1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Transformative Power of Community Service

Community service plays a crucial role in fostering social cohesion, empathy, and personal growth. Engaging in community service allows individuals to contribute to the betterment of society while benefiting themselves. This essay will explore the definition of community service, its benefits, and its significance. Additionally, it will delve into various types of community service and share a personal experience that exemplifies the transformative impact of such service. Definition of Community Service Community service refers to voluntary activities undertaken by individuals...
2 Pages 1207 Words

Why Is 'Antigone' a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

Antigone is a Greek tragedy by Sophocles, that centers around a young female, Antigone, after the deaths of her two brothers. Antigone’s two brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, were battling for the throne of Thebes. As the brothers were dueling against each other, they ended up defeating one another. Since Eteocles was the King of Thebes and was seen as defending his land, he was treated like a hero and given a proper burial. While Eteocles was treated like a hero,...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Which Qualities Would a Homeric Hero Prize Most Dearly: Essay

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism” (Hamilton, 45). A Hero’s Journey is never an easy one, but what defines a Hero? The best way to define a hero is by looking at literary examples such as the Odyssey or the Illiad. Focusing on the first work mentioned I will discuss the heroic qualities of Odysseus from the epic; The Odyssey. In this poem, his acts of...
3 Pages 1235 Words

West Side Story Is a Re-telling of Shakespeare's Play: Comparative Essay

West side story is an example of how art has been combined into a story. Arthur Laurents wrote the story as an adaptation of William Shakespeare`s classic play, Romeo and Juliet. The main plot of these two stories are very similar, however, the way they are portrayed on stage shows the differences. Romeo and Juliet is a play and does not include other art forms other than acting. Whereas West Side Story tells the story through singing, dancing, acting, and...
3 Pages 1158 Words

West Side Story and Its Broadway Adaptation: Comparative Essay

The musical genre of film is renowned for its visually spectacular display of dance sequences and singing used to express character emotion and advance a film's narrative. The musical genre is primarily a scope of escapism and therefore as a genre, operates beyond naturalism, where theatrical elements derived from stage musicals may spontaneously erupt to accentuate the drama of a scene and in other instances, break away from the gravity of a scene in order to reinforce the whimsicality of...
3 Pages 1181 Words

Taylor Swifts Battle with Prejudice

Taylor Swift’s latest album ‘Lover’ which was released in August earlier this year has seen critical acclaim across the board from publishers such as Vogue, Rolling Stones, and Forbes. It has been praised for its combination of catchy pop-synth tones and emotionally expressive lyrics which appear rather contemptuous in line with the Nashville star’s 2018 Democratic endorsement after a string of increasingly politically vocal statements. Her album ‘Lover’ tackles a range of contemporary socio-political issues which have been becoming increasingly...
3 Pages 1224 Words

Should Celebrities Have the Right to Privacy: Argumentative Essay

In today’s society, people with acclaim to fame, or public status are known as celebrities. being in the limelight, there has always been a social debate as to whether celebrities deserve their “solitude and privacy” in life. This may mean not being under the limelight for no reason, avoiding paparazzi, or just living in secrecy, I personally interpret the question’s meaning as simple as black or white: outside the limelight, do celebrities deserve the same privacy normal people have the...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Reflective Essay on Eating Habits

I have some very bad eating habits and I need to seriously change that behavior. First off, I think it all started after my football days in High School ended. I didn't have my routine and support system anymore, therefore I started sliding backward. I'm getting up late at night and eat. I do believe a lot of these late-night habits are due to stress and trying to find a way to get something that's right for me to do....
3 Pages 1187 Words

Reference to Abraham Lincoln in the Speech 'I Have a Dream'

“Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail. When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength, and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you!” (Ruby Bridges) Ruby Bridges was only six years old when she persevered as the first African-American child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in Louisiana in 1960. Only three years later Martin Luther King, Jr. would also follow that path with courage, strength, and conviction...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Recycling Proposal: Persuasive Speech

Every industry across the globe utilizes plastic in one form or another. It is used in manufacturing through packaging, shipping, and transportation. It is also used in everyday life through cups, straws, bags, electronics, and more. Its versatility, long life, and benefit-cost ratio make it a major component in everyday use. However, plastics' unique properties make them so indestructible and the simple fact that it’s regularly used for only short periods of time before being tossed into the bin has...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Portrayal of Female Characters in Films 'Brave' and 'Zootopia'

Over the course of time, it can be seen that Disney Animated movies have progressed and developed in light of the changing eras. It can be seen that the main female characters have changed as well, they are more independent and self-sufficient now. Female suppression and male superiority have been seen repeatedly time and time. These movies also instilled the notion that a woman looks best in the kitchen or doing household chores. It is also shown that they should...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Persuasive Speech on Global Warming

What biotechnological measures can be used to reverse global warming? Answer: In the answer to this question, first we need to understand what is biotechnology. Biotechnology can be defined as the exploitation of biologically for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc. It has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture,non-food (industrial)uses of crops and other products (e.g .biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuel,...
3 Pages 1199 Words

Persuasive Essay on Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is actually happening; it is no longer a prediction. It is defined as the long-term increase in the average temperature of the climate system of the earth. It is a gradual thing that is generally attributed to the issue of the greenhouse effect due to an increase in the levels of harmful gases and other pollutants in the environment. Global warming is a continuous menace that many individuals have a strong opinion about. We can all agree...
3 Pages 1195 Words

Oedipus Rex Fate: Essay

Oedipus Rex is one of the Greek tragedies that continues to captivate modern audiences. The play explores several themes, including Oedipus' quest for identity, the nature of innocence and guilt, blindness and sight, and power abuse; however, the most powerful and fascinating theme discussed in the play is the divisive question of whether humans have free will or are victims of fate. Sophocles, the author, correctly distinguishes between fate and free will in human life decisions. His ideas about the...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Nietzsche's 'Twilight of the Idols': Book Summary

Friedrich Nietzsche’s Twilight of the Idols is a book that touches on topics of decadence and nihilism in figures, societies, and cultures. This book contains a chapter on Socrates, labeled “The Problem of Socrates”. The chapter focuses on a critique of Socrates’ beliefs through Nietzsche’s views on Socrates’ philosophy on the value of life, dialectics, and reason. And this will help in understanding how Socrates’ perspective of these topics makes him a “dĂ©cadent” according to Nietzsche. To begin, when Nietzsche...
3 Pages 1184 Words

Is Adding Healthy Food Options into Convenience Stores a Great Idea: Discursive Essay

Hello everyone, my name is Charmaine. I own a little convenience store on 532 N Montford Ave, and I have owned this store for the past 15 years with my family. I flew in today to talk about why adding healthy food options to convenience stores such as my own is not a great idea. The Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, best known as SNAP or food stamps is a program that was designed to help over 40 million low-income...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Is 'The Great Gatsby' a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

Did u ever read a classic book or seen a classic movie/television, well, the Great Gatsby is a classic book written by one of the greatest writers in American literature F. Scott Fitzgerald. This classic was written almost one hundred years ago, and people still classify this book as The Great American Novel. The Great Gatsby is the ultimate rags-to-riches story. This story represents the jazz age in the 1920 and the American dream. Something rich, poor, and middle-class people...
3 Pages 1233 Words

How is 'Frankenstein' a Gothic Novel: Essay

Introduction Introduction: Frankenstein, published in 1818 was written in the peak era of Romanticism and the gothic genre. This statement leaves one curious about the category that the novel fits into. Thesis: After examining the romantic and gothic genres, it is clear that Frankenstein respects the ideals of Romanticism and the gothic genre because of the novel’s elements such as the characters, the setting, and, conventions. Paragraph 1: To begin with, Frankenstein fits the characteristics of romantic settings due to...
3 Pages 1210 Words

How Does Shelley Create Her Gothic Atmosphere: Essay

Who doesn’t love a theatrical drama filled with contemplation? Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a spectacular adaption of the renowned 1817 gothic novel, Frankenstein, and is a movie lover's dream, touching the thoughts of viewers since its release in 1994. Today, Branagh has sat down with me to discuss how he has used gothic elements, such as women, to appeal to the modern audience to depict the infamous tale so the modern audience can still enjoy this classic. Hi Kenneth, thank...
3 Pages 1161 Words

How Are Gilgamesh and Enkidu Alike: Analytical Essay

Being considered the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia has always been an interest for many historians due to it being the focal point for many historical figures and advancements. Written language, in the form of ancient cuneiform, was first developed in Mesopotamia and was used by scribes to write on tablets for various things such as transactions and even stories that give us some kind of idea of what Mesopotamian culture was like. The Epic of Gilgamesh from when it was...
3 Pages 1235 Words

Hip Hop's Betrayal of Black Women: Analytical Essay

The social power of Hip Hop during the late 1980s and the 1990s cannot be underestimated. Rap became in the most important musical genre of the period with huge commercial profits and public demand. However, as Wood emphasizes “like any industry or art form dominated by men, sexism was inherent” (Wood 2015). As the genre spread, more and more rap songs abandon social issues; these anthems were replaced by stories about excess that point out women as products worth having....
3 Pages 1178 Words

Global Warming: Thesis Statement

The Role of Humans in Causing Global Warming Introduction Global warming is a huge subject intended for political figures, researchers, and academics as well for many years, but especially in the past couple of years. Normally, they have also turned into a common subject for investigation documents. Along with global warming currently being a really broad phrase, it is advisable to define it initially, after which discuss whether it is due to human mistakes, or simply just the life cycle...
3 Pages 1197 Words

Ethical Issues in Research: Milgram Experiment

This assignment will analyze three issues in psychology, ethical issues, the right to withdraw, and the protection of participants will be addressed. Examples will be given throughout along with reasons to why ethical guidelines are in place, gaining an understanding of the science of morals and rules of behavior in all professional activity. Ethical guidelines exist and are a required code of conduct that is needed to be maintained and present through professionals’ actions within their working environment, whilst working...
2 Pages 1160 Words

Essay on World War 2

The start of this tragic event was on September 1st, 1939. Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of Germany, invaded the country of Poland. He was obsessed with the idea of having a pure German superior race, which he called Aryan. In believing this, Hitler was confident, the only way to achieve his pure German race, was to gain land, which he decided the best way to claim was by fighting for it. At the time, Europe was destabilized tremendously from World War...
3 Pages 1155 Words

Essay on William Butler Yeats' Poems Analysis

In many of his poems, W.B. Yeats portrays delusion and civilization. Yeats was once significantly enthused with the aid of the attraction of delusion and civilization and used it in several poems to reveal his complex philosophical understandings. Yeats used to be keen to change regular Greek and Roman mythological figures and civilization with figures from Irish folklore. In the following discussion, I will describe How W.B. Yeats portrayed delusion and civilization in his most important poems. According to Yeats...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Essay on Water

Introduction Water is a transparent and colorless inorganic substance mainly composed of hydrogen and oxygen (Marques, de Matos Jorge, and Jorge, 2016). According to Marques, water exists in a solid, liquid, and gaseous state, and forms the main component of the earth's hydrosphere. Interestingly, 97% of the water on the earth's surface is salty, and only 3% of the water on the earth's surface is fresh and usable. Quoting Marques, 2% of earth's freshwater is in 'glaciers and caps as...
3 Pages 1234 Words

Essay on Universal Health Care

The government offers free healthcare services but not to everyone. According to the World Health Organization, universal health coverage is the most important aspect of eliminating socioeconomic disparities and a critical component of sustainable growth. In several countries, universal health coverage is sought by a mix of private and public sector healthcare programs (Plianbangchang 2018). The government gives older people above 65 years of age free medical services; they also consider younger people suffering from disabilities and people who have...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Essay on the Protagonist in 'Macbeth'

The play Macbeth takes place in Scotland during a time of turmoil and battle, in the tragedy Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth commit regicide to become King and Queen. This theme of ambition thrives in the play and is the main catalyst for the entire tragedy. Lady Macbeth is a significant character in Macbeth as she is one of the main protagonists, without her the play arguably would not be a tragedy and Macbeth might not have encountered his...
3 Pages 1235 Words

Essay on Slavery and The New Negro Movement

Early Anglo-American colonizers were unable to imagine systems of shared land tenure and governance with Indigenous polities. They perceived Indigenous people to admit themselves to the racialization, and the justification they provided for the strategies they utilized to eliminate, displace, acculturate, and conceptually disappear American Indians. European settlers asserted an exclusive right to own the land based on their claims to be making it productive, which was in fact made so profitable by the bulk of the labor such as...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Essay on Self Reflection

The purpose of this essay is to provide a better understanding of my personal beliefs when it comes to social service work, my views on seeking help and how my thoughts will influence my professional development, what I find is helpful for me, and lastly how I am able to overcome any barriers that come in my way. Although I have been able to grow with the help of peers and family, I am still learning many new things to...
3 Pages 1183 Words
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