in Jamaica and Dominica Using the Film 'Life and Debt'

Globalization and inequality are represented throughout the film ‘Life and Debt’ and this links to media images of tourism that portray a contrasting image of Jamaica and Dominica. In this report, I intend to explore these issues in the Jamaican economy and in trade and media images of Jamaica and Dominica. Globalization is presented negatively, allowing exploitation and aiding inequalities of Jamaican workers, in the film ‘Life and Debt’, this is highlighted in the scene that discusses the issues surrounding...
2 Pages 1120 Words

Essay on Alfred Hitchcock as an Auteur

The early famous French directors created a uniqueness to approach into the cinematic universe known as the auteur theory. It’s value after a lot of experience that was being advanced during the late 1930s by the well-known French film critics: François Truffaut, Christian Metz, and Jacques Rivette. They were willing to risk about everything to create and come across something that inspired them and the younger and developing generation of critiques by doing something new and let go of the...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Analysis of Advanced Technologies and Film-making

From the early days of silent cinema to today's emerging new technologies such as 360-degree panoramic filming, the film industry has begun to change as technology continues to evolve, transforming the audience's experience and engagement with cinema and filmmaking. This paper will review Eric Kurland's ‘History of VR’ and Lev Manovich's ‘The Poetics of Augmented’ to understand the development and application of technologies related to immersive experiences. Eric Kurland talked about the changes and advances of this technology over time...
2 Pages 1110 Words

Abbey Nicole Curran as a Great Influential Person

“Accomplishment begins with two words, I’ll try”. This quote that Abbey Nicole Curran once said is saying that there is no possible way of succeeding if you don’t take the shot at trying. The quote is about trying, because if you don’t there is no way of succeeding. Abbey Nicole Curran tried her best to become a pageant girl even though she had cerebral palsy. Abbey was an important and influential figure in history that had a positive impact on...
2 Pages 1145 Words

‘Run Lola Run’: Film Analysis

‘Run Lola Run’, a German film coordinated by Tom Tykwer, is a spine chiller about a lady named Lola who attempts to gather sufficient cash quickly to save her sweetheart. It manages the unsubstantial issues of destiny and fate. A film shows it is feasible to avoid anything hand destiny has given us by going with the ideal decisions. The film follows Lola's progressive excursion and presents three unique situations of her salvage plans. While Lola changes her ways and...
2 Pages 1050 Words

Essay on ‘Blackfish’: Story about One Amusement Park

Tilikum, undoubtedly SeaWorld’s most famous whale, was held in captivity for 33 years of his life. He died in March 2016 due to bacterial pneumonia. His death was a result of the poor treatment and inhumane conditions he was forced to live in for 33 of the 35 years he was alive. Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s documentary ‘Blackfish’ exposes the SeaWorld corporation and their efforts to distract their customers from the repeated ‘accidents’ as a result of keeping the orcas in their...
2 Pages 1117 Words

Essay on 'Inception': A Dream Movie

“You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling” - Eames (Tom Hardy), ‘Inception’. And the director Christopher Nolan clearly wasn’t afraid to dream bigger. In 2010, after success in movies such as ‘The Prestige’ and ‘The Dark Knight’, Nolan released ‘Inception’. This isn’t just one of the best movies of all time but pathed the way for other science fiction classics by Nolan such as Interstellar. Nolan is the number one ranked director of all time both by...
2 Pages 1097 Words

What Is Your Favourite Word and Why: Essay

Serendipity is my favorite word. It is defined as the occurrence of fortune purely by accident; finding good things even while we are not looking for them. Reminiscing on life, and the winding roads that have led me here, I’m convinced that I’m the product of little pockets of serendipity. For example, after high school, I joined Makerere University in my home country, Uganda. However, two months later the university shut down indefinitely due to a strike by disgruntled, unpaid...
2 Pages 1097 Words

What Is the Purpose of Life: Essay

The morning I woke up with a feeling of anxiety, hollowness, and emptiness in me. I was dejected and lost. Something was missing and wrong. I felt like I didn’t belong in this world. My mind was perturbed with a lot of questions. What’s the purpose of my existence? Why I was even born? Why am I alive? Am I wasting my life? Was I any mistake of God? All negative thoughts and negative self-talk weigh me down and make...
2 Pages 1090 Words

What Is the Consequence of Inaction: Essay

The word “king” makes you think of people in charge, like leaders and high-ranking people. But leadership really isn’t about a certain position; just because someone owns the title of a leader, like the title of king or president, does not mean that person has the qualities necessary to be able to lead people. So, when confronted with the question “would Hamlet have been a good king?” I would say he would not have been suitable for the position of...
2 Pages 1110 Words

What Is Blackness: Essay

Blackness is both a historical and critical position through which Whiteness is rewritten such as to encompass the world's diversity There is no one way to define “Blackness”. Does Blackness identify with a particular character trait or does it solely have to do with having a ‘dark complexion? For a long time in America, being dark was equated to having African heritage or having a darker skin tone that was not white. In any case, not every person fits conveniently...
2 Pages 1102 Words

What is Black Culture: Essay

During the Mid 1970s, the Black artist began embracing their identity and dedication to black culture through literature. Literature that was created during this period, criticized the government for its mistreatment of black people in America. It displays this style of criticism through two famous pieces What America Would Be Without Blacks by Ralph Ellison and If Black English Isn’t a Language Then What is it? by James Baldwin. These two pieces exemplify the impact Black culture has on mainstream...
2 Pages 1088 Words

What Inspires You: Essay

А gоod leаder is sоmeоne whо аcоmplishеs the missiоn, has the respect of their subоrdinаtes, and mаkes the difficult decisiоns when nеeded. For every human being there is always one favorite leader whom he or she likes the most, always try to be like the leader and want to achieve his or her level. Personally, I like the ideology of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi the most. He was born on the 2nd of October in 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat, India. He...
2 Pages 1108 Words

What I Learned from My Internship Experience: Essay

Constraints/Challenges I couldn’t have asked for a better internship experience. Working on M.J. Papers helped me to explore real job life and how Corporate HR operates. This has been by far the most interesting and cherished worthy experience of my life. Identified/Observed in the Organization This internship has provided me with a wonderful opportunity to acquire practical knowledge, communication skills, negotiation skills, and technical skills. Though it may take some time to polish those skills, at this moment I am...
2 Pages 1116 Words

What Does Education Mean to You: Opinion Essay

Every individual has the right to attain an education. However, in Pakistan over 50 percent of the population, aged 15 and above are illiterate. Only one-third of the women are educated. According to the latest Pakistan “Education Statistics Report” by AEPAM, there are 22.84 million children who are not going to school. Education must be prioritized in Pakistan. Education is a basic human right, unfortunately, it is not being fulfilled in Pakistan. This is the reason why my team members...
2 Pages 1110 Words

What Can We Learn from the Past: Essay

Introduction: This quote is taken from the philosophical book Reason in Common Sense, which was written and published by George Santayana in 1905. Santayana becomes acknowledged for his aphorisms, and for becoming a professor in philosophy at Harvard which he deserted. Before, Santayana attended the Boston Latin School and Harvard College, in which he studied from the philosophers William James and Josiah. George Santayana's quote that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it means studying history...
2 Pages 1103 Words

Website Analysis Essay

Introduction My website is called Pawa Fitness. The specific purpose of Pawa Fitness's website is to provide its customer the information about the business. Also, the use of the website is to be eye-catching, colorful, recognizable, and simple. It will show the customers the new exclusive products. The website should also advertise the gym clubs and their occasional special offers. The development process followed four stages which include conceptualizing, proving, implementing, and maintaining. To conceptualize is to examine the problem...
2 Pages 1120 Words

Covid-19 Vaccine Argumentative Essay

COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, affected the whole world in 2020, and it is still taking effect in many countries. The world was put into quarantine and had to obey the new public safety rules. While the strict rules did help, it was not enough for the virus to die completely in places such as the United States. Over time, many researchers and scientists from different companies have tried to come up with a cure to get rid of...
2 Pages 1067 Words

Unforgettable Day in My Life: Essay

How I Become a Man On Saturday we left Atlanta before dawn, and before his departure for Ghana, my father Anwar drive us by car, me Charbel, my mother Lina, my brother Alex, and my sister Rita; after parking the car, he took us on the hiking trail up to the top of the Stone Mountain from where we watched the sunrise in the eastern sky. It was the first mountain we had ever seen. Standing on the granite ridge,...
2 Pages 1113 Words

Unexpected Danger in Elementary School: Analytical Essay

Mass Murder and What Drives Someone to Take Another Person’s Life Mass murder is defined as the “anti-social non-state-sponsored killing of multiple victims during a single episode at one or more closely related locations” (Levin, & Madfis, 2009). It is mind-blowing how someone can take another person’s life, how they can just walk into a school or a building and shoot someone to death. Do they care, or do they have remorse for taking the life of another human being?...
2 Pages 1065 Words
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