1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Functions Of Contemporary Library

INTRODUCTION The term library was derived from the Latin word “liber” which means a book. In the pre-industrial era, books were seen as prized possessions; Items which could be seen and accessed only by the select few. Later with the invention of the printing press and information explosion, special places were created to house these possessions. These initial public libraries were built with the sole purpose of collection of printed material and the users could access the data and seat...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Odysseus’s Life: Fate Or Free Will?

In Homer’s The Odyssey, there were multiple power struggles between various gods, including Athena and Poseidon in regards to Odysseus, the protagonist hero. Throughout the story Odysseus is confronted with multiple events that change how long it takes for him to return home to his family. Does Odysseus have free will and is capable of determining his own fate or are the gods controlling that for him? This essay will identifying three incidents in which Odysseus determines the course of...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Critical Thinking: Logical Sequences Of Events

Problem Solving is the primary key to have a successful life. Cause life has a lot of difficulties and if you aren’t able to deal with any situations will negatively affect all your life. This skill is considered a basic strategy is to stimulate analysis, thinking, linking, hypotheses, prediction, and using scientific research methods to prove their validity. The minds are raised about the existence of a specific problem that needs to be resolved and then asked to develop a...
3 Pages 1164 Words

Gender Equality Differences In Australia And Saudi Arabia

During recent decades, an increasing number of people throughout the world are becoming aware of how crucial gender equality is. Men and women as citizens should have the same power, education, choices and treatment. However, it does not mean that people should treat men and women exactly the same; the key is the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of men and women do not depend on whether they are born male or female. The importance of women’s rights With regards to...
3 Pages 1236 Words

The Challenges Immigrants Face

“Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that the immigrants were American history” — Oscar Handlin. The story “The Circuit” talks about how immigrants struggle. Also, many immigrants have living conditions they face. They also have working conditions they face. To begin, there are many immigrants that struggle and struggle. In the book, The Circuit Panchito’s family struggle and face challenges. One of the challenges they face is having to move and...
3 Pages 1169 Words

The Contribution Of A Critical Perspective To Contemporary Social Psychology

Contemporary social psychology is dynamic, wherein social psychologists must understand the social interface between how society impacts individuals in their social contexts and how individuals affect society in an ever changing world, in order to progress change for the betterment. There are many contemporary issues that benefit from being investigated further, ‘mediatisation’ (Hardt&Negris, 2012) ‘cross-cultural influences’ (Hermans&Hubert, 2006), and including one of the biggest inequalities, ‘gender.’ Gender can be explored through feminist theory, readdressing gaps in equality through social psychology....
3 Pages 1229 Words

Marijuana Should Be Illegal Again

Problem The legalization of Marijuana created more problems than expected. The Purpose of legalizing Marijuana was to help the ones that need it to survive. Instead, It turned into a vast usage among many in different aspects of life. The media and researchers believe that marijuana would fix many problems like lowering the incarceration rate and free up cap space for harsher offenses. Turns out that they were wrong, Due to the fact that the DUI rate has gone tremendously...
3 Pages 1157 Words

The Image Of Main Character In The Book Thief

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is engaging and authentic to the reader as it shows how Liesel was able to escape from her awful reality after she began to steal books and learn to read for herself. Reading books allowed her to retreat away from all the horrible things happening in her life. Leisel learns how words can bring death, despair, love, humour and peace. Zusak cleverly has Death narrating the story to give us a glimpse of life...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Left And Right Leaning Bias In The Media

Bias is something that pervades the content of almost every single media outlet even if at first it is not apparent. The modality of bias can range from outright lies, to a more moderate withholding of information about a topic, to the subtle use of umbrella terms, to the pesky and easily missed snuck premise- a logical fallacy in which the person making an argument uses a tweaked definition of the word in order to make their argument appear stronger...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Skin And Breast Cancer Prevention

Cancer is a global epidemic that takes millions of lives every year. There are many types of cancers but due to variables like the environment, there are certain ones on the rise. They can be developed through factors such as unhealthy diets, UV radiation, smoking, air pollution, etc. It is formed, in result, of a mutation of cancerous cells. In spite of that, there are ways to prevent the risk of developing one of these cancers. Some of these ways...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Indian Culture vs American Culture Essay: Similarities And Differences

Can a twenty-four year old young man from India survive the culture shock after a move to North Carolina? I was born in the eastern part of India which has a different culture compared to America. When I arrived at North Carolina, it was not easy for me to adapt to American culture. I had difficulty communicating and learning about the American culture. However, I noticed that in North Carolina there are some Indian people, food, and festivals. If I...
3 Pages 1150 Words

Their Eyes Were Watching God: Feminist Aspects

Janie Crawford is a captivating character in African-American literature and is studied as a symbol of strength, weakness, liberty, and restraint. Janie, the main character of Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Hurston, is a young African-American woman, desirous for more control of her life during a time when women had little to no say. Some literary critics deem Janie a hero of feminism because of this, but a look at the relationships that she has—with men specifically—proves that...
3 Pages 1184 Words

Impact Of Innovation And Media On Characters In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Regularly of our lives, we spend endless hours under the grasp of innovation. In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, innovation and media are clearly coordinated into the lives of the characters in the novel. In this anecdotal, advanced world, firefighters light fires to copy books as opposed to stop fires. In this general public, books are viewed as awful in light of the fact that they move free thought. A large number of the parts of the general public in Fahrenheit...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Langston Hughes' Impact On The Harlem Renaissance

Taking place in Harlem, New York in the 1920’s, The Harlem Renaissance was a great time and era for the African-American community. It was a time where time where the African-Americans community can show their talents through music, poetry and any type of writing. The migration of blacks during and after WWI was the influence on this Artist Movement. African Americans had an intellectual and social breakthrough in which they were finally able to express themselves in the best way...
3 Pages 1197 Words

The Differences In Propaganda Methods In The Past And Present

Over the past century, the ways in which governments have used propaganda to influence the masses have changed dramatically. In this essay I will be analysing two pieces of propaganda, one historical piece (Is This Tomorrow? America under Communism, a 1947 comic book) and one contemporary piece (Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign slogan “Make America Great Again!”) . I will look at the ways in which each piece was used to influence its target audience and for what reasons they...
3 Pages 1202 Words

Mission And Vision Statements As The Components Of Organisation's Strategic Plan

Introduction Goals and objectives are vital components to an organization’s strategic plan. According to Ferrell (2014) not having goals and objectives is like driving a car with no destination. A firm’s marketing plan is an organization’s roadmap for driving marketing strategy and a feasibility plan or study evaluates the larger picture. Marketing plans establish roles and responsibilities of individuals, specific tasks and target completion dates and effectively allocates resources. Feasibility studies analyze the future value while maintaining alignment with the...
3 Pages 1183 Words

Ted Bundy Psychology: Profile, Analysis, Traits

Theodore Robert Bundy, born on the 24th of November, is one of the most notorious criminals of all time. He is an American serial killer who is responsible for the murder of at least thirty six women. It goes without saying that there is something insanely wrong with someone who has the capacity to commit murder, however, in the case of Ted Bundy, there were many things wrong with him. What was Wrong with Ted Bundy? Psychologists have studied the...
2 Pages 1178 Words

Societal Stereotypes And Labels In A Question Of Class, Superman And Me, Learning To Read And Write And Notes Of A Native Son

Societal prejudice and discrimination is often the result of conformity to social norms and teachings. Normative pressures to have prejudiced beliefs towards the race, sexual orientation, and social status of individuals often result from the acceptance of these prejudices in society. This often results in a mold that society expects the minority population to conform to and discourages them from reaching their highest potential in life. Only those who realize that society’s expectations in regards to one’s background do not...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Blind Devotion In James Joyce’s Araby

“Araby” by James Joyce is a short story whose basic external story is easy to follow. However, typical of Joyce, it is actually deeply layered allegorical story, with autobiographical themes and references to medieval, religious, and classic references. Though when the story is read for the first time it appears to simply be a commonplace tale of a boy’s first obsessive love for a woman he barely knows, many of the details of the narrative locate it in a much...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Portrayal Of British Society In Victorian Era In The Play Pygmalion

For many years, people have come to criticize other people’s aspects without being aware of why they are that way. In English society, especially during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, social status has always been viewed as something significant. In this society power was determined by the way the language was spoken, the more proper the more power. This play is based off the play My Fair Lady. This play is about a man that idolizes a sculpture and imagines...
3 Pages 1245 Words

The Issues That People Facing Experiencing Homelessness

Homelessness is coming under increasing pressure at federal, state, local levels. Unfortunately, cities are enforcing bans on what they consider public camping. In the United States, 100 cities said it’s illegal to sleep in public. Panhandling is illegal in about 27 cities. There are forty cities in which it’s illegal to live in vehicles. For the homeless, there are no alternatives or creditable solutions other than living in a car or sleeping outside. Rew and Horner (2003) suggest that resilience...
3 Pages 1167 Words

Legal Issues Around Cyber Bullying

Internet bullying, more commonly referred to as cyberbullying represents the use of the internet or mobile device to intimidate, harass, or inflict harm to others. Although bullying has been common in society, it has in recent times moved from learning institutions to social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, emails as well as mobile text messages. Cyberbullying has harmful consequences on the victims. Some of these consequences range from psychological suffering alongside suicidal attempts and ideations. It is important to note...
3 Pages 1232 Words

The Idea Of Taming And Women Roles In The Taming Of The Shrew

The Taming of The Shrew was one of Shakespeare’s earlier Elizabethan comedies, written in the early 1590s. Set in Renaissance Italy, it is likely that inspiration grew from popular English ballads and folktales, telling of shrewish wives tamed by their belligerent husbands. This relationship dynamic was common in this era, particularly in the male-dominated literary world. The play has recently become less popular, particularly due to its controversial assertion of the subordination of women that is distasteful to modern viewers....
3 Pages 1201 Words

Professional Communication: Cultural Sensitivity

Introduction “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” -Mahatma Gandhi America is a land where immigrants and minorities from different cultural backgrounds and heritages come together to adopt one common culture. From the beginning of time, the term ‘culture’ has often been associated with social behavior, norms, values, identities and the way in which different people react to different circumstances. It is because of these very attributes that organizations including the healthcare industry...
3 Pages 1184 Words

Anxiety Is A Growing Disorder Amongst Teenagers

Your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing, your knees are weak, and yet you stand there in front of everyone while they just blatantly stare at you. The sweat building up on your forehead drips into your eyes. You stutter, trying desperately to remember what you are supposed to speak about. Nothing comes to mind and you can’t read the blurred words faded across the paper shaking in your hands. You walk off the stage with your knees feeling...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Hard Times By Charles Dickens: Thomas Gradgrind And Louisa Sharacters

“Hard Times” is a novel written by Charles Dickens in 1854, taking place in a small town called Coketown. In this novel, we learn about many characters, but two stick out to the readers the uttermost, Thomas Gradgrind and Louisa. Gradgrind is brought into the novel as a schoolteacher. “Mr. Gradgrind is a successful ‘businessman’”. He makes a full turnaround in the novel as his view on life and how he does things turn around. Even in the beginning, he...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Bipolar Disorder: Theories And Impact

Introduction to Topic Writing this bipolar disorder essay example, I will delve into the intricate ways in which positive and negative emotions, along with various personality traits, exert their influence on the daily life of an individual dealing with bipolar disorder. Another name for Bipolar Disorder is that it is a Manic-Depressive Illness. This illness is a type of brain disorder that influences many abnormal changes and or switches that affect moods, any sorts of activity levels, energy, and any...
3 Pages 1244 Words

Frankenstein By Mary Shelleys: Compatibility Of Science And Religion

Having read the novel Frankenstein, I feel that religion and science are counterpoints to each other throughout the novel. There is a constant flow between science and religion that can be found in the characters at once in opposition and at other times in harmony. At first, we find Walton the one who brings Frankenstein’s story to us, is himself an explorer, a scientist of sorts on a quest for knowledge but wanting friendship and love. He, through his telling...
3 Pages 1161 Words

The Impact And Importance Of The Minor Characters In The Alchemist

The Alchemist imparts the experience of a young shepherd child named Santiago who is capable of finding a fortune past anything he would ever envision. On the way of his experience the child makes sense of how to check out his heart and to seek after his dreams. Through his journey he meets different individuals, for example, the Gypsy women, the Englishmen, and the Crystal Merchant that help him find his very own tad bit legend and push him into...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Changes In Teen Movies Reflect Changes In Teen Culture

Teen film is a category that is directed at adolescences and those entering adulthood. These films have a specific plot directed at common teen-related dilemmas such as fitting in or sexuality. These serious subject matters are almost always unveiled in stereotyped, and inconsequential ways, resulting in the films taking on more of a comedic feel rather than a serious look into the lives of adolescent individuals. Timothy Shary, a leading authority on the representation of youth in movies, argues that...
3 Pages 1198 Words
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