1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Should Shakespeare Be Taught in High School Essay

There is still reluctance among many secondary school students to accept Shakespeare as an author who speaks to them and their problems. This misguides them into thinking and focusing on the fact that Shakespeare's language is “too difficult”. His work shows various ideologies and perspectives that surround a variety of societal and internal concepts. So in that case, following up with my reasons, I say yes, Shakespeare's work should be taught in school. The form of how it should be...
3 Pages 1187 Words

Dehumanization in Night Essay

In Elie Wiesel’s novel, Night, the values and identities of the Jews have stripped away as dehumanization played a momentous element in their lives during their time spent as prisoners. This is shown through the unfortunate events of prohibition and forceful assimilation the Jews endured in Sighet and Auschwitz-Birkenau, public humiliation including trauma and physical abuse encountered in Buna, and constant eviction and starvation experienced in Gleiwitz and Buchenwald, where their agonizing years as victims of the Holocaust came to...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Racism in the Workplace: Essay on Intersectionality and Workplace Diversity

Intersectionality & Workplace Diversity In the incident, there are conflicting dynamics and inequalities that exacerbate the realities, identities, and validity of the subjects involved. In this scenario, there are multiple inequalities brought forth in concern. Shirley, though female, is white and heterosexual and Allen is the supervisor. Allen is also white but is homosexual. Robert and Henry are in lower-level positions than Shirley and Allen. Similarly, a second conflicting pair are the racial dynamics. The supervisor is white and was...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Should Animal Testing Be Banned Essay

Argumentative Essay Humans and animals: both beings that feel pain and have a soul. What separates humans and animals that makes animals subject to, often deathly, laboratory testing? Activists around the world have used the same basic concept to plead their cause for years. Many countries and brands have already banned cosmetic animal testing, but the US has yet to make laws to eliminate it. Although the results of medical animal testing save thousands of lives every year, cosmetic animal...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Representation of People in W.B Yeats’ Poetry: Analysis of “An Irish Airman Foresees His Death”

The representation of people in W.B Yeats’ poetry is greatly dependent on the demonstration of real-life events to enable readers to perceive and understand the true and genuine emotions of the human experiences of these people. In both “Easter 1916” (published in 1916) and “An Irish Airman Foresees his death” (written in 1918) written by Yeats, focuses on real-life scenarios with real people to express the passionate flow of ideas to persuade and engage the audience, allowing them to reimagine...
3 Pages 1199 Words

What Makes a Person a Hero: Analysis of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Hero is frequently used in everyday language but what makes a person a hero? Is heroism only saving the world from villains trying to impress little kids sitting behind a screen or can it be a small act of kindness? Can it be both? Yes, a hero is someone who is brave, courageous, and helps others in need. In the book The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton; Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally can be described as heroes because they are not afraid...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Issues of Wearing Body Cameras by Police: Argumentative Essay

So, 717 people have been shot and killed by police in 2019. Look at that number again, 717. In 2019 alone, 717 people, who may have been breaking the law but nonetheless, lost their life by the hands of a police officer. 992 people were shot and killed by police in 2018. There were only 23 days in 2018 where the police didn’t kill anybody. Police should be required to wear body cameras, it should be mandatory. If a police...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Discursive Essay on How Ned Kelly Became an Australian Legend

Introduction: The task is to examine the key events, actions, beliefs, and values of groups, the causes and effects of the events, and developments from a number of perspectives. This research task is aimed on Ned Kelly’s life and That Ned Kelly became an Australian Legend and folk hero because he struggled for the oppressed against the oppressors. Focus Question 1: Who was Ned Kelly? Ned Kelly was a bushranger and was born in June 1855 at Beveridge, Victoria. His...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Changes in the Future of Cyber Crimes and Policing: Analytical Essay

Cybercrime and intrusions have been occurring over the past few decades. Over the years it has become more prevalent and sophisticated than in previous years. Cybercrime is used on a computer, whether by phone, desktop, or laptop over the internet or network. The world is connected through this technology and has many advantages; however, many disadvantages have been noted. This growing technology brings increased risk of fraud, theft, and exploitation. As technology continues to advance, the systems and software become...
3 Pages 1163 Words

Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management: Analytical Essay

1. Introduction “In the past, the man has been first; in the future, the system must be first
The first object of any good system must be that of developing first-class men.” by Frederick Winslow Taylor (Pg. No.7, Taylor, 1919). The experience of Taylor at the Midvale Steel Company led to the beginning of the scientific approach in management. When employed there, he admitted that the efficiency of labours was essentially insufficient due to a workforce that operated by “rules of...
3 Pages 1230 Words

Literature Review: Independent Variables Free Cash Flow and Profitability Current Ratio

According to the study by (Parsian, H & Amir, K, 2013) searched on effect of different factors on dividend payout ratio of Tehran stock exchange (TSE) registered companies. Various companies has been selected for research. They used regression panel for testing the hypothesis of f the study. This study provides us evidence and 102 companies has been selected over the time between 2005-2010. This study shows that independent variables free cash flow and profitability current ratio have negative relation with...
3 Pages 1164 Words

Jackson’s Positions on Nullification, Cherokee Removal, and the Bank of the United States: Analytical Essay

To what extent was Jackson inconsistent in his ideology? Explore Jackson’s positions on nullification, Cherokee Removal, and the Bank of the United States. Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology throughout his administration. His positions on nullification, Cherokee Removal, and the Bank of the United States were key examples of his inconsistency. Jackson was against the Ordinance of Nullification because the tariffs were constitutional. However, he failed to listen to the common man as he preached by ignoring the complaints...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Employment of Methods of Framing and Mediatization to the War on Terror: Analytical Essay

Conceptualized because of the various ways in which mediums have visualized, recorded and represented aspects of terrorism. The CNN effect established a twenty-four-seven news cycle which entirely covered the first Gulf war. This represents mediatization because the ability of real-time communications technology compels governments to immediately respond based on human suffering portrayed on the television. Mediatization has significantly affected the War on Terror because the perpetual commentary has created mediated responses that have undeniably bled into our everyday engagement with...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Essay on Workplace Violence: Analysis of Strategies to Assist in De-escalating and Identifying High-risk Personnel

Abstract Despite the vast research on workplace violence, reports of violence towards our health care workers continue unabated. The overall image that emerges from the literature suggests health care professionals are regularly exposed to workplace violence and need to conduct additional training in identifying high-risk individuals who have the propensity for violence and measures to deescalate the situation. Employers have a moral and legal obligation to ensure they provide a safe working environment and implement processes to prevent injury or...
3 Pages 1190 Words

Analytical Essay on The Divine Comedy: Dante's Influence on Society

Dante, a famous Italian poet, gained his fame from his most important work The Divine Comedy. He grew up in Florence until he became exiled forever by the leaders of the Black Guelph. During the time he spent outside of Florence, he entered his most successful period as a writer. He writes the trilogy, The Divine Comedy, while he travelled around to many different places. Along with this work, he completes many other stories during his travels taking ideas from...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Environmental Ethics Which Concerns Us and the Environment

The module discussed the environmental ethics which concerns us and the environment. It is also related to our morals and sympathy to non-human environment. The topic itself is crucial not only for us students but also for everyone who shares the same planet with us. Our actions are the reflections of our morals, aspirations, and perspectives. Thus, learning the right ethics towards the environment could change an individuals action in accordance to what the planet needs. This ought to be...
3 Pages 1153 Words

Global Decline of High Value Large Old Trees and Impacts on Wildlife

Global decline of large old trees from anthropogenic alteration has gained considerable interest globally and could resulted in losses of numerous wildlife species. In recent decades, about 10-40% of the global species are facing critical threat of extinction. Some believe that sixth mass extinction event is perhaps in progress. Ross et al. 20183 described anthropogenic-related habitat loss as the biggest cause of biodiversity loss on a global scale. According to Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC),...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Disadvantages of Democracy Essay

The theoretical discourse underpinning the relationship between democracy and the developmental performance of markets and states, especially in the developing countries, has been at stake for millennia and still has not reached a definite consensus about whether this particular type of non-market institutions actually causally results in economic growth. However, the comprehensive existing literature on this highly salient topic draws on the idea that even if democracy is preferable, it is not a necessary precondition for development. In order to...
3 Pages 1183 Words

Sustainability and MTEQ

Introduction Sustainability is most referred to as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Sustainability has three main pillars namely environmental, social and economic sustainability. Sustainability affects every level of organization, ranging from the local neighborhood, and the entire globe. Sustainability is the balance between a Reasonable Way of Supplying Human Needs economically while preserving the Eco-System for today and the future generations. How the 3 spheres of sustainability can be...
3 Pages 1248 Words

San Alternative Energy Replace Fossil Fuels? Essay

Having a reliable source of energy is important to the United States’ economy. Energy is required for more than just transportation; it is necessary to power homes and businesses. Currently, the main sources of energy in America are fossil fuels. Though these sources may seem cheaper and more efficient temporarily, in the long-term, they can neither sustain the American economy nor the environment. Renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermic power show promise in delivering abundant, safe, reliable...
3 Pages 1187 Words

UK Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Ensuring a Quick Economic Recovery

Fiscal policy has had to adapt to the unique implications of the coronavirus. Spending is currently at an all time high of 16.3% of GDP to support crippled industries and a population without income. Policymakers are approaching a crucial moment where they need to avoid austerity while managing national debt; development of contemporary ideas will be key. Monetary policy has taken inspiration from the introduction of quantitative easing and the drastically low interest rates brought about after the financial crisis...
3 Pages 1249 Words

Protecting the Natural Environment Essay

Whether we should think about the future of the environment as a matter of doing justice to future generations, is based upon the grounds to which we should be obliged to work to protect the environment. The protection of the environment is a basic human duty and a natural law to which we all depend upon to live from day-to-day. It is a duty by individuals, organisations and governments to incorporate policy approaches to fulfill this. As part of the...
3 Pages 1239 Words

The Protection of the Environment is a Basic Human Duty

Whether we should think about the environment as a matter of doing justice to future generations, is based upon the grounds to which we should be obliged to work to protect the environment because of the needs and interests of future generations. This essay will actively argue the point at which intervention by humans to protect future generations through protecting the environment, or whether it comes down to the basic deep ecological view that nature is intrinsically valuable. Furthermore, considerations...
3 Pages 1204 Words

Understanding of My Leadership Journey

This essay endeavours to reflect upon the underlying influences and theories that have formed my understanding of leadership. It will seek to assess strengths, weaknesses and how I may integrate contemporary leadership theory to become a more effective member of organisational leadership. It is critical to acknowledge a definition of leadership at the outset of the reflection. Leadership theory has changed dramatically during my lifetime, and as my reflection unfolds, we will see a progression of Leadership styles influenced by...
3 Pages 1193 Words

Exploring The World Revolves Around Me Fallacy

The world revolves around me is a fallacy that most people commit just about every day. Although they do not realize they are doing it, it just happens. This fallacy falls under the self-evidence, which is talked about as part of egocentrism, and is not egocentrism itself, but a fallacy that falls in the line of. Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate between self and other. Also, egocentrism is the inability to precisely predict or ponder other ideas rather than...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Journal Critique of Short-Term Memory Capacity

An absence of exploration about the short-term memory of intellectually gifted students added to the need for this investigation. In the event that a presence of contrasts between mentally, general, and different students is seen, it would profit the educational system to know where the memory’s qualities and shortcomings of individual students lay. Not only would the information on such data would be beneficial for the student, however the information would also add benefits to the accomplishment of instructional conveyance...
3 Pages 1243 Words

The American Civil War': Role of Abraham Lincoln in Civil War Essay

Kat Smutz’s book, The American Civil War, is about the Civil War and the details on what happened from the beginning to the end of the war. Abraham Lincoln was elected as the sixteenth president on November 6, 1860. The Civil War started at 4:30 Friday morning, on the 12th of April, 1861.The first actual engagement was the bombardment of Fort Sumter, between Union and Confederate forces. This was not for the benefit of slaves, but for the preservation of...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Freud: Id, Ego, and Superego Explained

One of Sigmund Freud’s most well-known ideas was his theory of personality, which proposed that the human psyche is composed of three separate but interacting parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The three parts develop at different times and play different roles in personality, but work together to form a whole and contribute to an individuals’ behavior. While the id, ego, and superego are often referred to as structures, they are purely psychological and don’t exist physically in...
2 Pages 1167 Words

The Use of Imagery, Metaphors, and Similes in 'Dover Beach'

While lecturing in America, Matthew Arnold wrote his poem “Dover Beach” in 1867. It is a free verse poem and does not follow any specific rhyme scheme and consists of 37 lines and 4 stanzas. Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach” poem is about a person who is looking over the sea, and how this person is comparing the tides on the beach to his faith in society. The persona’s faith is slowly fading, similar to how the tides slowly fade from...
3 Pages 1186 Words

Hydraulic Fracturing: Effects on the Environment

Fracking has been used widely in the US, and it is believed to offer great potential for crucial new sources of gas and oil supply. Currently, “hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has been used extensively in the US and Canada since the 1950s and offers the potential for significant new sources of oil and gas supply” (Goodman et al., 2016, para. 1). Several adverse environmental effects related to the operations have aroused controversy and many debates whether it should be sanctioned or...
3 Pages 1214 Words
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